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Everything posted by Wazzer

  1. Just look for bruises. Bruises = Sex
  2. Just making complete fools of subscribers and best thing current owners could do is sell up. If you have any sense don't subscribe and waste your well earned cash.
  3. Fun and interesting regular couples and singles will always outlast staged show performers. Just about finding ones with a good mix of interesting social life and sex life. Anyone that manages that will get the viewers and rewards that come with it $$$$$.
  4. Sharpening the pencil Taking the bald headed gnome for a stroll in the misty forest Pounding the punani pavement Parking the beef bus in tuna town
  5. Nice seeing two girls enjoying eachother and not looking staged and fake as fuck. All you "Lesbian" fanatics have a watch and see the difference from what you view at other apartments and think is Real.
  6. Not worth smashing your computer. At it's worse stage in 7 years and can only get better or close the doors surely.
  7. Some great images of beautiful behinds.
  8. Anything that attracts and brings back female members is a good and positive idea. Clearly smarter and don't get as fooled as some of the male members do. But we all know never going to happen. Try emailing RLC with your suggestions and Good Luck.
  9. Exactly. If they are not going to bring in new couples/single women they might as well shut the doors.
  10. Like any good theme/amusement park you need to introduce new and exciting rides. Keeping existing customers excited and new wanting more. Only so many times you can ride the same ones over and over.
  11. Called giving your opinion. I would say many don't, but if it does fail only themselves to blame. If you and others are sick and tired of certain topics. Take your own advice and fuck off.
  12. Another riveting and action packed Saturday on RLC. They are more like a bunch of boring old farts. What we have now is not Real Life that many of us wanted btw. I have kids and know many around these tenants ages and they are not as boring lives as some of these live.
  13. Couldn't agree more. If it was not for World Outside, need a laugh and a few other interesting and enjoyable topics wouldn't waste my time with RLCF. RLC is a lost cause and don't see it improving anytime soon.
  14. Wazzer

    Blonde Jokes

    Two blondes find a mirror on the sidewalk. The first blonde picks it up, looks into it and says, "Hey, I know this person! I've seen her somewhere before." The second blonde takes the mirror, looks into it and says, "Duh! Of course you have that's me!"
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