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Posts posted by Capeguy

  1. Lots of good things are happening already.


    More apartments, more cameras.


    More encouragement for the girls to be entertaining, sexy, use toys.


    Return of favourites - welcome back Anna.    AIDA please!


    Messages on the forums are being read and our point of view is being listened to or the above would not be happening.


    Yesterday's UM for Anna was ten minutes.   Things are going gradually in the right direction which is why I resubbed readily.


    OK I'd better stop before I'm accused of arse licking (I'd love to do Ilona's).


    For me the illogical distribution of the free rooms is a marketing issue and having one or two apartments completely blind - especially 'hot' ones like K & K was 6 months ago - might sway some to subscribe who otherwise might not  


    The issue I'd like addressed is not having any means of catching up on what we miss.    Now that's a service that would encourage people to pay extra for premium.


    Iloner, I posted a long write up on what I think RLC should do in another of the RLC Improvement forums a few weeks ago. That was one of the things I suggested. Read it if you get a chance.

  2. Rob,


    I agree every apt should have some 'free' cams. Not sure I would go with all the rooms you suggest but there should be at least 1 free cam so potential members could see who lives in each one. If the living rooms cams (if more than one) were free then you could get an idea of what goes on. 

  3. Sad to see Amy go. Watching her devotion to keeping her body fit was amazing; made an old guy like me ache all over. She was cute and maybe this was not the right fit for her at this time. At least she had the courage to try and then admit to herself it was not going to work. It takes just as much guts to walk away as it takes to stay. Will miss seeing her.

  4. #1 - Masha because she seeks it out and really seems to enjoy swallowing Sasha's cum

    #2 - Suzan only because Hector has a little more volume than Paul

    #3 - Leora and would rank her higher if Paul actually ever worked at it like a man. 



    I have not personally seen the others swallow so I can not comment on them. 

  5. Yep Mooka you and Cape are quite right in what you say, if you don't pay you have no right to bitch about anything but having been banned twice now i am under no rush to get back i'm afraid.

    What does piss me off though is how many seem to get away with posting all sorts whilst others get banned.


    In fact if you take it to the ultimate conclusion they should scrap the gallery then no one could get banned in fact if RLC & RLCF are one of the same or linked why is the gallery even there in the first place?

    RLCF are really being illegal in hosting the gallery at all.

    Does make you wonder eh?


    Robwin, I think a lot of the posts are done by RLCF members who are already banned from RLC and have nothing with which RLC can threaten them. Get pics and videos from the free cams and post them. About the only issue could be in the future if RLC decides to issue 'pardons' and let people back EXCEPT those who have flagrantly violated RLC policy.  I would like to have RLC have different levels of punishment: first violation - 1 month; second violation - 3 months; third violation - 6 months; fourth violation - gone forever. 


    As to the gallery, if RLC/RLCF are truly owned by the same group you would think the gallery would be a good selling point. I would like to see RLC loosen up a bit and at least allow pics to be posted. Vids are a separate issue of freebies can get there. Maybe you separate the gallery going forward: pics in one section open to all; vids in a separate section only open to RLC members. 

  6. Well some people seem to get away with murder on postings etc though certainly looking at the members on line here recently seems to be getting less and less.


    I think you will find the bulk of those who post lots and lots of stuff to the gallery have already lost their RLC membership. They get stuff from the free cams, record and post it. RLC has no leverage with them so they can do pretty much whatever they want with impunity.

  7. Hey Rob. I am not sure what the issue is with most of the men, and women, on the site. For whatever reason once the guy comes they all head to the bathroom to shower off. It has been a while for me but when I was married, after sex we might wipe a little so it did not leak all over but then we would lay around for a while and cuddle basking in the glow and letting everything slow down and get back to normal. The shower was NOT the first place we went. 

  8. Okay, I have been expressing my opinions on chat for some time on what I would change to make RLC top shelf. I have been catching crap for not putting it here, although I have added bits here and to other forums. Some suggested this is suicide, will get banned and so on. I am not sure if RLC ever hears a word of what is written hear but hopefully they do.


    One more important item: RLC does not promise anyone will view sexual acts on their site. My discussion does not in any way make an assumption counter to this position. If tenants do then so much the better for subscribers; if not, we have not been promised such acts and have no reason to complain.


