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Posts posted by Capeguy

  1. 3 hours ago, CowArt said:

    I see that the gallery returned two days ago, and yesterday the first two RLC screenshots have been uploaded.

    Wasn't that what started this whole thing in the first place? Why are we playing DMCA-Roulette with the website now?

    It would appear @CowArt that some RLCF users, in this case @gumper, either NEVER read anything which gets posted or just do not care. I would hope that @ADMIN, sees this and promptly removes the offending pictures and either gives the offender a ONE-TIME warning (being charitable on this one) or permanently removes the user. I think the user community is no longer in a position to tolerate those who break the rules, unless we want to just abandon RLCF and all go join CamCaps. While CC has enough comments, pretty much a running play-by-play, to keep even the most interested occupied for months; it tends to be overkill. Also, there is virtually no chatting over there which is why I prefer RLCF. I have not paid the $20 to join CC so I have no idea what is in their gallery but maybe it is worth it to see what is there. If there is a lot of RLC stuff, which is what I have heard, I think that would solidify the arguments that CC and RLC are together and why DMCAs are not done there, but again that is only what I have heard.

    I think the DMCA events need to be prominently displayed so that every time someone logs into RLCF a headline pops up with a link to the recent events so we do not keep getting people asking 'where is the Gallery', what happened and so on.

  2. Another comment about posting RLC images elsewhere. While on twice in the last few hours I observed a few users reacting to the stance of RLC which caused our outage which gave me pause. In both cases their position was that screw RLC because we have lots and lots of pics and vid clips so if RLC wants to play like this we will just flood the web with this stuff; we can show them! What a f***ing childish and stupid attitude. In the first place you STOLE copyrighted material, which if all you did was use it for your own viewing is one thing, though still illegal. If you shared it privately it is still illegal and slightly more problematic but something I would never see RLC pursuing. But to say you will post it all elsewhere is just plain ridiculous. It is activities just like that which put RLCF in this position in the first place. I have to believe everyone on here is an adult so maybe we should all act like it and show we can behave responsibly.

  3. I agree with @CowArt in the prior post (did not quote just because it is so long). A few others have stated the reason I think Chat activity is down: some of the discussions are just getting absurd and I just look and figure there is no way I want to be part of the BS; most of it around the B1/B2 women and what they are doing everywhere BUT the apartments. And if you disagree then you just get blasted. This has made many of us log on and then see what is going on and then jump in or just stay in the background. We get enough crap in the real world; we do not need it here. I think that is also what keeps many others from chatting when you see 20-30 logged on and only yourself chatting.

    I do agree that being able to have more the 5 in a PM would be really great instead of having to do the same PM multiple times.

    And thanks to @ADMIN for what you are doing; it is greatly appreciated.

  4. 10 hours ago, ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ said:

    The fact of the matter is we RLCF and RLC are both at fault. Why what do you mean Shaka? Well RLC wasn't complaining until RLCF started to complain about the Barca's. started sending reports about the girls and the going on in the APTS. So you can actually say we kicked our own ass. But shaka we care about their well being. Not your job as a watcher as a human being yes but a watcher no. all the emails and complains push RLC over the edge and they took swift action. which almost cost us what we love dear RLCF. question, had we loss RLCF how many of you would have went to cc. next question why do you think cc is still up and running answer is because they took over our spot at # 1 with rlc. they don't email or complain as much as we have been doing these last few months. so now they have all their pic and vids  and we have NOTHING BUT OURSELVES TO BLAME. We got out of hand and let newbie control our chatbox . we send emails apon emails to RLC to the point they said fuck'em, we will take cc and drop them. cause as i understand it we had a good relationship with the people of RLC. So lets not cry in our milk, but pick ourselves up and put RLCF back at the #1 spot. Ain't know one coming to hold our hand, this is totally up too us How RLCF ends.    

