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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page for Martina & Alberto   
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Leora Fan Page   
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page Anglelika   
    I have not watch b2 lately but all 4 ladies are cute  don't care if there boring 
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Relationships and A.A.
    Being in a relationship is like being in A.A. My friends ask me, 'How's it going with that girl?' 'One day at a time, man
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Meant for Me
    I sincerely want to meet the girl that was meant for me, but I want to sleep with the girls that weren't.
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    man's logic
    A couple wants a divorce, but first they must decide who will be the main guardian of their child. The jury asks both the man and woman for a reason why they should be the one to keep the child. So the jury asks the woman first. She says, "Well I carried this child around in my stomach for nine months and I had to go through a painful birth process, this is my child and apart of me." The jury is impressed and then turns to ask the man the same question. The man replies, "OK, I take a coin and put it in the drink machine and a drink comes out, now tell me who does the drink belong to me or the machine"
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Little Johnny's "Bookish" Father
    Little Johnny was in class and the teacher announced that they were going to try something different to help everyone get to know each other a little better, and to help with their spelling.
    She explained, "I want you to stand up and give us the occupation of your father, spell it, and say one thing he would give us all if he was here today."
    The first student raised her hand to volunteer.
    "Marcy," the teacher said. "You may go first."
    Marcy replied, "My father is a banker. B-A-N-K-E-R and if he was here today, he would give us all a shiny new penny."
    The teacher said, "Very nice, Marcy, who wants to go next?"
    Kevin stood up and announced, "My father is a baker. B-A-K-E-R and if he was here today, he would give us all a freshly-baked cookie."
    "Very good," the teacher told Kevin.
    Jeff was next, and he said, "My father is an accountant. A-K, no wait, A-C-K, no..."
    Before he could attempt to spell it once more, the teacher cut him off and told him to sit back down and to think about it for a while. When he thought he knew how to spell it, he could stand back up and try again.
    Little Johnny raised his hand in excitement hoping to be acknowledged by the teacher. The teacher called on little Johnny to go next.
    Johnny said, "My father is a bookie. B-O-O-K-I-E and if he was here today, he would give us all 20:1 odds Jeff will never be able to spell "accountant."
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    lana and Robert has a very cute friend 
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Leora Fan Page   
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page for Linda and Tibor   
    linda and tibor    
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page Ilona & Tim   
    Ilona showing her ass when she was in b1 
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Party Pinata       dark humor 
    That's what a pinata inspires. It's like, 'Hey kids, let's get your favorite cartoon character and let's lynch his ass. And then we're gonna all take turns beating the crap out of it until its guts come out. We can all scramble for its sugary entrails. Who's with me?!'
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Little Johnny the Conductor
    Little Johnny was in the kitchen playing with his toy train as his father cooked dinner.
    Little Johnny stopped the train and said, ''All you damn assholes who want to get off, get the hell off. All those who want to get on, get the hell on!''
    ''Little Johnny!'' exclaimed his father. ''I can't believe you are using that language! You should be ashamed of yourself! I want you to go to your room and don't come back until you have thought about what you've done!''
    So Little Johnny goes to his room and comes back an hour or so later.
    He resumes playing with his train, only this time when he stops it he says, ''All of you ladies and gentlemen who want to get off, you may now get off, and those who want to get on, you may now also get on. And as for those of you who have a problem with the hour delay, talk to the asshole in the kitchen!''
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    About a Man From Peru
    There was a young man from Peru
    Who fell asleep in a canoe.
    He dreamt that Venus
    Was strokin' his penis
    And woke with a handful of goo.
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Mail Order Bride
    I don't think I'll ever meet the perfect woman. I might have to get me one of them mail order women. You can do that: you send away to the Philippines, and they send you a wife. The only thing is, once you're on their mailing list, they keep sending you a relative a month whether you want it or not.
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Fan Page Taya & Will   
    will and taya playing 
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    desiree  and raul 
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in Leora Fan Page   
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Look to Nature
    I look to nature because I think the animals are smarter than we are. Animals mate; humans date. There's no dating in the animal kingdom. No dinner, no movie -- just a quick sniff, 'Alright, let's go.'
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A Hooker & a Bungee Jump
    Q: What do a bungee jump and a hooker have in common?
    A: They're both cheap, fast, and if the rubber breaks, you're dead.
  21. Like
    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Little Johnny and God
    One day little Johnny was walking up a hill pulling his red wagon behind him saying, "F**k this," "F**k that."
    The town priest hears this and walks up to Johnny and says,"You shouldn't swear like that, Johnny. God is all around us."
    "Is he in the sky?" asks Johnny.
    "Yes," says the priest.
    "Is he in that bush over there?" asks Johnny.
    "Yes," says the priest."
    Is he in my wagon?" asked Johnny.
    "Yes," says the priest.
    "Well tell him to get the f**k out and push!!!"
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Bacardi 151
    I had a bad introduction to drinking, as it is. When I was 14 years old, my boys got me in a room and they gave me Bacardi 151. I didn't even know what the 151 stood for; I thought it was like Heinz 57 sauce or Formula 409 or some sh*t. Turns out you have 151% chance of taking a swing at your dad.
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Little Johnny's class is reviewing the alphabet. His teacher knows that he has an "advanced" vocabulary for his age, so she avoids calling on him. When the teacher asks for a word beginning with "A," Little Johnny raises his hand. The teacher anticipates he'll say, "ass" so she calls on Mary Lou, who says "apple."
    This continues because the teacher knows that Little Johnny knows a cuss word for every letter of the alphabet. Then she gets to "R." She can't think of any cuss words that begin with R, so she calls on Johnny.
    He exclaims, "R is for rats -- big fucking rats, with 12-inch cocks!"
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A Husband's Realization
    A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she stayed by his bedside every day.
    One day he told her, "You have been with me through the bad times. When I got fired, you were there. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were there. When we lost the house, you were there. When my health started failing, you were there. You know what?" "What is it, dear?" she asked.
    He responded, "I think you bring me bad luck."
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    leon34 reacted to mikeusa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Love This Girl
    The biggest thing in my life right now is my girlfriend. I love this girl. I know I love her because she told me.
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