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Posts posted by Capeguy

  1. Their idea of a newsletter, as I have said before, is a useless piece of crap. Someone took 2 minutes to put down a few points about what we already know. A newsletter would tell us what is GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE! You know things like what they plan to do to enhance their site, new functionality, more cams (like on the balconies), and such. What they have is not even worth reading. 

  2. On 11/23/2016 at 7:17 PM, dougiestyle4u said:

    Truth be known, Leora and Paul live in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.

    Helene Fischer (youtube videos also have her name as Helen Fisher) was born in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia (then the Soviet Union)

         So this is dedicated to Leora and Paul


    I had never heard of her but that was a great rendition of that song. Liked the couple in the background as well, could tell it was not Leora and Paul because they looked really happy.

  3. 16 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Hi Drenaii,

    A good post.   I agree with the first paragraph.

    But RLC is not selling a defined product it is selling a service.

    We can reject our Mini or even our Porsche as unfit for purpose because what they should do and the way they should do it is defined.

    The service we are being sold is not so well defined.   Whether we feel we are getting value for money at any one time is quite subjective.  

    The only way we can complain we did not get what we pay for is if the service is cut off.   

    It is like democracy.   We may feel we have a say but actually we have to put up with what we get.

    I agree with what both of you said. While I may be thrilled at seeing someone with naked tits sitting around on a phone all day, most would consider that a waste. If someone had a foot fetish then they might like watching Kristy play with her feet on and on and on. Each individual has to set their own definition of 'value' and they alone can determine if they are getting their money's worth. The only issue I have ever had is RLC advertising they give you 24x7 access to their lives, which is not true if the balconies/decks are not covered; and I consider that to be false advertising. Beyond that I think I generally see enough during a 30 day period to justify what I pay. Still, RLC could make their product a lot better but only a lack of members will ever cause that to happen. 

    Good posts you 2.

  4. 11 hours ago, iloner said:

    Shaka: Belle will only perform sexually as part of a show or when under the influence of Hairy Arse man's magic.   

    Sure, she dances up a storm, but when Melissa and Becca made actual advances Belle firmly closed them down.

    And Capeguy, I suggest rather than close any apmts down , which restricts choice, tenants should be regularly replaced - at 3 months if the apmt hasn't worked well, but a maximum of 6 months even if it has.   

    Some subscribers must like all of the tenants (not all at the same time, I mean everyone's favourites are different).   Even our favourites become stale, need the chance to renew themselves.   

    Variety and Novelty are the greatest aphrodisiacs.


    I was not saying the apts should be shut down but the tenants should be replaced. There are some that very few have ever said anything good about,

  5. My, my ,my. Such negative energy there SZ. I do agree with you on this one 100%. I agree that most of the 'standard' apts are just f***ing useless. Dump all of them. Someone on chat a few days ago had a good idea which I had thought of some time ago as well: put married couples into those apts but get ones more like Elisa and Fima who are older, more mature yet are exhibitionists who WANT to show it on cam. For the B1/B2 get rid of the young'uns who are boyfriends/fiances at home. Populate those with women in their late 20s who are bi-sexual with NO TIES, or ties to one of the women they will be with; yet are not afraid to share or even bring in the occasional man. Also, one of the most important things: stop putting all Russians in there; you must be able to find other nationalities willing to do this so you get rid of this macho 'I AM GOD' mentality they idiots seem to possess.  

  6. On 11/3/2016 at 11:16 PM, toolmaker123 said:

    I don't complain about Leora; I merely state the fact she is very narcissitic, patterned and boring as shit.

          It's time RLC took some of the old  tenants out and replace them with fresh personalities........... If you don't already know, each of them have unique personalities and many of us are tired of the same boring shit;

             Lev, Stepan, Paul,  all the rest that shows us the same BORING crapola. 

    I agree with Tool. I was a member from Feb 2016 until Nov when I dumped it on principle, will come back some day. In review, I do not see how most apts with the same tenants should be her more than 6 months. As good as Leora's body is, the act is always the same and it gets really stale over time. Maya and Stepan are a total snooze. Same for Adriana and Daniel, although they at least get it on once in a while. Lev should just be gone on general principles. Elvis' apt is as boring as Maya's. 

    I guess the point is most, if not all, get very predictable. It highlights the real fact: RLC does not really 'manage' anything. The find someone and throw them into an apt that has been vacated; then just leave them. No review process that evaluates if they are worth the expenses because I suspect they are making enough it does not matter. My belief is no one at RLC has management experience; some techies with a good idea put it together but they have no clue how to run it. The result is a reactive approach; do nothing until something is wrong; which will eventually fail.

