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    dougiestyle4u reacted to toolmaker123 in if you had the chance   
  2. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Mark82 in Voyeur in you   
    When I was about 16 years old I was heading for school on my bicycle early in the morning. I came past a house where I could see a woman in her 30's getting ready for a shower. I stopped in front of the house and waited for more to happen. It was pretty dark outside and she was standing in the full light of the bathroom. I had a perfect view and she was unable to look outside. I thought she would shut the blinds or something when she was done taking most of her clothes off, but she didn't. I have been watching the entire shower show for about 10 minutes and it was the most exciting thing I had ever seen. It still is one of my most precious voyeur moments and I like to watch women ever since. I love the female body and I could watch it all day long. I don't hate flaws because I think every women is perfect in her own way.
  3. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to BORN-TO-RIDE in if you had the chance   
    deffo the advocados past there use by date bound to be cheap and probably real juicy , mmmmmm wonder what its like to fuk an avocado , be back in a few mins aaaahahahaaaa
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from toolmaker123 in it's all about money   
    I am getting so confused. Can someone give me the true definition of "real life" because i don't know what is real anymore. These tenants come together to show us their real life in front of cams for us to get our jollies. The tenants enjoy the luxury of free apts, utilities and basically a free life. It is all about money. This i understand and accept.
       I have combined my observations and due diligence with all the competent knowledgeable investigative self taught foreseers on this RLCF site and it has provided me with one thing - a major fucking headache. Why? I will explain in detail. The proof is EVIDENCE - visual facts. Bare with me (NO - i didn't mean to get naked but since you already got undressed - hummmmmm - oops - sorry, where was i?).
       Okay, this may take a bit but here goes -
     What is real life? Is it people doing real living. Does real living include the use of fake/pretend shit, scripted action by others, what we fantasize but perceive as being real or the constant use of stunt double actors. Yes, i did say stunt doubles. You want evidence i suppose (fuck - nobody believes me - calling me a liar). Okay, but you need to watch for yourself.
       Believe it or not but some apartments (not all of them) use stunt doubles. Now to start you need to watch the apartment cams longer (up to 24/7) and make use of the zoom lens or magnifier. If you can record video and playback in slow motion this will really open your eyes to the smallest split second shocking observations. Oh, by the way - female or gay commenters can use the zoom lens or magnifier to check out the male tenants privates (what is between his legs) for closer inspection, if desired. Now for some examples.
       Look at Paul and Leora and his personality/mannerisms. Can you actually believe any one human being can be like that. Nose picking is an art and a person needs skilled training for this (normal person can't possibly be this good). This is a stunt double actor playing a role (worthy of an Oscar?). He is not the real Paul. The real Paul hides in a secret room in the apt (even the apartment layout diagram is inaccurate) and satisfies Leora with passionate wild sex. That is why they are still married. Sometimes the real Paul shows himself but you need to zoom in closer to notice the subtle differences between the two Paul's. When Leora argues with Paul it is actually his stunt double. This gives Leora a reason to leave the apt upset but to have great sex with the real Paul. Are you seeing it?
       Look at Lev and Zoya. He is pretty much another Paul in personality and mannerisms. Again, he is a stunt double actor. Zoya loves her real Lev and they stay together because of their close bond. This apt is mostly empty because the real Lev and Zoya have their sex fun away from any cams. Remember Lev and Zoya with their fight scenes. If you saw through the zoom lens for closeups and used slow motion video replay - you would of seen NO physical contact or fake spit or fake blood. All this is comparable to WWF Entertainment. All a show for viewers. Same thing with Suzan and Hector. They use stunt doubles especially when fighting. Are you seeing it yet?
       Look at Efim and his girlfriend or Masha and Sasha. In real life (there's that fuckin' phrase again) these two couples are somewhat boring but when it comes to sex - sorry to say - these are stunt doubles who are actually real life (again, that fuckin' phrase) porn stars performing at what they do best - porn (by the way - i must remind you that RLC is not a porn site). To verify this you need to zoom in or magnify the real couples with their stunt doubles to see the subtle differences (moles, hair color - especially Masha, scars, any tattoos, teeth, eye color, etc). Are you seeing it yet?
       Need more, did you know all the pets in the apartments are highly trained in discipline to perform in movies and TV shows. So why not here too. I believe these pets are provided with free food, manicure and free reign of the apartment because they trick the motion detectors for the benefit of RLC. Just closely watch their daily routine and how funny they are. Most viewers like pets.  Are you seeing it yet?
