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ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

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Posts posted by ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

  1. SEE WHAT I MEAN, Mila comes home after a day and a half away and give the members the ol fakebate just like her roomie Leora did.Now they will sit on the couch legs spread like thats suppose to make every thing all right. I got know problem with them going out and making money and hoeing(and everyone knows thats exactly what they are doing)hoeing,but let your other paying customer see it too.

  2. At this stage in the game nothing will help outside of total reboot, just Look at how Leora and Mila play the game. Leora ans mila take turns staying off cam and when they return they give the watcher a little bate and off they go again. Now they have gotten to the point where they don't give a shit and they both stay out all night together.

    Here is what i think, if it wasn't for C&Y, L&T and M&A this would have been a done deal awhile back, no one is here for Leora or Mila because they are never there and when they are it's the same song. The Barca's are a complete waste of RLC cash. N&B must be getting a sweet deal out of RLC to come and babysit these (you can call em what you want too)girls.

    Gentelman you can rebuild it



    Make it Better, Stronger and Lasting

  3. The sad part is some think we are imaging things, which is why i opted out of the chat for the last 2 month or so. They don't care about the danger to these girls, as long as they get what they paid for. to see certain girls do certain shit, most of which you can fine anywhere on the net and with much better looking girls. but these guys have a certain stake in this, they follow these participants socially. The bottom line is we will not see any change until one of these innocent girls, one that is not in the mix with the Ho For Hire Crew gets hurt and RLC goes black  


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