    1. RLC needs a REAL news letter, not that crappy 3 liner the send out. They should be telling subscribers what is new, if they have a plan for the future of the site and they should have a suggestion drop down on the site, also referenced in the news letter, soliciting constructive feedback from subscribers. If RLC changed ownership I would expect to see a sort of 'We Are Here' announcement. I used to do customer support before I retired and wrote lots of missives for users. If had presented the RLC news letter to my bosses I would have been fired immediately.


    2. Every apartment should have at least 1 free camera in a public space, no exceptions. You cannot entice new subscribers if they do not even have a clue who the tenants are in each apartment. Its like asking someone to pay for clothing online without having a picture of the item. However, the apartments do not need free cameras every where for non-subscribers to view; if you want to see it become a subscriber.


    3. RLC should provide cameras on decks/patios in all apartments unless there is ABSOLUTELY no way to protect the privacy of neighbors. If that is an issue then an interior camera should have a reasonable view through a window to see the deck/patio area. There are too many times where tenants disappear to these areas for significant periods of time; which I would do also if the weather were nice. This is especially true when they are having parties. The whole event moves outside; you can hear it but never see it.   Two items in the RLC FAQ describe what they are offering:


    What is RealLifeCam?
    RealLifeCam is a unique website where you have the chance to observe the private life of other people in live round-the-clock.
    Who are the people we see on the website and what is the scenario they are living?
    People you see online are not actors, they are real people living their routine lives in apartments equipped with video cameras. There are no scenarios, no operators, video editing or censorship just life as it is 24/7.
    If you restrict all access to these areas they you are greatly restricting access and are proclaiming a falsehood. 
    4. RLC needs to review tenants performance. To me, 'real life' is not some couple being supported by RLC to sit around on their phone and computer 24x7. Real people have jobs, hobbies, friends and so on. If the tenants are employed then we can expect them to be gone during the work day. I would accept that without question. Many current tenants appear to work; many do not. If you offer a way for subscriber feedback you will quickly find the deadwood and move on to more interesting tenants. Subscriber feedback would also allow feedback on existing camera locations; is too much of a room blocked, is the view from the camera too restricted so tenants heads and feet are constantly cut off. 


    5. One of RLC's concerns I believe is the recording and distributing of their copyrighted materials. Recording and copying is CLEARLY prohibited in their documentation on the web site. Many do and RLC exercises their right to remove such materials where found and punish the offender. I have no problem with that. 


        What I would propose to RLC is they provide such a facility through their site. RLC would provide a licensed recording product on the site and the ability to use that product. Subscribers would be able to record what is happening on any camera. There would be limitations on the time length of any recording, you could not record one cam for hours on end; the amount of recording by each subscriber in a specified time period, 24 hours lets say from 00:00 to 24:00 is an example. The subscriber would get to name the recording and RLC would automatically put a date/time stamp on the file.   


       RLC would create and maintain on their servers a directory for each apartment. These directories would be the SOLE location to which subscribers could save a recording. 


       Recorded files would be retained for some pre-determined length of time on the servers. Once the retention period was exceeded the files would be removed. 


       These recordings would be available for viewing by subscribers via the apartment gallery. This would provide a huge benefit to subscribers because no one can be online 24x7. This would allow subscribers to 'catch up' on what has gone one during the day which others found of interest. This would be a great selling point for RLC. Access could be made available on a limited basis for those looking to join. Many websites allow potential subscribers to view 60-90 second segments of a recording as a preview of what they could receive by subscribing. Most of those sites also limit the number of recordings you can view before you get the subscription screen.


       RLC could also offer an option to retain for longer periods of time certain recordings, a history of the apartment if you will, by having users submit a request to retain specific files. These requests would be reviewed by some for of moderator who would make the final decision. The Gallery would then be an living entity, growing over time. This would also entice new subscribers because they could catch up on months of history. The only limitation on the gallery would be storage space and disk space is so inexpensive these days it should be a non-issue.


    6. RLC should offer an online chat facility. It is my understanding, though this may be in error, the company which owns www.reallifecam.com (RLC) also owns www.reallifecamfan.com( RLCF). If this is true,  the RLCF chat room would be offered as a tab/menu from the RLC website. The chat would be open to subscribers and non-subscribers alike. For non-subscribers you would need to obtain an RLCF Chat Userid which you would use to logon. Use of this facility by all would foster a feeling of community and be a selling point for RLC. Many users consider RLCF to be as important a function as the RLC website itself; allowing members to chat on various topics, not just RLC.


