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    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Johnny in Funny #2   
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    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Johnny in Extreme Viewers   
    Looks to be acceptable as long as they do it in PM. But nothing is done when members say they have information about locations of apartments, tenants and blatantly say they do in an open chat. These dumb fucks don't have a clue who they are giving this information too.
    The female tenants have been accused of being all sorts. Don't think there is much they haven't done.
  6. Haha
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to box_hunter in Meanwhile at Walmart.   
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    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to CowArt in Funny Signs.   

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    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to Scotsman84 in Funny Signs.   
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    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to Scotsman84 in Funny Signs.   
    Bet the women there are happy.. lol

  10. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to StnCld316 in Ada & Alan   
    Wonder how long she'll last before moving on to another Sperm Shack.  The only thing that keeps Alan in business is the size of his dick. He has nothing else going for him. 
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    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Past or Present.   
    Both sites were much better in the past. Currently they are a joke and not even worth watching for free.
  12. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Plank in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    See for me the genuine, getting on with life apartments always have a downfall. Marla&Hector, Nicole&Karl for example. Not enough or if any masturbating. Yes no-one masturbates 24/7, but they hardly ever done/do it. Even nudity is/was rare. Need a balance of nice genuine couples with good sex life, where the women enjoy their "me" time.
  13. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    So true.
  14. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to Plank in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    And right there is the problem. The duality, the dichotomy, the catch-22. 👨‍🎓
    If the participants have an everyday,normal relationship, such as Nina & Kira, they are seen as boring,dull etc.
    But if they do put on 'shows',sexy parties,swapping,orgies etc, they are seen as fake and staged etc.
    So we have to accept that it is what it is,and either go with it or leave it alone and move onto something else (legal),whatever that is?
    Oh btw, I sent in a complaint to VHtv. Here's the responses.
    Thanks for your message. We are aware of this issue and we're fixing it right now. Please, note, that it may take some time.
    Then a few hours later,
    Glad to say the problem is finally resolved.
    Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for your understanding.
    Enjoy your stay!
    Best wishes,
    Voyeur House TV Support
    'Enjoy your stay!', I didn't know that I'd booked into a hotel/resort! More like a home for the bat shit crazy.🤪
    I've had a quick wander around the site and it does seem to be working.
    Don't suppose they are going to offer us a refund anytime soon?
  15. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Plank in Angel, Odri   
    Complete waste of utilities. If you have a hair braiding fetish, it's the apartment to watch.
  16. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    Not so much the gullible subscribers, but Hardcore porn viewers. That's what it's all about now and the sites are more than happy to give them what they want. You take away the 24hr performing apartments, Camgirls and what is left! Everything is just false, staged and nowhere near reality (well not in my world).
  17. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to Plank in Angel, Odri   
    Seriously,why is this apartment still up & running?
    No action to speak of, and even if there were, we wouldn't be able to see anything as the cams are miles away.
    I don't pay a subscription to watch people sitting around in onesies.
    Or be entertained by a speciality in hair braiding! 🤬
  18. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    Well said Plank. VHTV will do what they want just like RLC. Sad reality, these cam sites will win because of gullible subscribers but us true voyeurs will never have the voyeurism experience/thrill/tease that we enjoy. Only fake/forced crap nowadays.
  19. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus reacted to Plank in VHTV General Chat Part #2   
    @dougiestyle4u Yes mate the circle jerk has been really bad today,totally unwatchable! Interesting when you read the latest bullshit newsletter.  @Voyeur House TVMy comments in red
    We hope you found our service enjoyable in 2019, and we will continue working hard to make it better in 2020. Good! But at the moment your site is unwatchable due constant video lags & buffering. Anytime anyone sends a support ticket you pass it off as your customers problem(internet connection,Routers,shit computer etc etc) There are loads of complaints on here and CC about this,you have done nothing to solve this issue! Your site is totally reliant upon video streaming and it is failing miserably,someone needs their arse kicked for this! You used to have great customer service,now it is as bad as rlc's ever was.
    We learned many things in the past year, some came hard way, some were essential things to happen.Like rlc, you have stopped listening to your customers,despite what this newsletter says! What hard lessons did you learn? Like don't get rid of tenants the customers like and replace them with cheap dross?
    We are happy to have any experience after all, as it makes us stronger, more stable, and even more passionate about what we do. Management bullshit 101. Start by making your servers & streaming reliable.
    Now we have a lot of work to do in 2020, and let us share some of our plans with you. Let me guess, price increase?
    Upcoming year will be feature-packed for Voyeur House TV and other projects of ours.
    Our main goal would become dividing the content categories between several Websites. Big mistake & might ruin you.
    And by many requests we plan to move all places with web-camming activities to other website, which is in the works already. So you have finally realised that your customers don't want to watch cam-girls,instead you would rather try to take on Chaturbate and all the other sites at their own game in a saturated marketplace? Ok then,off you fuck then.
    This website will feature all “Pro” participants interactions, which include webcams, shooting videos and other things which are related to production of content meant for websites not affiliated with us. Porn production is really boring,and I don't mean that in a good way. It is tediously dull, take a look at Stephan & Stella's place....really dull.
    The move will happen as soon as the new project is ready. By estimates, it will take up to 6 months for us to complete the new service. Don't rush.
    Until then we won’t urge anyone to shut down, neither we will prohibit opening of new places with webcam activities at Voyeur-House.TV. So the cammers can carry on ripping you & your customers off,thanks.
    As you may know, everyone can have a chance to participate at VHTV, and we are not about ruining opportunities for those who would like to work with us.Maybe if you paid your tenants a decent rate,they wouldn't have to supplement their income by camming?
    We don’t plan to stop with one separate website for “Pros”, but will also be introducing Lesbian-only website, which may be coming after the initial launch of the first separate website. If you move the likes of Nina & Kira to a separate site you will lose viewers.
    We will be testing things out, and it may some time for us to accomplish all the goals we set for it, which, by estimate, may take up to a year from now. Don't rush.
    Of course, we will do our best to release new projects as soon as possible, making sure no crucial issues may affect your user experience. A crucial/key issue is to have the fucking streaming working on a video based streaming service. Simple really.🤬
  20. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Plank in Angel, Odri   
    Apart from one of them taking a bath, haven't seen anything from this apartment. Doesn't look like many others have either. You take away the crap and not much seen at CC either.
  21. Like
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Melissa & Sergio   
    Without outside help they are fucked. Not interesting enough as a couple to keep viewers entertained and wanting more. Melissa use to be good to watch, but god one of the most boring now. This "I've got a broken toe and can't do much" is a load of bullshit.
  22. Haha
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from WhySoSerious? in Meanwhile at Walmart.   
    Are these people fucking real!! What is going on in this world. 
  23. Haha
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from delta10 in Meanwhile at Walmart.   
    Are these people fucking real!! What is going on in this world. 
  24. Haha
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from WhySoSerious? in Funny #2   
  25. Haha
    Doyouthinkshesawus got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Funny #2   
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