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  • 4 months later...

Looks like Kim and Olya are still doing Diane's dirty work for her, by using Alexandiria and her dopey boy friend Lucia at the GP for points.  Kim still holds the award for being "best ass kisser and keeping her head up Diane's ass" I do have to give her credit for that.  I wonder how much longer well Alexandria well have keep performing for these three female pimps, its obvious that neither Olya or Kim can't bring in viewers on their own. LOL8)

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like Kim used Alexandra and Lucian again, "dam she needs her own site, but then again she wouldn't be able to do it with out the B3 couples. LOL  I can't wait for RLC to start bootin out the old hoe's and bring in something new for a change.  "I myself think that Bonnie and Rama doesn't join the cast "Alexandra, Kim and Lucian" due to the fact they don't want to fuck up what's left of their relationship and dignity, or probably don't want to be used like bed sheets every time someone on Diane's trained team needs two suckers on cam for a show."  Who's next to come into the B3 apartment and do some ho'in for the cams?? LOL8)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it looks like Kim's grandmother "Diane" has her back at the B3 giving Lucian more head...lol....while she tries her best to make a come back with a much younger guy.  Kim seems to do everything for Diane like a grand child does.  Seeing that Kim does love sucking Lucian's dick more then Alexandria does "maybe RLC should consider on moving her whoring ass to the B3 apartment for good.  One thing for sure "Social Distancing"  has no meaning here on this site as long as they can keeping tenants like Kim and Diane blowing!!! LOL8)   "With a deadly virus killing people by the 1000's daily, how in the hell do you get up the nerve to want to fuck others at a time like this...."unless your getting paid to do it."8)

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