       What about Leora and Paul's dog. Bet the dog pisses you off when Leora is masturbating. All scripted. The dog is trained to do this. Check this out, when Leora is bating use your zoom lens to look closely at the dog. The barking is prerecorded and the dog is lip-syncing to it. Watch his mouth move and how it doesn't time with the barking. Are you seeing it?
       Last example - as i mentioned - some apartments have stunt double actors. The fight scenes or the occasional sex scenes can get a bit rough so this is where the stunt doubles jump in. Sometimes accidents do happen and the stunt double actor gets hurt. Case in point, Bogdan needed a cast, Efim needed a cast and Adriana needed a cast. The real life tenants (there's that phrase again) were okay (unhurt) but these stunt doubles got hurt in the process to ensure the safety of the valued tenants. Are you finally seeing it?
        Personally i question my own use of a stunt double. When i jerk off - i am not even sure that is is me doing it or if it is a hand model being used for my own sexual gratification. Come to think of it, the hand seems more well manicured and has a lot softer touch (lately i blow my load in half the time -lol). Now you see why i question things.
        So what part of "real life" is real life. I thought i knew. What is real if it is not real. I am so fucking confused - getting a headache again. Maybe i am just over ANALyzing this whole real life thing and should be happy for those that get a free apartment. Am i jealous of them? Am i angry at them?  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Someone help me - i'm losing it - where's the proof - but then again who says proof is real ...
            Fuck it. I am going to have a sleep. Oh wait - maybe i just need to wake up because all this RLC/RLCF shit is just a dream or nightmare.
                            IRMA, please come and save me from this real life mess   (oh shit - maybe you weren't real either - fuck, fuck, fuck)
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from iloner in it's all about money   
    i suggest RLC bring in retirees so they can enjoy the free lodgings and free utilities. This way the retirees can fully enjoy their pensions that they worked hard for. These older folks can then afford trips and disappear for long periods of time just like most of the current tenants.
        Also i think old people are more active than this young bunch. Playing card games, crotcheting, watching tv, cooking, face to face communication and other similar strenuous activities put the young tenants to shame because they need scripts of what to do for excitement. Only drawback is that older folks need naps but then again young kids lay in bed talking on their phones or using laptops anyways. Retirees aren't on their phones much (too technical for them and most of their friends died off) BUT probably use the computer for online gambling of their kids inheritance or to check voyeur or porn sites. What's up with that? Them perverts. Similar to the young kids, it might appear that the TV was left on but only because the old person happened to fall asleep watching it (come on - have some sympathy).
         Also apartment turnover would probably be often as retirees die off and new retirees line up for this opportunity here. In terms of having to look at old wrinkled saggy bodies - well - viewers and commenters seem to have quite the fantasies or imaginations so i suggest visualizing young hotties or widen your horizons. In terms of guests, well i believe the sons, daughters, grand-kids or great grand kids (the above 18 years of age rule still applies) would have short and long term visits which will help the voyeur in you if they show skin.
          Old folks will eat at the table because they were raised with proper manners. Kitchenware would be put away instead of stored in the dishwasher. Older folks go to bed at a normal time (maybe 9pm - lol). Their music taste would be from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Style of clothes might not be great but hey - use your imagination. "Side boobs" might be "behind the back boobs" but again use your imagination. 
            Now in terms of sex, old folks still enjoy sex (probably more than people even think possible) and go for the dirty deed on the spot as opposed to later because later might not come (death is on their doorstep - lol). Bad eyesight makes the decision a no-brainer because what you don't see don't hurt you (or is it what you don't know don't hurt you - ah - either way). Oh yeah viagra has its' benefits. The hell with the warning about seeing a doctor if your hard-on lasts more the 4 hours - keep using it because at your age it is working for you and besides you are gonna die soon anyways. Go out smiling (good way to go).
         For those who have fetishes think about - old mature (grandma and grandpa), "gum me bare" (dentures removed for the blowjob), diaper use, sponge baths, hirsute (excessive hair), women with glasses (poor eyesight due to old age), perhaps older couple swingers/orgies, and more. The occasional script would be accepted and played out as long as it is not too physical or too long (might need a nap).
          I could go on and on about why RLC should allow retirees to apply for one of the apartments. Need to be open-minded, no age discrimination, do a trial and watch the subscriptions sky rocket. What do you think? Worth considering? Doing your usual fantasizing already?  Can you picture old couples in the apartments and waiting for nudity - especially shower or bath time.