  7. 7 hours ago, Scotsman84 said:

    Shame she doesn't masterbate a lot more

    I agree with your 100%. When she does it in the living room she also seems very self conscious, which is a shame because she looks to be really enjoying herself. Maybe with some more time she will not be quite so shy and do it in the open, preferably on the couch closest to the cam! 8)


  8. EVERY SUBSCRIBER SHOULD WRITE TO RLC EVERY WEEK! If viewers ever expect RLC to change then the only way to do that, short of everyone canceling their subscription, is to send an email to: [email protected] every week and tell them they are not living up to their 24x7 promise by excluding balconies and such from our view. If they get bombarded by emails they will do one of two things: cancel all the subscriptions without refund and ban everyone, which is highly improbable; actually consider some changes. 

  9. 2 hours ago, TBird97 said:

    It's getting to the point where RLC management is either taking the viewing and paying public for granted or they just don't give a damn anymore.

    I find the following apartments very boring: Maya & Stepan, Dasha & Demid, Adrianna &Daniel, Sabrina & Carina and the jury is still out on Kitty & Smith. Barca 1 is a mere shadow of what it was like in March. Bringing in cute little girls who look like they just left a convent school and act the part isn't worth $ 50 per month.

    Just my point of view.

    So was your $50 in US or Canadian currency? The US of $44.95 does seem high which is why anyone would be crazy not to get the 90-day, which at $99 US works out to $1.10 US per day. I can think of a lot of times I blow off that for something totally useless so if you can find 1 thing per day you like on RLC is it worth $1 to you? I gave up mine, although I will have to see how long I hold out, to protest RLC not covering the balcony/deck areas and not having a free cam in every apt; and I emailed them numerous times on that AND when I cancelled to tell them why. I agree with you in that they takes us for granted and do not give a damn, which is why whey have done nothing to enhance their product in a very long time. Adding apts is not an enhancement, in fact if they were all interesting you could never follow them based on how many they currently have. It will take a concerted effort to get them to change and depriving them of money is one. The other is to have EVERYONE on RLC email them at least once a month demanding they live up to their promise of 24x7 coverage, which is not done when the balconies are not covered; it is false advertising of the first order.  

  10. 24 minutes ago, TBird97 said:

    On the other hand, very few people complain about Leora (other than Toolmaker) or Nelly or Masha. Those women are the ones that make viewers sit up and pay attention (except for Toolmaker). Different strokes for different folks, but it's like dangling a carrot in front of a horse......it will keep moving trying to get a bite, not realizing it's just bait.

    I Are you implying Toolmaker 123 never has anything nice to say? Shame on you, even if it is true the majority of the time.:-\


  11. 4 hours ago, menelaus2000 said:

    Just clicked on K&S apartment. The time on the kitchen wall reads 9:20 but the digital time on the camera says 8:16. I am inclined to believe the digital version, but is there anyone who can confirm for sure? Since they are about 9 hours ahead of me it would help.


    The clock on their wall appears to be an hour ahead because European daylight savings time ended last Sunday and they did not set their clock back. Here on east coast US they were 6 hours ahead and now it is only 5 until US changes this coming weekend.

  12. 1 hour ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    Elisa just pleased her man "Fima" with a morning blow job "he knows he has a good woman"  With the energy level in that apartment these two could teach some of these young new bees a thing or too.  And its for sure there not just in there for free rent, they are keeping it real "nothing fake"8)

    I will agree with Rubber here. Elisa and Fima do not just lay around looking at their phone all day. They cook, talk, spend time online, watch tv, read and (OMG) actually leave the apt as if they are going somewhere together. They are fun to watch, not just while being horn dogs.

  13. Just as CowArt I have also decided to drop my RLC subscription, just as I said I would. Mostly this is in protest of RLC's lack of enhancements to their site. Adding an apartment from time-to-time is not an enhancement; just more of the same old shit. Adding free cams to each Premium apt and putting cams on the balconies/decks would be what they should be doing. 

    As with CowArt, I also found myself spending too many hours a day on RLC and here. I will still be on chat once in a while and I will be PMing many of you to keep up with what is happening. After all; you cannot just withdraw cold turkey! :rolleyes: 

    Look forward to talking to you in the future.

  14. 1 hour ago, jamil said:

    Yes agreed with you Eyen..

    Seem nothing happened in at least 4 apartment.. L&P, D&D,Z&L,M&S..they 'r wasting our time..

    I've been the member since 9 months ago..its really boring and irritating...

    Well, I would sort of agree with you, but things do happen, just not very often. Maya and Stepan had sex recently, even with her arm in a cast' but usually only a few times per month. Zoya has bated 2 times I have seen in the last few weeks. Leora and Paul no. Dasha and Demid did the deed recently but once of twice a month seems to be it. Now RLC does not say we will see sex but we MIGHT see things that are adult in nature. However, even if not promised sex these apartments are pretty boring these days. They are not home a lot, I see more of other guests at D&D than of them.

