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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. Amazing how Cucumber and sex is your answer......lol 69.. Favorite way you like your MEAT cooked???....lol
  2. I'm starting to think that 3rd wheel is there just to be Masha's fringin maid........lol
  3. OK,,,,, Guess I'll take that back.....lol Just read it happened recently......... wow.........lol
  4. Well that's interesting........lol I never caught this one, so is this before or after all the shit hit the fan???? I'm thinking afterwards.....
  5. Did you get them before they went to that room.......they where playing hide the whessel just before that......lol
  6. The only thing she is breathing into the apartment is wine on the roof top......lol That, or she found a dude in the building she likes......lol Dammm, I likes this conspiracy theories crap......lol Just Sayin.....
  7. OH DARN........LOL I kinda figured that one out when she cleared everything out of her room a few days ago........
  8. DUDE, or Dudette......lol..... Not suppose to be posting any personal info in here about any tenants.............lol
  9. Oh, I doubt it if she's gone for good Bro.....She just made a new friend .... lol
  10. OK....so far from what I can see, she don't look to bad in the dark kitchen, and I guess only Irina was awake to greet her...so Irina found a new friend..... WELCOME...
  11. Hell No...... But one can hope can't he.....New Blood, New Show........lol
  12. Might just do that as soon as it comes back online and get the chance to see her Bro..
  13. Yea got a good lookin hot little babe walking around in a nighty, and buddy is to busy to play his game instead of with her........ WTF.........lol
  14. Well S.O.B... Seems the 2 little piggies followed Renata to Ilona's place.. Interesting isn't it........lol
  15. Maybe it had something to do with that guys bare ass on her sink that almost got a BJ.........lol She was more then willing to give the dude one, but he stopped her...go figure .... WTF......... Just Sayin....
  16. Interesting (don't ask if you don't want to hear it...lol)
  17. OH OH, Look out folks........ All 4 in the same room....Some might think f-some on the go....hurry clear out.......lol
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