              NOTE - this was done in fun - no disrespect to old folks because i am one - with a good sense of humor and do enjoy the laughs in the chatbox as some of you already know.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in Who Would You ?   
    @dougiestyle4u now that's some funny shit, they would have to give me GHB
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to hotwal in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from MEE4YOUU in it's all about money   
    i suggest RLC bring in retirees so they can enjoy the free lodgings and free utilities. This way the retirees can fully enjoy their pensions that they worked hard for. These older folks can then afford trips and disappear for long periods of time just like most of the current tenants.
        Also i think old people are more active than this young bunch. Playing card games, crotcheting, watching tv, cooking, face to face communication and other similar strenuous activities put the young tenants to shame because they need scripts of what to do for excitement. Only drawback is that older folks need naps but then again young kids lay in bed talking on their phones or using laptops anyways. Retirees aren't on their phones much (too technical for them and most of their friends died off) BUT probably use the computer for online gambling of their kids inheritance or to check voyeur or porn sites. What's up with that? Them perverts. Similar to the young kids, it might appear that the TV was left on but only because the old person happened to fall asleep watching it (come on - have some sympathy).
         Also apartment turnover would probably be often as retirees die off and new retirees line up for this opportunity here. In terms of having to look at old wrinkled saggy bodies - well - viewers and commenters seem to have quite the fantasies or imaginations so i suggest visualizing young hotties or widen your horizons. In terms of guests, well i believe the sons, daughters, grand-kids or great grand kids (the above 18 years of age rule still applies) would have short and long term visits which will help the voyeur in you if they show skin.
          Old folks will eat at the table because they were raised with proper manners. Kitchenware would be put away instead of stored in the dishwasher. Older folks go to bed at a normal time (maybe 9pm - lol). Their music taste would be from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Style of clothes might not be great but hey - use your imagination. "Side boobs" might be "behind the back boobs" but again use your imagination. 
            Now in terms of sex, old folks still enjoy sex (probably more than people even think possible) and go for the dirty deed on the spot as opposed to later because later might not come (death is on their doorstep - lol). Bad eyesight makes the decision a no-brainer because what you don't see don't hurt you (or is it what you don't know don't hurt you - ah - either way). Oh yeah viagra has its' benefits. The hell with the warning about seeing a doctor if your hard-on lasts more the 4 hours - keep using it because at your age it is working for you and besides you are gonna die soon anyways. Go out smiling (good way to go).
         For those who have fetishes think about - old mature (grandma and grandpa), "gum me bare" (dentures removed for the blowjob), diaper use, sponge baths, hirsute (excessive hair), women with glasses (poor eyesight due to old age), perhaps older couple swingers/orgies, and more. The occasional script would be accepted and played out as long as it is not too physical or too long (might need a nap).
          I could go on and on about why RLC should allow retirees to apply for one of the apartments. Need to be open-minded, no age discrimination, do a trial and watch the subscriptions sky rocket. What do you think? Worth considering? Doing your usual fantasizing already?  Can you picture old couples in the apartments and waiting for nudity - especially shower or bath time.
              NOTE - this was done in fun - no disrespect to old folks because i am one - with a good sense of humor and do enjoy the laughs in the chatbox as some of you already know.
  9. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from toolmaker123 in it's all about money   
    i suggest RLC bring in retirees so they can enjoy the free lodgings and free utilities. This way the retirees can fully enjoy their pensions that they worked hard for. These older folks can then afford trips and disappear for long periods of time just like most of the current tenants.
        Also i think old people are more active than this young bunch. Playing card games, crotcheting, watching tv, cooking, face to face communication and other similar strenuous activities put the young tenants to shame because they need scripts of what to do for excitement. Only drawback is that older folks need naps but then again young kids lay in bed talking on their phones or using laptops anyways. Retirees aren't on their phones much (too technical for them and most of their friends died off) BUT probably use the computer for online gambling of their kids inheritance or to check voyeur or porn sites. What's up with that? Them perverts. Similar to the young kids, it might appear that the TV was left on but only because the old person happened to fall asleep watching it (come on - have some sympathy).
