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Everything posted by Scotsman84

  1. Rlc may be getting boring but so is all this I'm going to stop my subscription when your clearly not. You can moan all you want but as long as you keep paying they won't give a fuck...
  2. Does nothing for me but each to their own.. Another poor choice.
  3. There was a German. an Italian and a Redneck on death row. The warden gave them a choice of three ways to die. 1. To be shot. 2. To be hung. 3. To be injected with the AIDS virus for a slow death. So the German said, " Shoot me right in the head. " ( Boom, he was dead instantly ) The Italian said, " Just hang me. " ( Snap, he was dead. ) Then the Redneck said, " Give me some of that AIDS stuff, " They gave him the shot, and the redneck fell down laughing. The guards looked at each other and wandered what was wrong with this guy. Then the Redneck said, " Give me another one of those shots, " so the guards did. Now he was laughing so hard, tears rolled from his eyes and he doubled over. Finally the warden said, " What is wrong with you? " The Redneck replied, " You guys are so stupid... I'm wearing a condom! "
  4. A drunk stumbles out of the bar and phones the police to report that thieves had been in his car. " They've stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the radio, and even the accelerator," he cries out. However, before the police investigation could start, the phone rings a second time and the same voice came over the line. " Never mind, " he said with a hiccup, " I got in the back seat by mistake. "
  5. A word that gets used a lot in Forum... lol
  6. Can we use the Credits to get Rid of some off the annoying members... Lol
  7. Most of them are Lazy Bastards that's why... Means having to do something Lol
  8. One day during a family lunch the youngest son Paul asks his father: - Daddy, what is the difference between potential and reality? Dad turns to his wife and gives her a question: - Would you sleep with George Clooney for 1 million £? - Certainly, I would never waste such opportunity, says his wife. Dad turns to his teenage daughter: - Maria, would you sleep with Brad Pitt for 1 million £? - Surely! He is my fantasy, his posters are all over my bedroom walls. Dad turns to his oldest son Raul and asks: - Would you sleep with Tom Cruise for 1 million £? Eldest son thinks a little and replies: - Why not? Imagine what I could do with the money. So yes, I would. Then Dad turns back to his youngest son Paul and explains to him: - You see, Paul, Potentially we are sitting with Multi Millionaires but in Reality we are sitting with two prostitutes and one gay...
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