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Everything posted by Wazzer

  1. Very weird and creepy. Can only imagine what lengths they go to find out information about the girls. Rather obsessed and I'm sure most including the girls would agree.
  2. And how the fuck would you know who does and who doesn't have a subscription??
  3. +My girlfriend broke up with me so I took her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back. +How do Asians name their kids? They throw them down the stairs and see what kind of sounds they make. +My wife complained that the vacuum sucks to hard on the rugs and I made a joke...anyway, I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. +Do you ever look at what's "Popular on Netflix" and think, man there are a lot of dumb motherfuckers watching Netflix? +I'm watching my neighbor through the blinds, he's so creepy. +If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need. Not all this, "how did you get in my house?!" Bullshit.
  4. For all we know they could just be waiting on a situation getting resolved. Hopefully get some back but just have to wait and see. More tenants in the countries they have might be good idea and also having a look at setting up in other countries. What I would be doing.
  5. Made me laugh that one of the best things they could think of was to open the kitchen cam in B1.
  6. The current crap on offer isn't worth paying anything to view. Anyone that is free viewer certainly are not going to with the situation as it is now, no matter how low they drop the price.
  7. Both looking quite tanned. Now back to business
  8. Some have no patience and need to know every little thing. Funny because patience is one thing you need being a voyeur.
  9. Wazzer

    Alexa Tomas

  10. A woman comes home and tells her husband, "Remember those headaches I've been having all these years? Well, they're gone." "No more headaches?" The husband asks, "What happened?" His wife replies, "Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to stand in front of a mirror, stare at myself and repeat, I do not have a headache, I do not have a headache, I do not have a headache. It worked! The headaches are all gone." The husband replies, "Well, that is wonderful." His wife then says, "You know, you haven't been exactly a ball of fire in the bedroom these last few years. Why don't you go see the hypnotist and see if he can do anything for that?" The husband agrees to try it. Following his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes, picks up his wife and carries her into the bedroom. He puts her on the bed and says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." He goes into the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later, jumps into bed and makes passionate love to his wife like never before. The wife says, "Boy, that was wonderful!" The husband says, "Don't move! I will be right back." He goes into the bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than the first time. The wife sits up and her head is spinning. Her husband again says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." With that, he goes back in the bathroom. This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the bathroom, she sees him standing at the mirror and saying: "She's not my wife, she's not my wife, she's not my wife..." His funeral service will be held on Friday.
  11. These towels are probably smarter and more enjoyable to watch.
  12. Always make me laugh when the Barcelona ones do their thing and the ones that say VHTV especially is to much like hardcore porn and just for the cameras. Yet they will watch exactly the same thing on RLC.
  13. Comes down to how much they want to change and effort willing to put in. Current locations don't suit arrange of viewers, but just general tenants and how lives are lived would be change in viewing also.
  14. Alcohol looks to be a problem no matter what site you view. Getting so intoxicated that they have no control or clue what happened the night before. Some are not mature enough to be on these sites, or be allowed alcohol.
  15. Personally if I was picking 10 in a package to pay for the ones that have changed wouldn't be in it. I like Angie but apart from occasionally walking round nude and showers, does nothing worth watching.
  16. Very nice collection @Scotsman84 will have to keep an eye on this topic.
  17. The ages they are and amount of time they have, should be seeing a lot more on a daily basis. Things are bad when someone in their 50's is getting more action and lasting longer. Even basic nudity is very rare as well.
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