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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Well, now the xcamfan forum activity page is almost unusable due to excessive postings by an individual. If we post something it soon gets pushed further down the line. Won't say more because I don't control how this site behaves. If we post stuff in other topics they might not get noticed for days or weeks or ever. Both camcaps and xcamfan are hard reads for various reasons.

  2. Well, this go around with returnees has been a complete dud and so bad that it could cause the demise of RLC. Everyone complaining here and on camcaps. After saying that, what do I hear at both sites from people commenting/posting - names of other past tenants that should be brought back - WTF!!!. Obviously members of both sites never learn a fuckin' thing. Give it up man. Start fresh with new tenants - something unknown to watch. Members should blame themselves for requesting certain character actresses for cameo appearances and end up doing less. RLC is more like watching reruns, deja vu, groundhog day - same shit, different day.  At least a new tenant can offer up new shit and not be predictable (well, initially anyways).

  3. Hey RLC, let's talk one on one, man to man. Oh wait, you are too good for us. You are a high class arrogant SOB that can't be seen talking with a normal person. So, how's your subscription numbers lately? Where are all your defenders of your high priced shitty site? How is RLC doing financially lately? Are you ready to accept defeat and negotiate better deals or subscriptions packages? Oh wait, your site sucks badly now so forget that. How about giving us complainers and bad-mouthers a free 3 month package to watch all the tenants do the voyeur type teases that we would like to see? Oh wait, your tenants are boring, repetitive and don't have a clue how to behave on a "real life cam" voyeur site so we would really not get anything even if it was free. Okay, how about interacting and exchanging ideas and suggestions on how to improve your site? Oh wait, you don't discuss how your site is run with a low-life average person such as your subscribers. RLC, are you shaking in your boots and worried that you can't bail out all the water pouring into your sinking ship (your RLC site) and perhaps your yacht that you are still paying for?

    RLC, has the locking of free cams help advertise your site and member subscriptions are on the rise now? Has our bad-mouthing of your site been good advertising or bad advertising? Are you contemplating selling your site in order to cut your loses now? Maybe the only idea you can come up with is to ask your subscribers if they want to buy-in to be part owners of Reallifecam (RLC)? Haha lol LMFAO - too late. Your site is currently brutal beyond belief and you actually think your subscribers are stupid enough to fall for it? Well, you might have a point because I am amazed that some subscribers still support RLC because they believe RLC is a real voyeur cam site, the tenants are real, the site is not porn and it is just a slow period but will turn around soon. Oh stop it - this is so funny, I think I popped a rib from laughing so hard while I am pissing myself from all the uncontrolled laughter.

    One good question for RLC - Have you, as an owner or manager of RLC, EVER commented on xcamfan (formerly discussed.cc and formerly reallifecamfan.com) or Camcaps.net to make a connection and discuss any issues with the followers of your site over all these years? I would guess NEVER. If that is the case then WHY THE FUCK WHY NOT? Do you have ANY balls to speak up? Even women I know grew some balls to speak up but they scare the living crap out of me - lol.

    Come on RLC, if you want to reverse your steady nosedive - talk to your subscribers and your followers on xcamfan and CC. we want a good outcome. Do you? It is called working together so both sides win. Sound good? What do you have to lose? Like in chess - your move.

  4. 5 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Amazing that someone so boring and the sexual appetite of a tree, has two pages of requests for Onlyfans account. Must keep all her naughtyness & dirtyness for her Onlyfans. 🤣

    naughty girl GIF

    Just a thought. Perhaps RLC doesn't pay or compensate the tenants as much anymore if they are indeed losing subscribers so most tenants refuse to fully perform for the cams and subsidize the lost income by doing outside sex as a prostitute or Onlyfans type stuff. Sex or porn type activities for money. Probably have drug habits to pay for. Some say Martina does cocaine. Leora does pussy - her own FFS. RLC is totally fucked up now but I suspect the owners are part of the same crowd as the tenants - especially the Barca weirdos.

  5. Even as RLC's ship is sinking the owners are still trying to stay the course. Stupid arrogant dumbass owner(s) refuse to listen to paid subscribers and will not communicate with the subscribers in a meaningful constructive manner with respect to making decent changes. 