    Hey there SZ. I believe that if you send a complaint to RLC as an RLC subscriber they have no idea if you are on RLCF, unless you tell them. I also think if you are only bitching about an additional cam or stuff like that they would not care either. What I do think, after some searching which may or not be worthwhile or correct, is that CC may is owned by Depraved Media which I think is the same dudes who own RLC. Hmmm. If I own both and am getting $20/year from CC members but I get nothing from RLCF who am I going to favor? May not be correct but if I want one to go away and one to stay I am going with my own place. Just saying. Be cool.

  5. 42 minutes ago, texl01 said:

    To be BANNED by RLC is one thing, the resolve is easy - You just join again. You lose your 1 , 3, 6 or 12 month subscription. After numerous bans, it can be expensive , as you get no gain apart from the Altruism you may experience to share and generate comments.  I was prepared to PAY and join RLC , however I had a permanent Ban imposed.  SO- WTF does one do ??.  Toss the site and find another ?  

     It is not on my conscious to have POSTED and receive no penalty. RLC should have in place a method to prevent free-loaders Posting. RLC collected my money , willingly, and banned me. I am just getting my money's worth and some  ( as THEY Do )  NO one has ever complained about my posts , surely Members saw them , and did not mind, Hell 150 - 200 'looks proves this . 

     Comment unwarranted and inappropriate . 


    Well if your conscience is not bothered then that is sad. And blaming RLC for not having something in place to prevent someone from free loading and posting a just total BS. We all heard so many free loaders complain about not getting enough rooms for free, they were getting bounced off after viewing for a limited period of time, and got banned for breaking the rules. In reality what RLC should have done is not have ANY rooms free and unless you were signed in you would see nothing. Sorry you feel offended but being unwarranted is not the case. The current situation is totally on those who ignored the rules. Also the argument that they got your money, then banned you for breaking their rules so you need to get you money's worth at our expense is ludicrous. That you, an others, did it more than once says you did not give a crap about the other RLCF members.  

  6. 21 minutes ago, texl01 said:

    I am grieved by the notification of RLCF being targeted with a DMCA order. ( I guess it dispels our thoughts of the two sites being in collaboration , at the present anyway ? )  In other ways I am happy , as this will only strengthen the RLCF Family , and increase the bonds of the "Sharing Network" which is in it"s infancy. 

    The "Network Sharing" is among members who trust each other, to share Pics, Clips and Vids. Without fear of having them "APPEAR" suddenly elsewhere . :)

    Hopefully this is a curve for us and will strengthen the true Voyeur bond,  United we stand , divided we ???? 



    While I have always enjoyed chatting with you and know many share vids privately I have to say right here, regardless of losing our 'friendship': you were one of the first people who came to mind when I said the fault lies with those who were already banned posting because you had nothing to lose. While being united is all fine and well. but ultimately it was those who did exactly what you did who caused the situation in the first place. All who did so need to take a good look in the mirror and accept the responsibility for what happened. As the old saying goes: if you are unwilling to do the time then do not do the crime. As to the comment about dispelling the collaboration thoughts, it should be have been pretty clear while RLC was banning people left and right while also getting pics deleted through DCMAs that there was never collaboration and anyone who believed so was just fooling themselves. So with this comment, let the haters come.

  7. 1 hour ago, cyberleader said:

    what we need is a dedicated place to upload pictures,as most other sites take down pics n videos,as not everyone is online at the same time its not fair for them to click and only find dead links,maybe the tech crew could find a way of doing this that does not break the rules.and keeps everyone smiling.

    I can never figure out why so many assume we have a right to upload pics and videos which are expressly copyrighted by another site which prohibits the act. Most free porn sites (e.g. XVIDEOS.COM, PORNHUB.COM and so on) have millions of copyrighted material; some of which are the promo versions which appear to be made available from the owning site. They also have lots of material which is dumped on by users who have no right to do so. The originating sites probably feel so overwhelmed they do not use DCMA's, seeing it as a lost cause. RLC obviously feels they want to protect their property so constantly trying to circumvent that will end up with one result: RLCF will cease to exist. If that is what people want then keep doing what you have been and it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy when it happens. Personally I have never posted an RLC pic or video and I never will because I do not want to be banned but make it my own choice whether to keep RLC or dump it and because it is illegal.