    7. Some have suggested it would be nice to have a mini-bio on the tenants so we can at least know who-is-who. I think a picture with the name might be sufficient if there are concerns for confidentiality of the tenants. Knowing where the apartments are located would be nice as speculation runs rampant; but again tenant security, contracts and local laws might prohibit the release of this information.


    8. The possibility of spreading the apartment across more time zones. Currently all but 2 apartments are within 2 time zones, meaning activity can become an all or nothing affair; going from nothing to too much to follow at one time. A recording facility would alleviate some of these concerns but many of us would still like to see more of the activities on a live basis. This could also provide more cultural diversity which would potential and current subscribers would find attractive.


    9. RLC should terminate ANY and ALL tenants who are physically abusive to their roommates or guests, with no exceptions. Subscribers are voyeurs and violence has no place on a website such as this.


    10. RLC should work to provide a variety of tenant relationships whenever possible. Racial/ethnic/sexual  diversity would provide much more interest to a wider audience of subscribers.  If tenants are male, female, gay, bi-sexual, straight, white, Asian, African American should not matter.


    I am sure I have forgotten something during this rant but thank heavens people can point out its shortcomings, and I am sure they will. 


    Thanks for reading this.

  9. Whether it is real; probably not for a lot, maybe for others who appear to actually have a job: N&K for example, it may be. If we put a cam in your house/apt would people wonder what the crap you did with YOUR life. Scripted; if you see what you like does it matter? The operators question, of course there are people who monitor the network, cams, servers et al. If something breaks someone has to fix it. 


    Simple answer: if you do not like what you see then do not subscribe or if you watch for free then stop watching! If you need more then search the web and find a better site, and if you do, let the rest of us know.


    Last I heard from anyone on RLCF, not RLC people showed up at your house and forced you to sign up and pay them money under duress. 

  10. I will miss Masha and Sasha the most. They have an odd relationship but what the hell. They have some good parties, do stuff instead of just laying around and the sex is awesome. Close would be Nelly and Bogdan. They appear to have an awesome relationship. I think Nelly truly loves playing to the camera and will give you the look, especially in the bathroom, that says 'I look good don't I and I love doing this', plus the occasional wink at the camera.  

  11. @Capeguy:

    Yep Aussie girl. I live on the thin green bit in between the dry brown dusty bit and the wet blue bit  :)


    Ann xx


    Cute answer, truthful but non-committal, woman with a sense of humor. Be good.

  12. I assume by 'Strayla in your profile you mean Australia for us of those not living down under. I live in the NE US in Massachusetts. We have several chatters from Australia also. TEXL01, who is a chat moderator, lives outside Brisbane. GAZDEB80 lives down the street from TEXL01. Where in Australia do you live (answer is optional).

  13. Hi everyone, been watching RLC (Free) for a couple of weeks now, and after accidentally typing the URL into Google, came up with this forum - Never knew, although not surprised, that there were so many that enjoy peering in the windows.

    I started this adventure as a teen when I was given a telescope as a present, well at the time we lived in the city so the stars were non-existant.  My Dad obviously never thought it through!

    Didn't take long before my attempts to find something interesting to look at found me with several dozen 'pet' humans across the valley. Ever noticed, the more expensive the house/view, the less they draw the curtains?

    Anyway, was only a few nights before I got my first show, I was hooked and spent many nights trying to not to jab my eyesocket with the eyepiece as I 'joined in' with the couples and occasional threesome.  Twenty or so years later and the internet has (mostly) replaced the trusty old scope - and so much easier to have a gentle rub while viewing the net too :rolleyes:


    I figured I need to get the obvious question out of the way in my first post, and please don't snap if I've missed it in the forums somewhere, but is there something like a Who's Who mugshot gallery for those of us who have no idea who "Elvis" or "Blue" or "Lola" is? 




    Ann xx


    Hope you do not get that lens fogged up to much and you have a good set of places for your viewing pleasure.

  14. Welcome Annie. The chat here is always fun and the comments are pretty much done tongue in cheek, with rare exceptions. As several others indicated we men truly enjoy have a woman give us alternate points of view and keep us honest. Debbie posted just before me and she has proven a worthy adversary on chat, more than holding her own. Look forward to seeing you on chat. As CowArt said just say hi when you go to chat and ask anything about the players and chatters. Most of us like to talk (a lot for some) and we will answer all your questions. Bye the way, we are all young and ruggedly handsome with big equipment (in our dreams). 

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