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Posts posted by PeterGrey

  1. Rad's small trips to kitchen in her open red Everlast robe, or like just now, in her panties - makes you forget how bad this site has become, at least just for a little while.
    She keeps some of us going lol

    Update: 30 minutes later -
    Maybe she read my message, she put on a red top and put up her hair - lovely :)

  2. Did Masha get a new tattoo or is it just "painted" on?

    Right arm, from shoulder almost down to wrist.

    Or is it an old one? lol Must admit I don't watch her apt that much, but lately it's been slow everywhere and you go where there are some kind of activity.
    I think they need to bring back the trigger-happy temp who loved to play with the cams :D


  3. What to think about yesterdays UM at B2...

    Sometimes it's just bad timing, and makes you wonder. It doesn't have to mean anything and we shouldn't speculate, but still lol
    An UM when the massage dude is done with his work. I never saw him leave, but didn't pay much attention, just noticed the sudden UM. And there was another UM the day before, so yes, makes you wonder. lol

  4. Weird day again yesterday.
    First they had 3-4 sessions with many open cams, and then they shut down everything! For a few hours there were no open cams at all, and then they opened up kitchen in B2.

    Masha had a crazy wild party again, and they opened up kitchen and LR. These guys were the same as she had in the day before she went on her vacation, so yesterday was not the first wild party with these guys.
    First time they were 1 or 2 less, and the last (big) housesitter was there as well, taking turns lol

  5. Been quiet most of the weekend, but today they had lots of testing/scripts or whatever they're doing.
    First session (I noticed) were all over the place, felt like 50% of all cams were open at one point. And there were no order in free and member cams. Normally you get all free ones at the top row (6) of the thumbs (42),  but it was random mixed together and hard to track.

    This last session was more controlled, like they've done some coding and fixed the order of how thumbs are placed.
    But for all I know it can be something else they're testing out, just guessing.

    Got to see some new rooms, and we just missed a little orgie in Masha's BR. I think they saw something was about to start and closed them quicly lol

  6. Was watching Stellas journey "back to normal" this morning. Was sad to watch, but it's part of "real life" as well as anything else I guess.
    But I'm not sure why RLC had to open the cams, follow her around in the state she was in. Is this really something to show? I find it weird.

  7. Finally, one of the rlc dudes woke up and opened up the cams again.

    I think yesterday was one of the worst days ever. Only 5 of 11 apts had an open cam going, and most of those apts were empty lol
    I know, I've no right to complain as a non sub - but I do anyway, there are loads of us out there lol

    So, today we briefly got to see some butt, boobs and even balls. Something for everyone lol
    And the cat in Masha's bath made me laugh, crazy and wild expression on it's face lol

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