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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. 38 minutes ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    VHTV seems to be rocking the house even with one or two sinking ships...lol...."from what I have been reading in the Chat Room lately..."RLC isn't doing to well at all and slowly losing members, maybe its time for a new boss or site to replace what's left."   Porn, voyeur or what every...VHTV is doing way better now...."but I do think that one or two should wake up or just hit the road."LOL8)

    PICTURE 4502.gif

    That is a NICE voyeur tease.

  2. Sometimes I wonder if Mira is totally happy with all the sex. When Henry has sex with others he seems content as if a kid in the candy store or a teenager of age in a whorehouse. Mira gets into it but still seems not fully content or jealous that Henry is happy, happy, happy. Just looks like Mira either needs more sex than Henry or she needs a thorough going over/gangbang with multiple guys and girls without Henry participating. Maybe she wants the most attention. She loves sex with others but something is lacking or missing for her, in my opinion. 


    Drumroll Please Adam Beales GIF - Drumroll Please Adam Beales Adam B GIFs    Drumroll Drums GIF - Drumroll Drum Roll GIFs   Awesome Youre Awesome GIF - Awesome Youre Awesome Drum Roll GIFs   Drumroll GIF - Drumroll Drum Roll GIFs   Spuds Mackenzie GIF - Spuds Mackenzie Spuds Mackenzie GIFs


    Well, RLC is no longer the #1 preferred voyeur cam site because they lost that prestigious honor to VHTV. Today is the day the Voyeur-house.tv (VHTV) is looked at or searched more often than Reallifecam (RLC). It took VHTV years to get to this point mainly due to RLC's recent failures and middle finger to free cam viewers. RLC still continues it's daily nosedive. Looks really good on them and I suspect that they have lost more regular subscribers than new ones that pay up.




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  4. 2 minutes ago, Bouncer said:

    Rock on VHTV


    No dont wake up I want them gone . I remember having a look before they got rid of free cameras boy a couple of the girls there looked mad as hell as if that camera was not allowed to be on

    RLC has definitely lost it's mojo but VHTV is not the greatest either. Competition is good and necessary to keep things new and stimulating for the viewers. RLC has gotten stale, repetitive with no new imagination or ideas to stay #1 and because of this people are giving VHTV a good long look. Porn is okay but can be too much the same so the tease or voyeur type stuff should be a priority but it seems the voyeur sites only think the cam is the answer. The tenants actions is what we look for - sexy clothes, boob flash, half naked, total nudity, a bit of sex but mainly "the tease".

  5. Just a thought about RLC and perhaps reasons why RLC is not being watched or searched as often anymore. Only RLC knows how many subscriptions (short or long term subscriptions) they have but the way the site sucks it is a safe assumption that they have less now. Since RLC eliminated any free cams it is a fact that less viewers are looking in and more than likely not enticed to subscribe to a site not being able to see any samples of the tenants or what RLC has to offer.

    Now with respect to what impact RLC has had on both camcaps and xcamfan - it has caused a major decrease in members talking about RLC. My observations at both sites is that few RLC subscribers do much talking in the forums or chat box (mostly the same few members on both sites but much less on xcamfan). The RLC talk has died down significantly while VHTV talk is very limited on both sites. So is it because of less subscribers to RLC, RLC and the tenants have become brutal and a waste of time talking about how bad RLC has become, no free cams so members don't have anything to chat about since RLC was their only topic for discussion or just the fact that most members have totally given up on RLC now and even walked away from camcaps and xcamfan temporarily or permanently.

    So, to me, it is a fact, that RLC has been the major topic of discussions at both camcaps and xcamfan. Other topics are discussed but less often.

    RLC search or viewing numbers are still nosediviving and no end in sight according to Alexa internet site traffic.

    After saying all this, how important do you think that both camcaps and xcamfan had or is having on how successful or bad RLC is in terms of new subscriptions to RLC? Is the lack of free cams hurting RLC advertising and possible subscriptions? Is RLC downfall only because of bad tenants? Has the lack of RLC chatter now at both camcaps and xcamfan put a dent in all the free advertising for RLC which possibly caused less people to subscribe to RLC?

    How do you explain cause and effect?
    In essence, cause is the thing that makes other things happen. Effect refers to what results. It is the what happened next in the text that results from a preceding cause. To put it concisely, cause is the why something happened and effect is the what happened.
    In my opinion, RLC caused all this shit to happen. They hurt their bottom line which has also hurt both camcaps and xcamfan. Years ago, the DMCA takedown at both camcaps and xcamfan significantly hurt any free advertising for RLC.
    My remedy to RLC - putting it politely -
  6. Will RLC give VHTV a handshake or goodbye kiss when VHTV becomes the #1 preferred voyeur cam site? They are so close and RLC keeps losing subscribers/viewers every day. RLC lost it's customer base quite fast and don't know if they will ever recover. Losing long-time subscribers is bad because the newer generation doesn't have time to watch boring tenants (kids nowadays are too busy on their phones, playing video games or no desire to work so can't afford RLC subscriptions). If you look at the numbers - the photo finish will happen tomorrow or the next day.

