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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. Well my 2 cents is........ SHE HAS A GREAT ASSSSSSSSSS .... They had a little bit of fun at the computer desk.... only until he tried to stick it in her.... then she jumped off and ran to couch... Oh well, good try bro.....lol
  2. Awwwwww...... Don't she look lonely..... Maybe you all should be a bit nicer to her..... LOL Ok, I almost choked on that one....It's to bad thou.... Beautiful body like that trapped in that attitude..... Just Sayin....
  3. I'm still trying to figure these 2 out......lol All gung ho at first, then some one gave the order to sleep......lol Once in a while I guess they get their shots of B12 and the slow show begins again......lol Just Sayin....
  4. Well if she had any brains at all, that would be the only reason.......lol Those 2 or him not sure who's friends they are, but they got some f**ked up friends man.....lol Nothing to boring that goes on at their parties....... Waiting to see one of them get their heads bashed in.... Especially that one idiot that was there pushing everyone around, or that numbnuts that kept pushing himself on the girls. That shit wouldn't of lasted long at one of my parties... That's F**ked up..... Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Dude....... Just Sayin......
  5. I agree.... Seems the 2 little piglets got their asses slapped maybe..... After the UM they seem to be all happy go lucky with her.... The shit just keeps piling up in this apartment don't it.......lol Just Sayin...
  6. YUP, I agree......She seemed to have a good bate last night in the tub didn't she......lol.... And the little one was in the next room and even walked in on her...... They had a little laugh and Leona finished... Nothing wrong here keep movin ......lol Just Sayin.....
  7. Considering she walked out of the bath last night nude and both Masha and Sasha standing there..... She didn't look like she was to shy in front of them both... The way Sasha looks at her isn't in a sexual manner what so ever..... Masha may want her, but he sure don't look like he does.........lol Guess he likes them a tad skinnier...... Just Sayin.........lol
  8. Seems to be a trend now....... Both apartments seem to be wanting to piss viewers off, Be gone you old tenants..... Enuff is Enuff.... one comes back to piss off one tenant, and the other comes back trying to pimp out the girls........ I'd rather see them have a BF show up once in a blue moon then seeing them fuck strangers everynight..... Are they trying to make these girls catch a sexual disease or something.... Just Venting...lol (like that'll matter)
  9. P***Y......... Go ahead and play hangman with that one.......lol
  10. I'll agree with Lisa........Linda is the type of body style I love..... Despite the tattoo's she's my kinda gal.... Kind Admiring....lol
  11. WELL I GUESS HELL FROZE OVER.......... Came home and what do I see...... LOLA riding some dude like a bucking bronco in her bed on cam....... WTF.... Guess she really wanted to go out with a BANG............ LOL
  12. Seen her sun bathing once....does that count.........lol
  13. Guess she needed time to find her own place.......takes a while sometimes to find a good apartment...... From what EVERYONE is saying that she has no home to go back too, she needed somewhere to stay till then....... lol JUST SAYIN...
  14. Most places won't accepted brown ink on legal reports......LOL
  15. I liked her better without the fake boobs......lol... But she still loves her oranges....
  16. YUP , and Tourette’s Syndrome is the one who started it all by judging Renata... And unfortunately the other 2 slobs followed her suite and now Renata has been alienated... Don't blame her at all for leaving everyday now....why should she stay there and have to fake liking them.... Just Sayin...
  17. Not sure what numb nuts did this time, but Annabel's been in that guestroom bathroom for close to an hour, and idiot boy got drunk and passes out on the couch... guess he doesn't care if she is ok or not...... Just Sayin....
  18. Nobody is getting their knickers all twisted up... And yes drugs are a part of life.... weed can be tolerated on cam a fuck of a lot more then the powder.. I smoked a bit in my days....lol (fuck of a-lot more then a bit.. ) Basicly if we want to continue having this site available to use in the future... Tenants need to weed out the ones that can get them the boot..... JUST SAYIN...
  19. You can say that again Brother.......lol I'm not a fan of lots of tattoo's on a lady... But I'd make an exception on her behalf........lol
  20. Isn't she the same girl that was sleeping on the couch the other week.........????? Just Askin.......lol
  21. TBird, I wasn't talking about A&E as siblings bro.....lol The young couple that shows up there and spends a few days is the one I'm talking about.... In the chat room I seen some talking about how she kept staring at him and how much she wanted him... You know, the usual crap.... And of course nothing come out of it as usual.... That's the young lady I was talking about.. Sorry if I made you think otherwise....... lol
  22. If B1 and B2 were taken out of the picture.....What would people have to complain about then........lol Those apartments are there to satisfy the customers who like watching young ladies at play....... (When their around that is...lol) The other apartments are there as real life couples to live in... and yes real life can get a little boring to watch after a while... But you do have to remember that you are watching the same couples that stay there for as long as they want to...(not for as long as they make you happy,) For all you foggies out there that have been or still are in a long lasting marriage or relationship, you all know that it's not all roses 24/7 365 days a yr.. The ones that do entertain us often are couples that enjoy their sexual partners more then the other couples that are just normal... And yes there are some there just for the $$$$$$$$... it's pretty obvious.... You all say your Voyeurs, So when your watching someone in public or threw a window for example.... Do you tell them what you want to see them do...or shut up and hide so you can watch........lol RLC started this site as a voyeur site to watch real couples in real life situations... Some mind you are a tad weirder then others, but all the same real couples... THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY.... To many people with to many different likes and dislikes in this world that not everything that goes on in those apartments will be everyone's cup of tea... And yes when shit goes down in the apartments like what happened last night in KKK's Apart. and in the B's apart.'s a while back is completely out of their control and thankfully someone was watching it to shut the cams down in time so they don't get shut down for illegal drugs being in their apartments... OK...I'm gunna shut up now so others can make their comments on this matter..... So Have fun just watching what you get.... Cause it might not be around in the future if shit keeps happening and to much complaint keep flowing in.... Just Sayin...
  23. What gets me is why the fuck is Kaley getting stuck cleaning up when it was clearly Kristy and her boytoy's friends that were there.... Just Sayin.....
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