  15. 46 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:


    I suppose you have to write at least 30 posts before you get access to the Gallery which is in the upper menu beside the Forums. I think the requirement for so many posts is for making entry to the gallery difficult for those who want to delete videos and pictures from there, However, I just noticed one of the recent videos no more existed.

    Members cannot delete items from the Gallery. And if I correctly recall the new rules which were posted recently, starting November 1 everyone will have to pay the $10 membership fee to get access to the Gallery, posts will no longer matter. 

  16. I will give you credit and agree with you. I found a few of the other apts to be okay but most are sort of 'blah! The recent trends in B1/B2 lack credibility. Were the sexual escapades of girl/girl 'natural' it might be a different story. Some of the tenants they have brought in makes one question the RLC interview process, if one exists; or is the fact you are breathing good enough. 

    I had posted a while ago I found the only way I could protest some of RLC's policies would be to do exactly what @CowArt is doing. My subscription expires the end of October and I do not intend to renew as well. 

    I have one suggestion for us all: write to RLC at their support email address and tell them you are cancelling and not renewing AND WHY! We found with this drug thing the other day that we can get their attention, especially of we do so in numbers AND their best interest is at the heart of the matter. If enough of us do this we might be able to sway them. I have already begun my email to them and will let it simmer for a while so I make sure to not forget any of what I say and fine tune the wording. I also intend to include things I think they do correctly, which at the moment is not too much. Even so, they have the biggest niche in a very small market so they feel safe and secure with their market position. I intend to point out that cannot last if you just go along without improvements.

    You got balls Cow. I hope we will keep in touch through PM.

    Take care. Hope we can all be back here together some day; it is a blast at times, and not because of the site; because of the chat. 

  17. Just now, stevec said:

    I know RLC isn't a porn site (even though they charge porn site prices) but the sex and nudity is kind of expected if you are paying to watch a camera in someones bedroom or bathroom. I agree with you that if you just want to watch porn there are plenty of free sites to do so. I don't come to RLC for the sex I just like to see people living their everyday lives which is why I'm happy as a free viewer but it seems as though the majority of RLC users are mainly interested in the sex. Just look at these forums, the majority of posts are sexulized in some way. I'm just saying people seem to buy the membership under the assumption that they will be able to see more sex which isn't the case.

    Fair enough about your last point, I thought we had lost more apartments.

    Of course we go there for sex, I never disagreed on that, just that is is not promised but certainly expected. RLC would be gone in about 2 mos. if there was no sex. My primary complaint with the is what I consider false advertising of the  24x7 claim. Because there are not cams on the balconies at D&D, K&K and Barcelona 2 (Lola) we miss a LOT of stuff because they go there a lot. At D&D you can see a 15-20 person party disappear out there for hours. Same at Lola and K&K. I have complained many times to RLC and it all falls on deaf wallets.


  18. 20 minutes ago, stevec said:

    Yeah it is too expensive. I know they have cameras and servers running 24/7 but as a customer you don't really get a lot for your money. As a free viewer you get access to 12 apartments with 33 cameras between them. For a standard membership at a cost of $30/£25/€27 you get 0 extra apartments and about 40 extra cameras. Premium members get 3 extra apartments and about 50 extra cams for $45/£37/€41. It doesn't sound too bad but the extra cams aren't worth all that much as there is plenty of sex and nudity on the free cams. I would much rather pay for more apartments than more cameras.

    I wouldn't mind paying the current prices if they had more apartments and in different time zones as then you would always have something interesting going on. Most of the apartments now are just dead and uninteresting. As long as Nelly and Bogdan, Masha and Sasha, Maya and Stepan, Desiree and Raul, Leora and Paul are still having regular sex on the free cams, I don't see the point in paying that much money to watch them sleep. Maybe if they had a gallery of saved videos of all the sex it would make it worth the money.

    So far in my time with RLC the number of apartments has been dropping.

    First comment: RLC does NOT advertise itself as a 'porn' site nor do they promise you will ever see ANY kind of sex on camera. If all I wanted was to see porn I would use one of the many free sites which are readily available and go from one porn clip of my choosing to the next. There is enough out there to view 24 hrs a day for eternity.

    Second: I think we would all like to see the apts spread across more time zones. Most probably has to do with RLC limiting the number of countries where they have to do licensing; which can be much more restrictive in some. 

    Third: The current number of apts is pretty constant; 2 just disappeared recently but 2 were added over the summer so no net gain/loss. 

  19. Welcome back Becca, you were sorely missed. Not sure why you left but I for one am glad to see you have returned. You certainly gave us some things to remember from your all too short first visit and I hope you can grace us with some repeats. You still look amazing.

  20. I had to go with the 4 girls the other night. If not for that I would have gone with Becca/Megan/Belle over the other because it was real sex, which if Lola had kept out would have been better and longer; possibly a lot longer. Still, seeing Carolina that way has to jump right to the top of the list; and I would have to guess it was not her first time.


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