    Reallifecam (RLC)


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    Voyeur-house.tv (VHTV)


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  7. On 11/7/2019 at 5:36 AM, dougiestyle4u said:

    Come on RLC get your fucking act together. If you don't have a clue or can't read the fine print - it should be obvious that subscribers and viewers want you to get much better tenants that can follow the voyeur script. "Real Life Voyeurism" is what is requested. No fake shows or bullshit tenants. Get back to some resemblance of "realism" and the "fly on the wall" cam experience. Couples or tenants at home for 12 to 18 hours a day showing some tease or skin would be nice. Sex activities would be a bonus (or boner for us guys). Get back to the basics about "real life" and "voyeurism". Perhaps consider what subscribers would like instead of catering to the damn useless tenants. As BTR would say "SIMPLE". Life is more than just young chickies that constantly live off phones. Even a grandpa cock or grandma pussy has more life than the useless young generation. A young hard body is nothing if it is not put to use. Even grandma will take it up the ass or swallow cum. RLC owners - read and listen to what RLCF and CC members would like as tenants. Even a gay cock or tranny sex is better than what is currently provided (sad reality). Even offer more free cams to let viewers see and enjoy the offerings which would greatly tempt them to subscribe. What you currently offer is fuck all/zero/nada/not worth it. Quit being stubborn/arrogant and believe in your subscribers/viewers since, I believe, most want RLC to turn it around and become the true "real life" voyeur cam site that was viewed as the number one site for getting the voyeur thrill of peeking in someone's four walls.

    If this comes across as a plea to RLC owners -

    DAMN FUCKING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I made this post/request almost two years ago and what has RLC done - they got fucking worse and on the edge of distinction. What a bunch of useless dumb fucks that won't listen to nice polite caring and lovable people like me. They are giving it to the subscribers right up the ass without any KY Jelly. What kind of useless pieces of shit owners are they? They would sooner shut down the site than have a nice friendly conversation with us peace loving voyeurs on how to improve their site. They are not true businessmen or businesswomen (is that politically correct or what) but instead just money hungry grabbers. Amazing how quickly RLC has fallen from grace. 

  8. I read that Nelly & Bogdan had a physical fight. Who was the winner? Any blood? Any makeup sex? Did RLC remove the replay video to protect their integrity - hahaha? Did RLC give Nelly & Bogdan the boot to say they don't condone spousal abuse?

    How bad has RLC become? Is RLC dying a slow death or a fast demise? Are you still holding your breath for a surprise turnaround? Are you still subscribing to this shit and all the bullshit that the tenants shove in your face? Do the tenants thank you for your money while spitting in your face? Do you feel sorry for RLC and all the tenants? Do you still strongly believe that RLC and the tenants are providing a "real life" experience for your voyeur pleasure? If RLC shutters or closes up shop do you strongly believe that you will get a refund for your paid subscription? Hope you are doing some serious thinking about the direction that RLC is headed towards.

  9. On 9/9/2021 at 7:57 PM, StnCld316 said:

    Cam Caps is always slow in the summer months. Things usually bein picking up there in the fall mid September which should be coming up very soon.

    Been sitting on pins and needles waiting for the uptick but the only thing I am getting is a sore ass from getting pricked by the pins and needles. At least it ain't a hard cock giving me a pain in the ass - lol. I think the downfall and locked free cams of RLC has severely affected both camcaps and xcamfan and no end in site. Not many really give a shit about VHTV. Basically, not much to talk about since RLC has and always will be the talk of the town until the last one leaving RLC shuts out the lights. They are b-a-a-a-a-a-d to the bone.

  10. RLC is very close to giving up it's prestigious #1 ranking to VHTV (voyeur-house.tv) within a few days if the trends continue. The last 6 months have been so brutal for RLC that they have more than half the amount of viewers now based on Alexa internet traffic numbers. They use to be at #2,200 to #2,700 for a site being looked at daily but now they are touching #6,000. Lot of subscribers and viewers have given up on RLC or pop in less frequently since their site is pathetic to watch. VHTV has been up and down themselves but RLC has become so bad that they are making VHTV look better and RLC has hurt their own product themselves. The third trend shows how good voyeurhouse.com has been gaining lately and could result in being a very competitive rival to RLC and VHTV. 

    RLC (Reallifecam.com)

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    VHTV (voyeur-house.tv) 


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  11. Glad I don't follow the tenants too much because, with some exceptions, everyone takes turns fucking everyone. Apartments intermingle or partners switch partners for a few months or go away for a while and come back. Some are all porn while just a few are "real" couples and commit to themselves or individuals not as sexually active but tend to show nudity. Repetitive porn activities are not worth grabbing pics. A "tease" or "hard to catch something" or "sexy curvy naked bodies" are worthy of my time to hopefully grab some good pics. 

    In terms of the chance in seeing nudity and sex

    - RLC, slim to none

    - camarads, slim to none

    - VHTV, pretty much anytime with 30 to 34 apartments or castles

  12. On 8/21/2021 at 2:33 PM, dougiestyle4u said:

    Still not a happening or exciting site but there must be enough subscribers to keep it going. Somewhat real life with tenants doing cam shows but mostly boring to watch.

    Another month gone by and still a real boring site. I'm sure tenants must work and it is natural to be tired and want to sleep but this site does not even come close to being watchable. They all do the bare minimum which is doing nothing with clothes on. This site was better years ago. Basically a place for free room and board. Another site that can't find decent voyeur-style tenants so they take what they can get. The only site showing improvements or getting more viewers over the last month and a half is is the voyeurhouse.com voyeur cam site. It is not as popular but is gaining traction as RLC, camarads and VHTV are stagnant or nose diving for their own reasons.

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