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Posts posted by Wazzer

  1. On 3/18/2020 at 9:46 PM, Pleasant said:

    After such a short of being together, this trio's manifesto is clear as day - These three are doing exactly the same style of fake shows as the Barcas - Nothing real whatsoever. Totally contrived and staged from the word Go. This is just another 'show' type house as the B's, a couple and another woman stuck together by the agency and told to perform, or they're out. Sitting around for hours on end with nothing to say to one other, then all of a sudden they get the call, and it's SHOWTIME!! Whether it's a lingerie parade or foamy rubdowns in the bath, anything will do for this lot! And the best part is, when they're not performing, these 2 women look as if they don't even want to know each other!! Even on the other forum (where they are normally more tolerant to the more preening tenants), they've seen through it and are calling them out over it. It does pain me that enough people are more than happy to accept this rubbish, just as long as they are providing some regular choreographed 'shows'. For those of us that yearn for a return to the original concept, it's horrible to see how low standards have dropped. It's now just the same as MFC, but at least they don't try to pretend it's real!!

    This apartment and its three employees are the perfect example of why people are laughing at this 'Project' now. Maybe they all need to realize that -


    Why so many no longer watch any of the sites. Nothing but staged porn shows. Quite sad what some will do just to make money. 

  2. On 3/10/2020 at 9:08 PM, delta10 said:

    Not all shape & sizes for me. There is a dividing line between ' If you've got it flaunt it ' and ' if you've got it hide it '.

    True indeed. Like anything, there is a limit. 

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