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  1. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    This post is entitled,The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.
    Part 1, The Good.
    Question: What is better than a couple playing a game of GTA V together?
    Answer: When Layla is playing with you,while you are playing GTA V.
    This all escalated quickly,and when they had finished their adult games, they went back to GTA V.
    You gotta love this couple!

  2. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Part 2, The Bad & the Ugly. (see dougiestyle's comments above)
    So V H have two new apartments. Teya,Eva & Mark who I have not seen yet.
    And Chloe & James. Last night/early this morning depending on where you are, Chloe & James had a couple over, playing strip cards of some sort & drinking steadily.
    Everything was fine, other than the female guest cheating when she lost a hand and didn't remove her bra, damn it !
    James lost the game and was naked at the end. They all seemed to be packing up for the night and sorting out who was sleeping where in their tiny apartment.
    I don't know where their friends went to, but Chloe & James decided to have sex there & then. Just as they finished,the male guest walks back into the room trying to find various bits of his personal property.
    He then starts shouting the odds at C & J, his 'girl-friend' comes into the room and all hell kicks off. He's getting physical with her,she's slapping him hard across the face,and this went on for a while getting louder & more physical. C&J weren't getting involved.
    Until, out of camera shot,you could hear the girl-friend screaming. Chloe ran to her aid, she return to the room visibly upset & said something to James along the lines of, 'have a word', or 'get him out of here' etc.
    I don't know how it resolved because by that point I'd had enough of what was a nice evening ruined by an asshole who can't handle his booze. This morning the asshole is still there, the girlfriend is not, and if she has any sense she will stay away from this asshole!

  3. Like
    Plank reacted to dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Well, just watched a couple in the Chloe and James apartment arguing which included pushing and shoving, slaps and arm tussling plus things thrown. Watched as the other couple did absolutely nothing to settle things down. Just kept going on and on. The escalation finally involved the other couple with yelling and crying. These owners of all these voyeur sites do a damn piss poor job of monitoring their sites and tenants for bad behavior especially with the amount of money they take in. Nobody minding the fucking store. How sad.
       Maybe real life is too real and a fake voyeur site is better. NOT!!! Owners need to be more involved with their business and screen possible tenants better with a trial period off cam to see how they interact and what kind of life they really live. There should be zero tolerance for bad behavior and the apartment being shut down immediately at any sign of rules being broken. Why is it after the fact. Owners - time to get real and get off your damn ass. Don't you even care about people's safety or your own liabilities - FFS!!!.
        Sooner or later - someone will get seriously hurt (physically, mentally or emotionally) and the site will be liable. Case in point - the Vanessa and Marketa apartment of RLC.
  4. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   

  5. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  6. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Just in time for Yoga. Nowhere near Jessica's level, but everyone's gotta start somewhere.

  7. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Bobbil in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Masha thinks about it and decides to re-charge herself.

  8. Like
    Plank got a reaction from hyso79 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Masha thinks about it and decides to re-charge herself.

  9. Like
    Plank got a reaction from hyso79 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    What started out as Yoga session turned into some acrobatic skills showing off both of their core strength. One thing led to another.

  10. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    The morning afternoon after the night morning before.......

  11. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Just in time for Yoga. Nowhere near Jessica's level, but everyone's gotta start somewhere.

  12. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    after show shots,both these gals are well fit..

  13. Like
    Plank reacted to marauderr in TK & girl friend are back   
    Not to mention all the insane theories on how soon Masha will leave Sasha for sure this time.
  14. Like
    Plank got a reaction from marauderr in TK & girl friend are back   
    Oh goodie!  I can hardly wait for all the negative comments to start about Masha & how useless Sasha is. But all those making the negative comments will be glued to it all for hours! Whooppeee!
  15. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Scotsman84 in TK & girl friend are back   
    Oh goodie!  I can hardly wait for all the negative comments to start about Masha & how useless Sasha is. But all those making the negative comments will be glued to it all for hours! Whooppeee!
  16. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Delivery Ninja.

  17. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    She is the Cleaning Ninja !