  8. I will reiterate what @CowArt said and extend my thanks to @Admin and @StnCld316. Having worked in computer groups with large companies for years I understand the total panic when stuff like this happened; although ours were usually of our own making or major equipment failure. It is a cold, cold feeling when you know your customer's data is out there but you can no longer access it. While it is shocking what our Host did, it is probable we should all have seen it coming. In the 18 months I have been on RLC and over a year on RLCF, we have seen numerous other times where RLC jumped in and we found huge numbers of pictures and video clips gone with only links left to where they used to exist. At the same time users who were posting this content were banned by RLC, many in only their first few days on the site. Yet with all that happening and many RLCF users telling others that you will get banned and that RLC will end up getting their stuff removed; many people kept posting this material, most of them being users who were already permanently banned on RLC so they figured they were immune from any retribution. Guess what guys: YOU WERE FUCKING WRONG! And as the last few days have shown, RLC was able to exact retribution and those of you who did, and lets be real here: you really know who you are. put this entire site in jeopardy. Maybe it can be saved, maybe not. The gallery was pretty cool if you wanted to get a perspective of prior life of the long term tenants and apartments but the pictures were a snapshot in time. Posts in the Forums can provide the same insights but using words. So in the long run, with DCMA's lurking over our heads like Damocle's Sword, it would appear verbal accounts will have to suffice.

    There are still other great things to do in the Forums, such as those who post about a certain event and post a music video or clip which seems appropriate; just ask @ShakaZulu, the king of sound clips.

    I hope those in power here can come up with a plan, and solicit suggestions from the members, on what RLCF should become after its transformation. There are lots of nice, although somewhat perverted, people on here and it would be a shame to see it all go.   

  9. 1 hour ago, CowArt said:

    The chatbox and the gallery were always the best assets of RLCF. With the DMCA take-down this week, we lost the gallery. The chat is still there, or what's left of it.

    It used to be a place for pleasant conversation, some banter, and discussing what happened ON the cameras. But not anymore. Most of the apartments aren't mentioned at all. Interesting stuff happens there, but chatters rather talk about B1/B2 even when the the apartments are empty, than mention the other 17 (!) apartments. The chat is all about guessing what happens outside the B1/B2-apartment, based on bits of conversations that are taken completely out of context, translations of conversations that are incomplete, inaccurate, or just plain false. The times I log on to the chat, all I see is the same bullshit over and over again from a very limited number of users that are completely obsessed, mostly with Gina. If she blows her nose, it must have been because she had been snorting cocaine off camera moments before. If she sits in the corner of the balcony smoking, it must be weed. Whatever she does, a conspiracy theory gets dreamed up around it.

    We always had a pretty steady crew on the chatbox, ever since I joined over a year and a half ago. Sometimes a user disappeared, sometimes a user joined. In the last few months, all of the old crew has completely vanished from the chat. Now the chat is no longer used by RealLifeCamFANS, but by very few that only take pleasure in letting everybody know how bad things are. They will eventually leave too, once they've figured out that it might be a good idea not to watch RLC if you don't like what you see.

    Then the chatbox will be empty and all that's left on RLCF is the forums, which have been pretty much dead since RLC started wielding the ban hammer at every picture that got posted in there.

    RLCF already started digging itself a hole, and if the staff doesn't come up with a vision for the future, will never be able to get out of that hole anymore. And that would be a shame. I always liked it here, I met some good people here, who I enjoyed talking with. 

    Well said Sir Cow! I agree with everything you outlined. To many of us it was no longer worth the grief and aggravation to be on CHAT most of the time. It used to be fun and not so much about the items you mentioned. For the most part I know log on, look to see the current stream of topics and if it looks reasonable I will join in. Most of the time I end up just watching from the background and shake my head in disbelief. I guess we will see how it goes. 

