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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. Must of been a bit more then that happening before they killed the cams... Kaley's walking around this morning cleaning up with rubber gloves and a mask on.....lol
  2. Not the first time she's been there.......I'd say a good friend, cause she don't look like her sister....... But then I could be wrong........lol... Could even be a cousin...... But I will tell you this.... She ain't her lover and you ain't gunna see a 3'some.........lol JUST SAYIN........
  3. I see the Slug is back...... And straight to his spot. He must have magnets in his pockets, or dam good homing skills like birds...... They always returns to the spot they got hatched at...That or he carries magnets in his pockets.....lol..... Just Sayin....
  4. She does look a little different, But, that could be age.... But the dimple on her butt cheek pretty much proves to me it's her... Just Sayin and Liken the new her....
  5. True that.... I'm sure she'll be very happy getting back to her real life after being there that long... I luv vacations, but you can only go for so long before you start longing for home.....
  6. Me, Myself, and I all think Lola is priceless.....That is one of her best qualities is being a tease.....Will never get bored watchin her... Just Sayin...
  7. Watched her take a bath the other night.......nice Bod.... Small tits thou... Still wouldn't kick her outta bed for eating crackers.......lol
  8. Well if you all can pull it off without whiners joining in it just may be a hit...... Just Sayin....
  9. Life goes on Brother.......Wouldn't be the end of the world as we know it.... You can do 1 of 2 things... Find another site with a forum, or live life to its fullest..... Just Sayin......
  10. Ok... Nice things to say is...She is sexy as shit..... He definately loves to bang her... BUT......watching them right now with the 4 windows open and the 3 bedroom cams are showing them doing 3 different things.....all I can say is WTF......LOL.... Just Sayin.....
  11. I know a few are looking at that girl that is there as trying to hook up with Efim. But if you take a real close look at the two of them.... Their facial features are way to close for them not to be siblings ..... Just Sayin...
  12. Well , you know what they say.... If your going to dream, DREAM BIG........lol...
  13. Her and Stephan had great rapport with each other when they first moved in also... Lasted for about 2 yrs then someone in that relationship became a lazy ass.....lol.... Not mentioning any names of course, but the lack of his presence pretty much tells the story... Just Sayin....
  14. Well, pretty damn sure Nicole was fuckin that dude last night in the open..... The only thing she made sure to hide was the end blowjob.......lol... Just Sayin..
  15. Well if anyone here seriously thinks anything went on under those covers but watch shit on their phones, you all need to rethink watching this site... Their plan was to make you viewers think there was something else going on under those covers, Then their plan worked like a charm......... lol The feedback alone from your complaint emails tell them the viewers are still watching and the money is still rolling in... If you think anymore then that, then they have you all hook, line, and sinker..... Nothing in those 2 apartments happen unless the dollar signs are big enuff to get them to show anything.... Everyone has a job to do and they do it well... There was alot of morning sex this morning, so they all got paid today....lol... Just Sayin Folks.... Happy Viewing...
  16. She is a material girl, but she is also a dedicated girl..... She pretty much sticks around and looks pretty loyal to her little Paulie... But I guess if you were hung like a horse and had money to boot.... You might get her to change her ways........lol Just Sayin...
  17. They can't Ban you from the forum..... But you might be looking at some fuzzy thumb nails soon........lol
  18. HAPPY 150th BIRTHDAY CANADA..... Wishing all my fello Canadians a Happy and Safe Canada Day...
  19. Oh I agree with him as well.....lol... my response was to his comment if he cared or not..... We all want the old houses back, BUT... We all know shits going to happen unless they are paid to do so, and when the 2 of them had their little massage time in B1 when Beardo was there... Lola did make an expression she would of loved to have gone farther with Anna, But nothing came of it... And nothing probably will unless they get wasted again...lol.. Just Sayin....
  20. I wouldn't worry your head about it to much gironimo.... Peoples in here love to speculate and share their dreams with others.....lol... Just keep the salt shaker handy.... You'll be needing all of it as you'll have to hear every word spoken with a grain of salt.... Now in some chases I've read, you'll need to empty the whole shaker.........lol Some even thou they don't have a F**kin clue to what is said, seem to think they have all the right answers to happens in the houses... JUST SAYIN ...
  21. ...and Sasha is looking less than pleased. Verrrrrry interesting! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yea.... I must say he looks very displeased fuckin her..........lol.... You guys and your assumptions make me laugh.......lol JUST SAYIN,..
  22. I broke down and paid premium for a month......lol... I know, I know, I said I'd never do it. But that's not my point in this topic... I went threw SegPay and paid my premium cost for the month... Finally received my first statement, and low and behold......I had 4 other charges added to my card to which I'm in the process with getting my money back... I have no idea where these other sites have gottin my card info from....Hoping it wasn't threw RLC... Asking if anyone else has had other charges taken off their cards..?????
  23. Or makes for good comedy Bro... lol
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