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Everything posted by Wazzer

  1. Complete waste of time, money and apartment.
  2. Everyone has the right to comment positive or negative, especially when something they have been watching and paying for over the years is turning to shit. Yes it probably won't change fuck all, but good to let it out.
  3. Turning up in another RLC apartment or VHTV maybe, but very surprised if they reappear at Masha's. Stranger things have happened though.
  4. Noticed the backtracking by certain members about being fake, but also they are now being called shows a lot more too. Barca apartments especially have never been anything less than show performance. Simple
  5. One thing you always get with Leora extremists is a laugh.
  6. Wazzer

    Blonde Jokes

    Two blondes were driving along a road by a wheat field when they saw a blonde in the middle of the field rowing a row boat. The driver turned to her friend and said, "You know, it's blondes like that that give us a bad name!". To this, the other blonde replies, "I know, and if I could swim, I'd go out there and drown her."
  7. Wazzer

    Blonde Jokes

    A blonde goes on a hot date and ends up making out with the guy in his car. The guy asks if she would like to go in the backseat. "No!", yells the blonde. Things get even hotter, and the guy asks again. "For the last time, no!", says the blonde. Frustrated, the guy asks, "Well, why the hell not?" The blonde says, "Because I wanna stay up here with you!"
  8. Just noticed the buy worn panties option. Has anyone bought any? Would you admit to if you had?
  9. Married or not they are still clearly a couple, no matter what some think. Could be a number of reasons why he has not appeared yet. Work, no interest in it, criminal record... Who really knows.
  10. Don't let them think that. So many already think they are the reason things happen. Heads get any bigger they might explode. Lol
  11. Is this the best RLC can come up with. Unbelievable.
  12. Only thing RLC are going to do is bring returns and the occasional lost couple that you have seen over and over. Jessica is perfect example.
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