  10. On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 11:38 AM, CowArt said:

    Just for the record: My post was in no way intended as criticism towards the administrators and moderators. I know they are volunteering their time to give us this forum and everything that comes with it, and I thank them for that. I assume they all have lives outside RLCF and can find better things to do than keep us idiots in order if they wanted to. ;)

    Besides, it's really difficult to enforce a rule that doesn't exist, or is mentioned in such an obscure place I can't find it (and I'm usually pretty good at finding stuff), that's why I asked if there could be a discussion on whether such a rule should be in place. If the outcome of the discussion is that it's not desirable, I will just have to live with that.

    I agree with Cow. I have not been on chat a lot and find myself just sitting in the background a lot because I have no desire to get dragged into certain conversations where anything you say is then attacked. I do agree that being a MOD is probably a thankless job and I have always appreciated what they do and enjoyed chatting with them; even if I do not always agree with what the say. Have a good day all.

  11. On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 11:29 AM, CowArt said:

    Since I still see comments being posted about the lack of explicit sexual activity, and I still feel some members are expecting too much from the girls in that area, so I tried to put things in perspective by crunching the numbers since I joined in January 2016. The numbers are based on what I've seen on the cameras or read in forum posts. I hope these numbers can give (potential) subscribers an insight on what they can expect to see in B1 and B2.

    I drew the line for hiding at the kitty. The girls trying their best to hide the kitty from the cameras as much as possible are tagged as "hiding", even though we might have caught some glimpses. For bating I also drew the line at the kitty, that means bating in the bath with the kitty out of camera view qualifies as "hidden", for example Karol bating pointed at camera #12 but with her panties on is also "hidden", but Angelina with her poor camera angles counts as "open" in my list. Bating with an object is either a sex toy, a piece of fruit, or some random object they found in the apartment.



    I definitely need to come to Holland and find you a woman! You have way too much free time with nothing to do if this is the kind of number crunching you do. I am old, what is your excuse. Be cool.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 9:38 PM, gilbert said:

    There have been dozens of complaints against the barca apts recently. The girls are out a lot, no men come to visit, no sex etc  All the complaints are valid Rlc have loyal customers. They can choose to ignore them if they wish. I hope we are helpful in improving the product, bur we are only helpful if people listen. For me personally, I have not seen one man other than Alex in the past 2 months. He is  unquestionably impotent which is a medical condition. If you watch the KKH apt you can witness the normal interaction between men and women in a girls apt. This is what I expect, and what I paid for. It is a normal expectation. I want to see this in the barca apts.  It is called real life. If real life cam does not want to show real life than it is false advertising. When I see real men there then I am watching real life. I am happy to pay for that. What I have received so far is not real life

    Gilbert, First, there have been men at KKH but they are usually there very late, are usually drunk, want sex and get none. The only one getting anything recently has been Heidi. If Kami and Kristy are having sex it is at their BFs place. When the guys are there everyone gets all ready for something, but get nothing. If men were to visit at B1/B2 then a lot of viewers would complain because it forces the other girls to stay covered up, cause friction with the other girls and there would be no nudity. This happened a lot when Nicole was there and had a guy over on a regular basis; she is ruining it for us and the others, she must be a real slut bringing a guy in for sex and on and on it went. You cannot have it both ways. As CowArt said earlier, with the exception of the drug-fueled Lola parties, B1/B2 are pretty quiet. The Irma/Jess/Ilona period was an exception.

