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Everything posted by Scotsman84

  1. Is your dad Liam Neeson? Because I'm Taken with you.
  2. One day little Johnny was walking up a hill with his red wagon behind him saying, "Fuck this, " Fuck that." The town priest hears this and walks up to Johnny and says, "You shouldn't swear like that, Johnny. God is all around us." "Is he in the sky?" asks Johnny. " Yes," says the priest. "Is he in that bush over there?" asks Johnny. " Yes says the priest." "Is he in my wagon?" asked Johnny. "Yes," says the priest." "Well tell him to get the Fuck out and Push!!!"
  3. A blonde goes to the library to get a book. A few days later, she goes back and says to the librarian at the counter, " This book was very boring. it had too many characters and too many numbers, so i would like to return it." The librarian says to her coworkers, "So here's the person who took our phone book!"
  4. Just when you think you got rid of one Nutjob lol another turns up
  5. Q: Why have there been less suicide bombings since Susan Boyle's rise to fame? A: Because terrorists didn't know what a Virgin looked like! Sorry Subo lol
  6. Boy: "I love you so much, I could never live without you." Girl: " Is that you or the beer talking?" Boy: " It's me talking to the beer."
  7. Are you a racehorse? Cause when I ride you'll always finish first.
  8. Are you from Tenessee? Cause your the only Ten i see.
  9. I'm not a weather man, but you could expect more than a few inches tonight.
  10. Hey , wanna come over to Myspace and Twitter with my Yahoo till i Google all over your Facebook?
  11. You must be a bannana because i find you a peeling.
  12. "Hi, I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" ( Why? ) " The sign says NO SMOKING....... and you are definitely SMOKIN!"
  13. I'd like to point out that " beautiful" has U in it. But, ' quickie ' has U and I together."
  14. An Englishman, an irishman and a scotsman set up a business as furniture removal men. On their first job when the householder saw the Englishman and Scotsman struggling to carry a wardrobe upstairs, she asked them, ' Where is the Irishman?' 'Oh, he's in the wardrobe stopping the wire coat-hangers from rattling.'
  15. A blonde girl says to her friend, " i think Bill is cheating on me. I'm no longer even sure the kids are mine. "
  16. little Johnny asks the teacher, " Mrs Roberts, can i be punished for something i haven't done?" Mrs Roberts is shocked, "of course not, johnny that would be unfair!". Little Johnny is relieved, " OK Mrs Roberts, sorry, i haven't done my homework."
  17. My boss told me yesterday, "don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want". But when i turned up in my Ghostbusters gear, the bastdard fired me.
  18. A husband and his wife sit at the table having dinner. The woman drops abit of tomato sauce on her white top. " Och, i look like a pig! The man nods, " And you dropped tomato sauce on your top"!
  19. My dog use to chase people on a bike alot. it got so bad , finally i had to take his bike away
  20. She needs a good hard pounding lol would mabe wake her up abit
  21. There's no danger alot of viewers pay outright for their tokens, if they do there fucking morons lol
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