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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. Mad Max--- The Road Warrior
  2. OK, so this doesn't make much sense.... In the manner of the word initials.... mine are BV.... Now if I use my first and last letters in my name it will give me a completely different last name........lol So is it letters or initials we are to use........ Aug. - Old B. - Lulu V. - White or R. - Beaumont You choose....... LOL Just sayin...
  3. Poor kid's got a bit of an acne problem.... no wonder she don't go out anywhere...
  4. Starting to feel a bit sorry for this kid......ever since her playmate left she's pretty much been hibernating in a ball in her room.... Renata seems to be going out mostly and the other 2 ghosts.......well enuff said about that........lol
  5. Rightfully or wrongfully......lol No, But I have sent a few behind them.... Have you ever been chased by the law....?
  6. Don't think I'll ever tire of watchin that sweet little minx.....
  7. OK Sorry......Into B2 instead of onto B2..... Better Boss.....lol and what moved in was the twins into B1...
  8. OH MAN.... That's a hit below the belt..........lol
  9. No but came close......lol Ever spike the little blue pill into someones drink as a joke...
  10. Thought we already had this discussion.......lol 69
  11. That's where my bathroom is..or course I shave downstairs....lol
  12. Netflix would you die for your spouse or run..??
  13. Pretty sure I mentioned this in a simular post some where.....lol Life will go on as we know it.......
  14. Well, well, well.... Lookie who moved onto B2 and what moved in.... Some were asking for the twins back......looks like some got their wish......lol.. Well one thing is for sure......The other 2 won't be able to alienize these 2 against each other......LOL
  15. Oh buddy they are beyond boring.........lol
  16. WOW...... I see from the replay previews that Blondie actually took a shower today without hiding.........lol I guess after a month she thought she might need one......lol
  17. Well from the amount of comments I see in here on her.........lol I'm going to ask anyway even thou the silence in here pretty much answers my question......lol Has ANYONE EVER seen this girl naked yet... ?? I'm not talking about the crack of her ass when she takes a cowarding shower/bath in the far back corner of the tub....lol I know from my time table I don't get to catch alot of crap that goes on in any of the apartments, but, on the week ends I do get to see some of it.... Now, since her and wannabe blondie showed up... Haven't seen either of them in a hint of nudity.... Oh sorry, blondie accidently flashed her nipple putting on her bra this morning.....lol Until this morning I wasn't even sure if they took a bath or shower since they've arrived......lol And don't even get me started on the other 2 lazy ass girls that are there.......lol B1 with the bullshit 3somes/baths they've been putting on... AND The corpses in B2, it's a no wonder there is more negative comments then positive ones... Well folks if this is all this so called site ( rlc ) is going to give viewers, I'm surprised to hell how many viewers they have... Most of the crap that goes on in these places I couldn't care less for... As long as there is neked bodies walking around... I'm slightly happy....lol I could go on forever but me rant is over I guess..for now anyway....lol JUST SAYIN.....
  18. It's not so much a tease for me .... I'm just finding it fuckin weird coming from them.....lol Just Sayin.....
  19. Well, I'm stump about these 3..... M&S has given us nothing but great viewing since they were given this apartment..... Gave everyone the first and maybe only couple to ever give us a foursome..... Now they bring in this third and they walk together, bath together, and massage together, neked.... To me, I think she's Masha's babysitter, and the big Sash doesn't or won't bang her for that reason..... Seen him eyeing her a few times quickly, but no way in a serious jump her bones type of way.......lol.. Well, when you all figure them out..yea all let me know ok......lol
  20. Well it looks like someone sent the girls a message telling them where to find all the tramp clothes.........lol They looked like they were haven fun trying on the different costumes.....lol They found the dildo as well in there but laughed that one off.....lol Now Blondie seems to like the tramp outfit Lola kept wearing......cop hat and short dress........lol Just Sayin.....
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