  13. On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 0:14 PM, gilbert said:

    Had to comment on what you wrote. Rlc if nothing else are their own worst enemy. What they had back in December and January in the barca apts was amazing. I would gladly pay more, for more of the same, of that content. The parties were wild and exciting. Now there appears to be rule banning all forms of sex in those apts. Its not worth a nickel to pay. I never see men there as if they are afraid of them. Some of the girls appear to be bi- curious , but it is nothing resembling sex. Anything that happens that is exciting happens outside of the house where the paying customer does not see. You want to pay for a replay of something you haven't seen before, but why pay for something you can watch again,as in the couples apartments. Back in the times of the wild parties rlc would have made a fortune if they had replays

    I agree with you that REPLAY is a cool tool, I just wish it covered a longer period of time. The only issue is it is expensive when you figure it out on top of the regular fee; even if you do a long-term subscription. If I were RLC I would have a 'REPLAY' subscription, which would be Premium + Replay for about $50/month, $125 for 3 months. and $225 for 6 months. It gets rid of being logged on for hours and seeing nothing, then everything happens right after you leave. You can get on to see what is happening and go to Replay to see ALL the stuff you missed and you get to forward through the boring parts.  

  14. On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 6:54 PM, gilbert said:

    The bottom line is people pay good money to see sex. What you see in barca right now demands a refund. You can go on chaturbate right now and see live single woman or couples giving you your moneys worth. You will get what you pay for. It is live and it is entertainment. It is not boring. Alex is impotent, He is a man with a medical condition. No woman in real life wouid invite him to their bedroom , unless it involved favors

    Hey there I just wanted to point out that NO WHERE on RLC's site does it say you will see sex, and it never has said that! If you want to be able to click on a site and see sex then RLC is definitely not the place to plunk down your money. That being said, the current crop of couples have some real sex addicts: Linda/Tibor, the guests at Taya/Will who screw at least once a day; Martina/Alberto love to hump, Nelly and Bogdan and more. If Chaturbate is your thing then go there but set your RLC expectations accordingly or you most certainly will be upset.

  15. On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 6:06 PM, iloner said:

    The great times often flow from the personalities of one or two great girls.    Girls change or don't interact as well with different sets of girls.    So this route doesn't work reliably and consistently.

    Sometimes they flow from the use of special  substances - alcohol etc.  Trouble is, there's a strong moral streak amongst our community of caring perverts and there were too many complaints.   So RLC had to stop the use of stimulants. 

    As for stopping bringing in blokes  - probably because so many subscribers complained loudly, mainly about fat Alex the Photographer.

    With so many viewers whatever RLC does will always meet with a chorus of disapproval.    But if subs are down they won't give up trying.   

    Perhaps the 'moral' subscribers will have got bored with endless bodypainting and have gone elsewhere, leaving the field clear to bring back another Lola type plan to chivvy things up.

    My twopennorth to RLC .... give your customers what they want and their wallets will follow - but for gods sake take no notice of what they say.


    Ask and you shall receive; not only do you get another Lola, you get the original all over again! After her first few days it seems she has not changed much.

  16. I am sure RLC will consider this if, and only if, they feel they can turn a profit from the apt with new viewers; after all they are in this to make money. I have no objections but I would probably not watch a gay male apt and that is my choice. If it was a bi-sexual situation I would probably drop in from time to time and see what is going on. We all have free choice and can tune in to what we like and ignore that which we do not. 

  17. I voted no. It is not a porn site but it sure as hell is not 'real people leading their normal lives' either.

    * There are very few apt dwellers who have a 'real' life. Nina and Kira; Maya and Stepan (a very boring one); Raul and Desiree (?); Vanessa and Thomas; Carina and Sabrina are about all I would consider because they appear to be the only ones who probably have jobs and do real life shit. All the others laze about and do pretty much nothing.

    * As far as sex goes, if these people are really couples (maybe) then it is normal they have sex from time to time. They are well aware if they do then we will see. Some will do their best to hide it while others enjoy knowing we are watching and have enough exhibitionist tendencies to love showing off. (Masha and Sasha, Nelly and Bogdan top my list there).

    * As for the B1/B2 girls having a man over and getting laid, well that is part of life as well. Some prefer to see these girls be celibate while in the apts, some want them to have sex together and some want them to have men. I consider it non normal for them to be celibate for their 3 months or so there and have no problem with it. I do NOT want their men to live there however as it disrupts the less-dressed atmosphere.

