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ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

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Posts posted by ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

  1. On 9/18/2018 at 1:05 PM, Bandit said:

    Unless they are fucking or doing oral it's no-ones business if they are doing drugs. Not saying you are saying that but sounds like you are and others have mentioned it too. It's part of life and many people all over the world do it. Some of you need to take a chill pill or few lines might help you not be a kill joy ffs. :ph34r:

    Here my point, and that point is this is suppose to be a Drug Free Environment. It has cause tenants in the pass to be kick off the project. And if it's not in the contract it should be. My bet is that it is and that is why when members complain RLC is quick to react. And yes as long as I'm paying WHATEVER goes on in that apartment is my fucking business. Chill pill I pass, Few lines going to have to pass on that as well(high blood pressure and all LOL). PS did you see the ending to that night when he ass rape her to tears. Now to be fair she might enjoy a little anal but that was brutal and when she crying unless you are a sick and sadistic ass you stop. Just Me

  2. 3 hours ago, One Eyed Willie said:

    Your going to have different people with different opinions about who stays and who gets the boot. Shouldn't just be the couples as the single girls are just as useless as some of the couples. RLC does need to make changes been boring as fuck recently.

    your'er right there all APTS should be under the gun

  3. Ok first they must boot Maya. next enter the new couple, now this couple has 30 days to prove to us why they should move to a better APT. But which Apt you say? And I think RLC should leave that to it's paying Members.To many couples have nice APTS yet are a bore to watch,so why not let us decide who gets the boot. Now the boot means they can move in the starter APT til they up their game or showmanship or they can leave the program. Then RLC can invite a new couple to the starter APT. Tell me What You Think.  

  4. 5 hours ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    Some are better off being out as they do nothing when home anyway.

    Yet we see NOTHING when they are out. Point being Who's The Trick( Definition 2: A man that pays prostitutes for sex or a man that pays women to hang around him.)

  5. 16 hours ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    Personally think some all they have is each other. Ages they are should be out having fun, spending time with friends. 

    exactly. but yet they do NOTHING

  6. Jailed why do some of these Tenants act like they on House Arrest(the state of being kept as a prisoner in one's own house, rather than in a prison.)? They go nowhere they get up watch tv or their phone than go to bed.It's like they have no LIFE outside their APT. Feed back is welcome cause I'm curious to see what the Members think.

  7. 4 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    Looks like Jane and Dick has company tonight....and they are not rehearsing for a scripted sex show either.....they seems to be enjoying them self's with drinks and games.  I am glad to see that Dick got him a hair cut..which looks a lot better.  I am hoping this couple brings out the real and not the fake..."as their teacher's was.."Masha and Sasha."   And if they do decide to act like their teachers they won't try and screw every thing with a heart beat that comes in the door..."as in Masha and Sasha's case..."there is a name for each....lol....but I am not allowed to use them!!"LOL8)

    Now Now you can't blame it all on M&S they where willing participant in this fuckery. But yes the hair is nice but I think it gave him a Samson complex LOL. without his hair TopKnot seem to be just K- not. Ya Get it? lol   

  8. 1 hour ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    What annoys me is the ones that say they don't watch them but think they know what's happening. Some of you wonder why why you are disliked by others. 

    Rule of thumb if they say they don't they do. If the say they will They won't . I've learn to take it in stride and keep it moving. 

  9. 23 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    Dasha belongs to Sasha and Masha now!!!! she well owe them for the rest of her life....."for the rock and meth"...lol   I would say food...but as you can see from her ribs they are not feeding her dumb ass!!!..LOL

    And just think of how the fight would sound Dasha

    Masha be like 

    Dasha comes back with the 

    And Masha ends it with you can have him cause

    Damn I'm good LOL

  10. 22 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    Dasha belongs to Sasha and Masha now!!!! she well owe them for the rest of her life....."for the rock and meth"...lol   I would say food...but as you can see from her ribs they are not feeding her dumb ass!!!..LOL

    ROTFLMAO That was to good @RUBBERMAN Six thumbs up

  11. Guess all I'm trying to say is with out  RLC We would not have RLCF and I would not known any of you all. You all are BETTER friends than most i hang with at home. who would have thought a ghetto man  would have friends ALL OVER THE WORLD? Peace and Goodnite 

  12. I've seen the question ask why do we pay for this? Well the answer is quit simple, We love it! Why do we love it? Because we are analyst, we  conducts analysis. we watch and judge each new girl to see what she does in her first two weeks in the APT. Base on that a decision is made. Not by one but by most of us in the group(group meaning any group in the chat) She will She won't She do  She don't. all of this is fact finding info we use to pass judgement on if a couple or girl will make it on RLC. So now this group throw it's info into the chat and watch the opinions. Now opinions are like assholes we all have one, meaning there is no wrong opinion. Now we sit back and analyze(examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation)in the chat. Booommmm the chat just exploded with opinion form everywhere(remember opinion are like assholes we all got one). So now we gather up the opinions separate the ones we like from the ones we dislike  and prepare our talking points for when we hit the chat. Now what do all of this means?   It means we are all assholes (remember opinion are like assholes LOL) with opinion about certain APT. Meaning we PAY so we can stay up on info about the APT we happen to like. Meaning we Pay not just for the view ,but for the info we gather also. Why? because RLC Gave Birth to RLCF and THATS WHY WE PAY! Some of us are on the downside of the mountain and we enjoy chatting with our friends, friends we might have never know if not for RLC and RLCF. just an Opinion from an Asshole. Thanks for reading

  13. hey you when you coming to the night shift? miss your insight. You know what they say about when you talk to children lol SOME IN THE CHAT ARE JUST THAT . But most of us oldschoolers are still here. come back my friend . 

  14. Ok so here we go. Why does everyone thinks that Sasha needs permission from Masha to fuck the Crackhead? I'm asking, cause Masha ate the crackhead, Sasha done everything but fuck the crackhead. So where does this permission come in?The crackhead is nothing special, she's just a lost soul in a world of show. When the crackhead first join the program she was all that and

    a bag of chips. Now she's just the bag that's sit open on the counter waiting for someone to come crumble it and throw it away. The crackhead (let me stop)Dasha was fresh when she join the program now she is just a has been which a few of us still like.Most of us would like to see her like Maya (that Stank Bitch), In her own apartment and I think She will do well by herself. So thats my say. What say you????????? 

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