    Snorkel Swimming GIF - Snorkel Swimming Driving GIFs

    Can't feel sorry for subscribers that still want to tag along for their fateful final ride.

    Drown Sinking GIF - Drown Sinking Giveup GIFs



  6. Just now, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    It's definitely "different". 🤣

    Camcaps has a guy commenting about what exactly Leora is wearing, what she is doing and if she left the apartment or came back, what she is eating, when Leora is on the phone, what she watches on TV, about her washing her pussy, her masturbation, her crying, her dancing and much more. And all that is just one hour. I guess that is his only tenant to watch. Constant comments just like the US political forum. Is anyone normal anymore FFS!!!.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    @dougiestyle4u. You worked out WTF is going on yet?? 🤣

    Not a fucking clue. Almost as if he is corresponding to a tenant and, in his head, gets feedback. Or maybe he is an ex-boyfriend or wannabe boyfriend or stalker to one of the tenants. That specific apartment had closed up but Demi & Ashton moved in with Helena & Christopher.  Guess this is his way of interacting and being close to that tenant. With hardly any members logging in lately he can freely use the forums to say what he is thinking. Sure lot of posts/comments by him.

  8. Reallifecam continues their nosedive. I don't think that I EVER saw RLC's # hit over 4,000. At this rate, probably in a few weeks or 2 to 3 months VHTV will become the #1 go to site for voyeur cam tenants. On both xcamfan and camcaps I read that many subscribers will not rejoin or will cancel their RLC subscription. This is a perfect time to sample other sites. 


    as of today - remember the lower the number the better since it indicates that it is searched and looked at more than other different sites on the internet. Years ago RLC use to be in the low #1,000's but now hitting over #4,000. Comparatively, VHTV is around  #5,400 and trending lower.

    Magnify or enlarge the graph to see it better


    Screenshot (15374).png

  9. 3 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Certain people need to stop making excuses and admit they are the reason it's the way it is now...... DEAD. Obsessive rambling, weird and quite frankly creepy discussions. No real surprise many decided to give it a wide berth. Yet, the haters are the ones that have the problems. 🤣

                         You Are Seth Meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

    I think the chat room has become similar to or as if talking politics - argue, name calling and more. To me, it is difficult to have conversations with others over the last few years because one main thing is missing "RESPECT". Sure lack of respect for certain individuals who don't agree or lack common sense BUT also the lack of respect in terms of how the wording of conversations are expressed. Discussions should be like "by the way" and not like " you don't know what you are talking about" or "in your face tone that comes across too harsh". @vampire throws in humor so he won't make you feel like you are stepping on egg shells. Just think we are all "scrambled" eggs and need to accept each other to the point of having fun chats and take nothing serious. Barca girls are to observe - that's it. Who cares about who they fuck or don't fuck, if they have boyfriends back home or any of their personal life inside or outside RLC. You will never see them or slim chance to none of communicating with them with Instagram or whatever else there is.

    After saying all this perhaps I should say it this way - THE MAIN PURPOSE OR FOCUS OF THE CHAT ROOM IS THE XCAMFAN MEMBERS AND NOT RLC/BARCA GIRLS - think about it (this was how it was years ago DAMMIT!!!). Sure we can talk RLC/BARCA girls/VHTV or other similar topics but it should be incidental or secondary. We, as xcamfan members, should come first and talk up a storm about our personal stuff/jokes/good news or bad news or whatever. For appearances sake, it would seem that RLC/Barca girls got in between member's friendships via this social media site. We are ALL good people - we just need to change the one topic subject matter. Imagine 20 to 50 members chatting throughout the 24 day even as RLC sleeps. RLC is in dire straits and we have been bitching to no avail and no improvements. So, put ourselves first. Try it and see if WE are better than RLC/Barca.