         Also apartment turnover would probably be often as retirees die off and new retirees line up for this opportunity here. In terms of having to look at old wrinkled saggy bodies - well - viewers and commenters seem to have quite the fantasies or imaginations so i suggest visualizing young hotties or widen your horizons. In terms of guests, well i believe the sons, daughters, grand-kids or great grand kids (the above 18 years of age rule still applies) would have short and long term visits which will help the voyeur in you if they show skin.
          Old folks will eat at the table because they were raised with proper manners. Kitchenware would be put away instead of stored in the dishwasher. Older folks go to bed at a normal time (maybe 9pm - lol). Their music taste would be from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Style of clothes might not be great but hey - use your imagination. "Side boobs" might be "behind the back boobs" but again use your imagination. 
            Now in terms of sex, old folks still enjoy sex (probably more than people even think possible) and go for the dirty deed on the spot as opposed to later because later might not come (death is on their doorstep - lol). Bad eyesight makes the decision a no-brainer because what you don't see don't hurt you (or is it what you don't know don't hurt you - ah - either way). Oh yeah viagra has its' benefits. The hell with the warning about seeing a doctor if your hard-on lasts more the 4 hours - keep using it because at your age it is working for you and besides you are gonna die soon anyways. Go out smiling (good way to go).
         For those who have fetishes think about - old mature (grandma and grandpa), "gum me bare" (dentures removed for the blowjob), diaper use, sponge baths, hirsute (excessive hair), women with glasses (poor eyesight due to old age), perhaps older couple swingers/orgies, and more. The occasional script would be accepted and played out as long as it is not too physical or too long (might need a nap).
          I could go on and on about why RLC should allow retirees to apply for one of the apartments. Need to be open-minded, no age discrimination, do a trial and watch the subscriptions sky rocket. What do you think? Worth considering? Doing your usual fantasizing already?  Can you picture old couples in the apartments and waiting for nudity - especially shower or bath time.
              NOTE - this was done in fun - no disrespect to old folks because i am one - with a good sense of humor and do enjoy the laughs in the chatbox as some of you already know.
  10. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from BORN-TO-RIDE in masterbating lube   
    use female pussy juice as lube - added pleasure
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Dazzan in HONORING THE FETISH DESIRES OF OTHERS and their posts.   
    I myself have an "irritating the moderators and administrators and getting reprimanded by them" fetish.
    When I get reprimanded by those red and blue coloured names.. it sends tingles down my spine... and if I am lucky enough to get reprimanded by BTR... ohhh myyyy! 
  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Blaster in Who Would You ?   
    i am not picky and open minded so all the girls past, present and future will do except Elvis. But worse case scenario, if all else fails - after heavy drinking, removing my eyeglasses and some pain killers and paper bags then me and Elvis - Love Me Tender
  13. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from toolmaker123 in Who Would You ?   
    i am not picky and open minded so all the girls past, present and future will do except Elvis. But worse case scenario, if all else fails - after heavy drinking, removing my eyeglasses and some pain killers and paper bags then me and Elvis - Love Me Tender
  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in Who Would You ?   
    i am not picky and open minded so all the girls past, present and future will do except Elvis. But worse case scenario, if all else fails - after heavy drinking, removing my eyeglasses and some pain killers and paper bags then me and Elvis - Love Me Tender
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to hotwal in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to hotwal in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from MEE4YOUU in masterbating lube   
    use female pussy juice as lube - added pleasure
  18. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from BORN-TO-RIDE in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    she's not the BBW or midget girl that i have been waiting for BUT i would do her (love her "just got fucked" hairdo)
  19. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to toolmaker123 in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    IT's an easy job, but someone has to do it.....It's the firstest time I been able before anyone else did it !!!
    That’s Not My Job
    This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.  There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.  Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.  Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job.  Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.  It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have.
  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to hotwal in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Dazzan in Fan Page Suzan and Hector   
    Not convinced by the Pablo being her brother theory... if you have a sister, would you feel comfortable resting your face on her leg, 12 inches from her snatch

  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Rob1 in cameras   
    closer view might help if they are midgets - lmao
  23. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to hotwal in Adriana Fan Page   
    (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)
  24. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from canuk41 in BLUE one of our older members   
    With RLCF we are able to share something that we all have in common. Because of this we are able to create friendships across this vast world through words without physically seeing each other. We may not always agree with each other but we are always encouraged to respect each other and love one another.
           Blue and Bonnie, my prayers and thoughts go out to both of you during this difficult time and be comforted knowing that so many of us have you in our hearts. Bless you - Blue and Bonnie
  25. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to sekto in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    A little image.
    (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)
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