  18. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
  19. Like
    Plank got a reaction from One Eyed Willie in What is an RLC Agent?   
    Is it something like James Bond 007?
    Agent 69, license to perv?
    This keeps coming up in the Chatbox,so I just wondered?
    Years ago I remember that there was a problem with newbies arriving and wanting access to the Gallery & asking all sorts of odd questions. I know the Mods felt that these might be spies sent out by RLC to infiltrate our ranks.
    But at that time there was a 'gentleman's agreement' between them and our old boss BTR that allowed stuff to be posted to the Gallery, within reason.
    But since BTR left us we have seen the watermarks come in and a general clamp down by rlc on anyone posting anything anywhere, also resulting in members being banned.
    This has had an adverse effect on our Gallery.
    So it can't be that, because it's been going on for a while now?
    Is an rlc agent something like an Estate/Property Agent a Representative of some sort? Here to sell their site to us,encourage membership etc, probably not because they don't seem to like any form of customer feedback or suggestion. (see above)
    I am confused because it keeps coming up in the Chatbox when certain members want to talk about one subject and others don't.
    If you try and change the subject or challenge a viewpoint a phrase get's used along these lines, 'are you an rlc agent?', 'you are an agent of rlc'? etc etc
    Obviously sent here to run a covert mission of subterfuge,to throw people off the real story/issue etc.
    I wonder if the ones accusing people of being rlc agents are in fact double agents, claiming that they are on our side,when really they are agents, sent by dark forces to confuse,undermine,run-static etc.
    Oh it's becoming clear to me now,let me hypothesise.
    A tactic that could be used by the double agent is to bombard the chat with a fake story until it becomes folklore, and then denounce anyone who questions that story. Brilliant!
    For example,Fred & Ginger are a couple,Janet & John are another couple,so make up a story that Fred was seen having a liaison with Janet.Drip feed that story into the general population of the Chatbox.
    Give the story details even though it didn't happen, you didn't see it, you have no pictorial or video evidence of it & more importantly, make sure that no-one else saw it.
    If the story is repeated many,many,many times it will become fact. (internet laws see Trump,fake news,CNN etc etc)
    This is where the double agent lures us into a trap. If anyone should challenge this story the double agent can be outraged that his superior intellect has been insulted by you the pleb,and obviously you are too stupid to understand the story in the first place.
    Then the double agent will indignantly state that it's not his place to provide evidence of this story, and will then log out in a huff, thereby not having to provide any evidence,a win-win.
    And should anyone suggest that this can't of happened because Fred & John might be brothers, or that Ginger & Janet might be sister's, (or whatever combination),the double agent can then play the Incest card.
    The double agent issues accusations that the person( pleb) that suggested this are into Incest, or have a closeted interest in incest.
    This will enrage the pleb enough that they will respond aggressively, because they are a pleb and don't know no any better.
    The double agent now becomes the injured party and gets to log out in a huff again, another win-win.
    For this to work successfully the agent needs to make sure that there are no Mods or Admin in the Chatbox in case they decide to intervene, thereby blowing the agents cover.
    If anyone has any other theories on this subject,or has been affected by any part of this post, do feel free to join in, it is a forum after all, and we like to hear divergent viewpoints.
    If anyone is so bent out of shape that they need a safe space or counseling, do not hesitate to contact me by PM in the strictest confidence.
    Have a Nice Day
  20. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Bandit in What is an RLC Agent?   
    Is it something like James Bond 007?
    Agent 69, license to perv?
    This keeps coming up in the Chatbox,so I just wondered?
    Years ago I remember that there was a problem with newbies arriving and wanting access to the Gallery & asking all sorts of odd questions. I know the Mods felt that these might be spies sent out by RLC to infiltrate our ranks.
    But at that time there was a 'gentleman's agreement' between them and our old boss BTR that allowed stuff to be posted to the Gallery, within reason.
    But since BTR left us we have seen the watermarks come in and a general clamp down by rlc on anyone posting anything anywhere, also resulting in members being banned.
    This has had an adverse effect on our Gallery.
    So it can't be that, because it's been going on for a while now?
    Is an rlc agent something like an Estate/Property Agent a Representative of some sort? Here to sell their site to us,encourage membership etc, probably not because they don't seem to like any form of customer feedback or suggestion. (see above)
    I am confused because it keeps coming up in the Chatbox when certain members want to talk about one subject and others don't.
    If you try and change the subject or challenge a viewpoint a phrase get's used along these lines, 'are you an rlc agent?', 'you are an agent of rlc'? etc etc
    Obviously sent here to run a covert mission of subterfuge,to throw people off the real story/issue etc.
    I wonder if the ones accusing people of being rlc agents are in fact double agents, claiming that they are on our side,when really they are agents, sent by dark forces to confuse,undermine,run-static etc.
    Oh it's becoming clear to me now,let me hypothesise.
    A tactic that could be used by the double agent is to bombard the chat with a fake story until it becomes folklore, and then denounce anyone who questions that story. Brilliant!
    For example,Fred & Ginger are a couple,Janet & John are another couple,so make up a story that Fred was seen having a liaison with Janet.Drip feed that story into the general population of the Chatbox.
    Give the story details even though it didn't happen, you didn't see it, you have no pictorial or video evidence of it & more importantly, make sure that no-one else saw it.
    If the story is repeated many,many,many times it will become fact. (internet laws see Trump,fake news,CNN etc etc)
    This is where the double agent lures us into a trap. If anyone should challenge this story the double agent can be outraged that his superior intellect has been insulted by you the pleb,and obviously you are too stupid to understand the story in the first place.
    Then the double agent will indignantly state that it's not his place to provide evidence of this story, and will then log out in a huff, thereby not having to provide any evidence,a win-win.
    And should anyone suggest that this can't of happened because Fred & John might be brothers, or that Ginger & Janet might be sister's, (or whatever combination),the double agent can then play the Incest card.
    The double agent issues accusations that the person( pleb) that suggested this are into Incest, or have a closeted interest in incest.
    This will enrage the pleb enough that they will respond aggressively, because they are a pleb and don't know no any better.
    The double agent now becomes the injured party and gets to log out in a huff again, another win-win.
    For this to work successfully the agent needs to make sure that there are no Mods or Admin in the Chatbox in case they decide to intervene, thereby blowing the agents cover.
    If anyone has any other theories on this subject,or has been affected by any part of this post, do feel free to join in, it is a forum after all, and we like to hear divergent viewpoints.
    If anyone is so bent out of shape that they need a safe space or counseling, do not hesitate to contact me by PM in the strictest confidence.
    Have a Nice Day
  21. Like
    Plank reacted to Scotsman84 in Know - It - All.   
    See some of the bullshitters were in the other day chatting the same shit they were last year, and as usual when asked if they had any Proof either changed the subject or acted like a little Bitches. Good to see some things never change.
    Note to Newbies. Don't believe everything you Read.
  22. Like
    Plank got a reaction from King Hamlet in Know - It - All.   
    It's not just me then?
    Thanks to owlturd.com

