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Everything posted by Wazzer

  1. So true and some don't realise what danger they could do giving out any information about the tenants. If memory serves me right, Diana a former tenant had problems because some idiot posted information about her on a forum and endangered her safety.
  2. Lets be honest not much between them. Both are dull and about as exciting as watching grass grow.
  3. No sympathy for idiots like this and deserve everything they get.
  4. Wazzer

    RLC Clearout

    Have noticed that, some will watch even after saying over and over they don't like them. Maybe they feel if they watch they are getting something for their money.
  5. Yes they do hard work and long hours, deserve weeks away every now and then.
  6. They have traced the gay gene all the way back to the time of the dinosaurs. They found two distinct species. Have named them Lickalotapus and Megasoreass.
  7. Q: What do you call 2 nuns and a prostitute on a football field? A: Two tight ends and a wide receiver. Q: How does Jesus celebrate Easter? A: He gets a manicure, pedicure and has his nails polished.
  8. March already and personally not impressed with any of the apartments. MSD being main discussion on chat and forums shows not much interesting being happening.
  9. Anyone having problems posting GIF from RLCF setting?
  10. Waste enough time watching them on RLC at times, nevermind wasting time on the social media accounts. Some are desperate though and even track down friends of the girls to get other girls accounts that are on RLC.
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