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Everything posted by Scotsman84

  1. The girls have done few bank jobs but never been caught lol
  2. Zoya yeah.... Lazy no chance lol he struggles getting dressed
  3. Aye can't beat it lol out with the lads
  4. Lazy is being nice lol more life in a dead body.
  5. If his aim is anything like his comebacks he's no chance lol
  6. Think i seen D&D at my local ASDA last week lol but couldn't understand a fucking word they were saying lol
  7. Don't know about different countries/way of lives but would most people's parents approve of something like this and why would you want them too. everyone's different
  8. Zoya & Lazy.. would miss Lazy playing Fifa lol
  9. Aye lol Worst thing Kami could do lol being closer to you lol you don't want shit and you come out with that GTF
  10. Where are they when you need them? lol Can't be any worse lol
  11. Back wearing that nice looking shirt lol wonder where he got it
  12. Think she packed her trunk and went back to the circus lol
  13. Would get BobZ put in a Straitjacket lol
  14. As for being a bully lol don't know the meaning...... Kami best thing you can do is leave
  15. Fuck all to do with mods theres a fine line with being a fan and being a stalker.. If she found out half the stuff you were doing to find what she's up to. Real world you would b arrested... simple
  16. Aye we will see by the end of the week you will want her gone lol hopefully her bf comes back then we will see what you say about her lol
  17. You didn't have to be a brain surgeon to know she didn't have a porsche lol
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