  23. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    So Eric & Layla's friends came over again,this time the cute girl friend was a lot more daring than she usually is,normally she wears a track suit. Nice evening had by all,the girl friend didn't look bothered when Eric started to get a little lewd with Layla. Meanwhile her boyfriend was more interested in watching video's, although she did drop enough hints. Eventually everyone started settling down for the night,except the boy friend who carried on watching the laptop. The girl friend was getting frustrated by him & went to sleep. Meanwhile Eric & Layla had a very nice session of quiet,discreet,'let's pretend we're asleep' sex only feet away from the oblivious video-boy.

  24. Like
    Plank got a reaction from momo5768 in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    So Eric & Layla's friends came over again,this time the cute girl friend was a lot more daring than she usually is,normally she wears a track suit. Nice evening had by all,the girl friend didn't look bothered when Eric started to get a little lewd with Layla. Meanwhile her boyfriend was more interested in watching video's, although she did drop enough hints. Eventually everyone started settling down for the night,except the boy friend who carried on watching the laptop. The girl friend was getting frustrated by him & went to sleep. Meanwhile Eric & Layla had a very nice session of quiet,discreet,'let's pretend we're asleep' sex only feet away from the oblivious video-boy.

  25. Like
    Plank got a reaction from adel98 in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    So Eric & Layla's friends came over again,this time the cute girl friend was a lot more daring than she usually is,normally she wears a track suit. Nice evening had by all,the girl friend didn't look bothered when Eric started to get a little lewd with Layla. Meanwhile her boyfriend was more interested in watching video's, although she did drop enough hints. Eventually everyone started settling down for the night,except the boy friend who carried on watching the laptop. The girl friend was getting frustrated by him & went to sleep. Meanwhile Eric & Layla had a very nice session of quiet,discreet,'let's pretend we're asleep' sex only feet away from the oblivious video-boy.

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