    * If some of the girls already did cam shows before they came here then why would you expect them to stop. That is part of their 'normal' life so that is what RLC advertises.

    * Some of the drug-induced stuff that occurred was bullshit and should not be allowed to happen again. If someone comes in who does to drugs then I would hope they remove her/him.

    * If this was a porn site then the other night with the guy at B1 the plan would be to have had sex all around but it was quite obvious that was not going to happen. So the girls can put on a show but they are not sluts or prostitutes.

    * If it was a porn site you would have lots of couples getting together for 3-somes and more on a regular basis and that is not happening.

  18. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 11:08 AM, RLC_Dan said:

    In my view, when enjoying an ejaculation the good feeling can be increased in case that cum is placed on a very intimate body place. Of course, placing the cum inside a girl's mouth feels also very intimate. But shooting the cum "only" over the girl's belly - that would be too little fun for me (as a permanent method of ejaculation). And I think, lots of girls also think so.

    When staying inside the vagina, you do not only have the advantage of placing cum at the most intimate part of a women's body. You feel also the pleasent pressure by the tightness of the vagina, and the pleaseant moisture inside the girl. And it's very easy to continue the movements with the penis inside the girl while shooting the cum.

    As you mentioned, Marco always uses a condom while ejaculation inside Stesha. When I saw them fucking first time, I was very surprised. First, Marco penetrated Stesha without condom, and moved his penis inside her vagina for some minutes. Then he pulled out, placed a condom over his penis and penetrated Stesha once more. After about one minute, he came inside Stesha (just contained). I think, Stesha does not allow coital ejaculations without condoms - she will already have her reasons. But I think it's a good way for Marco to place a condom over his shaft shortly before ejaculation. So he can enjoy INSIDE Steha - a much more better feeling!

    My comment was related to someone I know who loves the feeling of that warm cum as it hits her skin; and the more cum the better. She also loves to rub it in and feel its texture as she does so. Just saying it is not always about the guy, the woman has some rights here as well. ;D

  19. On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 8:40 AM, mariux said:

    I might be a lil bit 2late to comment about this change, however I see it a lil bit unfair for old users

    I may not be so active posting around and so on, however I've been around since 2 years ( had a break and when I came back found this payment rules which were not around when I made the account 2 years ago or something


    It would be great if you guys change it back ( maybe not to 30 posts, around 100 could be good or something ) 

    I'll appreciate that * Btw all my previous topics / replies were removed Idk why ;/

    I think this change was fair. It is a tiny amount of money and somehow the site needs to be supported. I had enough posts but paid the money anyway because I feel we should pay for the ability to be here. I think the whole posting thing made for a lot of really stupid posts just so people could reach the 30 level.

  20. 2 hours ago, Rob1 said:

    I don't know where you found this but that's a pretty nice picture it's even got some of the countries of some of the tenants so people won't get mixed up anymore. Have anyone noticed there is no countries on the premium apartments? Maybe that is the great prize of being premium so you don't know what country they come from lol.

    I think every apt has a country listed now. Nice job Mona.

  21. Maybe the women prefer something else. Anabel and Masha take the load in the mouth quite frequently and on their bodies the other. A log of woman like to feel the warm cum on their skin. Some even like to rub it in (good for the skin I hear). Others may just want to see the ejaculation. Marco always wears a condom as do Kristy's guys so they do cum inside their women, just contained. 

  22. Nice comments by all so far. It is one reason I have stayed away from chat most of the time. The theories get so ridiculous that I just have to laugh! You are also correct that it is pointless to try and discuss some points because it ends up being an argument which you can never win. It does take the fun out of chat.

    As to B2, I assume RLC rents these various units so I assume problems like they had at B2 are the landlords responsibility and were I the girls at B2 I would be really pissed off. RLC should be as well. I expect that place is not cheap and they should be really on the landlord's case.

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