I have left RLC over 1.5 years ago so I don't post anything about that anymore not on XCF chat and my last post on CC was back in 2017 so don't think they remember even who I am. And those polls you can take no problem because the only once that react are your little 'friends". But I wish you and your friends all the best but notice that more and more new people move to CC because of the posts you and your "friends" post. Good luck have have a great life on the forum.
Maybe you should read that post again because it said that VH is more a porn site then a voyeur site nothing about RLC ,but you rather see what you want to see so you can complain about the chat some more. But if you get your kicks out of it have fun with it because it's coming from someone who kisses ass on PM and talks bad about those on the forum and on the forum speaks bad about those on the chat. But once more if it makes you feel like a big guy have fun .
I think they saw your post Adelita took off her sheets and washed them and I have seen B&M take down the sheets them self on their last stay so they could be washed . But your right those that get into a bed never wonder if those sheets are clean and what happend on them LOL
Thanks Leona for showing us what's it like to be a model and live in B2 and I wish you all the best. So for now goodbye and maybe we will see you again when you came back to Barca. Have a safe trip back home.
I told you but I still think they went to the rooftop that night because Irina cleaned all the mess the next day and she came back with more than only the botles they used that night (they took 4 botles). She came back with 12 botles plus other mess. I think if they went to the beach the city would have cleaned up the other botles she took with her.