    Xena Xena Warrior Princess GIF - Xena Xena Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless GIFs   Its Okay To Look But Not Touch Melissa Gorga GIF - Its Okay To Look But Not Touch Melissa Gorga Real Housewives Of New Jersey GIFs   No Touching Wolf Of Wallstreet GIF - No Touching Wolf Of Wallstreet Margot Robbie GIFs



    Respect Aretha Franklin GIF - Respect Aretha Franklin GIFs    Respect Hat GIF - Respect Hat Cap GIFs   Technip Fmc Take5day GIF - Technip Fmc Take5day Respect GIFs


           and to all the war veterans across the world, including my late father who fought in WW2 across many European countries such as France, Belgium and Holland.                                               Salute Yes Sir GIF - Salute Yes Sir Soldier GIFs


    RLC, what have you done to yourself? No free cams, so no advertising of your shitty product. Just shot yourself in the foot. Gonna cost you with no new subscribers - hahaha.


    Shooting yourself in the foot cartoon




                                            Best Danger Will Robinson GIFs | Gfycat

  11. In my opinion, not one apartment on RLC is worth saving. Martina was good but all the shit happening between her and toothpick Nelly plus the issue with old grandpa Bogdan have put a huge negative on Martina. All the other tenants have overstayed their welcome, are stale and repetitive, do nothing for a voyeur cam site or NEVER should have been given an apartment/room. Over the years RLC initially went from full throttle forward to full speed in reverse. RLC is beyond saving. Leora is sexy but her same old same old song and dance routines lack any new current thinking or lyrics or steps.. RLC and the tenants deserve all the badmouthing since "THEY SUCK BADLY" and the writing is on the wall for their demise. 

     Same Old Melody Same Old Story GIF - Same Old Melody Same Old Story Against The Current GIFs      Four Tops Its The Same Old Song GIF - Four Tops Its The Same Old Song Motown GIFs   Its The Same Old Crap Its The Same Old Garbage GIF - Its The Same Old Crap Its The Same Old Garbage Its The Same Old Trash GIFs

    Same Old Stuff Different House GIF - Same Old Stuff Different House The Usual GIFs   Glee Quinn Fabray GIF - Glee Quinn Fabray Same Old Me Again Today GIFs   Rollin Round With Same Clique Hanging With My Old Friends GIF - Rollin Round With Same Clique Hanging With My Old Friends Hanging With The Same Crew GIFs


    And a word to the wise/members if you continue or want to subscribe to RLC expect this 

    Nothings Ever Gonna Change James Holden GIF - Nothings Ever Gonna Change James Holden The Expanse GIFs   Day After Day After Day Exhausted GIF - Day After Day After Day Exhausted Tired GIFs    Vote Primary GIF - Vote Primary Biden GIFs

  12. 30 minutes ago, PeterGrey said:

    Starting to think this is more a coding glitch than anything else.

    Don't believe this one bit. Every day is different and the timing of locking free cams and opening locked cams is too coincidental to having no tenants, some tenants or some nudity/sex. I believe a human dipstick is using the only tool in his tool box but that dumbass doesn't realize that he IS the tool. I will reiterate RLC is struggling and in desperation mode. They can't even supply new tenants. Paid members should cancel and not renew and forward their reasons why to RLC fucktards. Paid members deserve a better product and better service. Another warning to paid subscribers, if you hang on and do nothing but RLC shuts down in a minute - good luck trying to get your money back. Paid members - do you have any balls or are you so confident that RLC is only in a slow period - hahaha, hehehe, giggle giggle, LMFAO.

  13. 2 hours ago, PeterGrey said:

    So what's going on today?

    They opened up alot of cams, and I don't think they had it under control 'cause we saw alot of pussy, dick and sucking lol
    And then suddenly they closed down everything - 100% member cams, not a freecam in sight lol

    Can't see what RLC is doing with the cams will entice people to subscribe. Their erratic behavior with the cams show that their brain function is just as erratic and should scare or piss off members to the point of giving up on RLC. Wouldn't surprise me that RLC, out of desperation, would attempt to use toilet cams if the tenants agree - lol. RLC owners appear mentally unstable and refuse to listen to member's complaints. I would stay clear of RLC for at least a few months to see if it improves or better yet say "FUCK IT!!!". You've been warned.

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