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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. sturmchaser

    Chat Box

    So far, I approve. Keep up the good work, sir.
  2. Nina used to be the blonde prima donna and has since changed her hair color to match Kira's, so now she is the dark haired prima donna. She sits on the couch a lot and vapes while looking at her phone. Kira is my baby girl, short dark hair, beautiful, striking, penetrating eyes, magical smile, captivating laugh, sexy, perfect body, breast perfection, fit, tidy, clean, fastidious, magnificent in the kitchen, intelligent, responsible, adult, incredibly tolerant, giver not a taker, working girl, animal lover, and artistically talented woman. In short - my ideal perfect woman. Should be easy for you to tell who is who now. And yes, I would LOVE IT if my girlfriends could have an encounter with either N or K or Doe or all. I would just sit back and watch.
  3. Jamaica, mahn.
  4. HAHAHAHA I think this should be no contest to those who know me. But for newbies who don't and are curious: Me, Kira, and Eva. With alittle Doe later on as dessert. The cherry on top of the banana split, so to speak. Sorry @RUBBERMAN but you would not survive after 5 minutes with N&K. They would destroy you. But you would love all 5 minutes of it.
  5. My baby girl is finally home, safe and sound. It's been a LONG torturous agonizing two weeks for me. Finally, RELIEF! Look at her, just LOOK at her!! Sleeping so soundly, so hard, both Butch and Sundance are in the bedroom. Look at her face, her lips, her nose, the curve of her chin, her clavicles, the toned biceps.... those perfect, perfect breasts. God I love this woman. Also, Nina is not sleeping with Sugar Duck tonight? Wonder why. Who cares. My baby girl is home safe tonight, that's all that matters to me.
  6. Howdy Gangstas! As most of you know, in simplest of terms, I am a truck driver. I'm over the road a lot, dodging you roller skates and the crafty bears. I drive for days, so I need to eat, of course, so I have my favorite choke-n-pukes I stop at, aka truck stops, diners, drive-ins, and dives. Delicious greasy cheesy fried artery-blocking goodness, altho some stops are actually offering that green veeeegan stuff now. Can you believe it?? What some of you may not know is that when I am at home, after I sleep for 12 hours, my fave place to be is in my kitchen. I love to cook, especially experimenting with those fancy booshy plates they show on the Food Network. My kitchen is modest, but is laid out perfectly for my style of cooking (consists mostly of bacon). I could make hella improvements, perhaps after future profitable runs. BUT, that got me thinking... who in RLC has the BEST kitchen arrangement?? I know most of you all come for the tits, the ass, the beautiful vaginas - hey, me too! One set of tits, one ass, and one gorgeous face in particular - but she's been on 'vacation' lately. But I digress. I know this poll is subjective, and it is meant to be - we all have different tastes. I chose the ones I chose based on the kitchen that I would MOST LIKE TO COOK IN, based on location of the sink, the stovetop, the oven, the direction of the fridge/freezer doors, the workable counter space, and the overall fluidity. Plus points for ambiance. So, based on that criteria, I give you my Top 5 awesome RLC kitchens: 1. Chloe/Tyler ( I mean, come on. Look at that place.) 2. Nelly/Bog (reason - see above) 3. Anabel/Fhim 4. Jane/Dick 5. Kitty/Smitty Honorable mention: M/S/D, based solely on the stove. That is a classic iron stove. I doubt they have any idea. SO, that of course begs the question... Top 5 WORST kitchens: 1. Nina/Kira/Doe (duh) 2. Eva/Sam 3. Maya/Jody 4. Des/Raul 5. Linda/Tibor Honorable mention: Martina/Alberto Honorable mention II: A/N & E/F I would not like to cook in any of the above 7 kitchens, with the exception of #1, if I were making a meal for my baby girl, then I would deal with her kitchen as best as I could LOL. But they are so goddamned SMALL and cramped. No wonder they order out for pizza so much. So what do you think, gangstas? Do you have a favorite kitchen? Do you have a favorite bathroom? Do you not give a shit bout any of this real life stuff? LOL it's okay and all good if you don't, I still love ya all. I'm Eastbound and down.
  7. Pardon, I forgot to add this to my expository above - to quote @Pleasant YES, PLEASE RLC - GIVE DOE HER OWN PLACE!!!!
  8. I didn't want to get into this mix because, as many have stated, I am one of those who watch certain apts and disregard others, so how qualified am I to make judgements? Not very qualified at all. Yet I throw my opinion out here anyway. Grain of salt, gangstas. I'm pretty sure you all know what that means. Obviously, if you all know me, and most of you do by now, my first vote to KEEP is going to be Nina/Kira/Doe, and my second vote to KEEP would be Eva/Sam (esp after what we witnessed last night). Third vote to KEEP is definitely Nelly/Bog, and Linda/Tib. Fourth vote to KEEP is definitely Lana/Rob and Taya/Will. Fifth vote to KEEP would be Ana/Fhim and Adey/Markus. Runners-up: Julia/Eric and Kitty/Smitty, only because I think between Julia and Kitty, we just might see a live murder take place on cam. Altho watching a Kitty meltdown honestly makes me scared, it's so damned frightening. Jane/Dick and Chloe/Ty are too new to judge, altho I like them both. Special mention (and I know I'm going to get shit from all of you because of it, but fuck you all, it's my goddamned opinion) goes to Maya. SO.... that brings us to my losers... (and I'm sure I'll get shit over this too, but again, fuck you, it's my opinion): D&R, M&A, and especially M/S/D whom I have zero interest in, speaking of Zero, that goes for Ami and Zero and E&F. Watching GP and B2 is good for a Monica bate with purple egg and the occasional tub time with 3 or more, and when the Twins were there, and Bea, and Leia, oooooo, I miss you Leia <3 Tatiana tried but she could never fill your shoes. But otherwise - BORING. A/G/S - sigh, what to say. Angie is definitely the winner in the breast category, they are natural stunners for sure. Other than that, I haven't noticed anything noteworthy there to take note of. So here is 3K - I commented a few weeks ago that Kami was quite cute, but I got shot down, mostly b/c members said 3K is boring. Indeed you all are correct, hence why I have not paid attention to them. Soooo... all of the above could disappear or switch tenants and I would prob not notice. Sorry for all you Sofie/Jas/Rose etc etc fans, I'm sure you all have your justifiable arguments. Let's hear them! That's what this forum is for. Just don't touch my N/K/D or you will die.
  9. Does Eva actually smoke smoke, or just vape? I don't know but I thought there was a difference between the two? I know Nina and Doe "vape" whatever that entails, but Kira does not, altho I did witness Kira partaking of the hookah when the boy was in town. I was quite surprised at that. I guess perhaps because the "vape" only emits water vapor? from what I understand of the concept, that is why Kira does not mind it in the apt. Since E&S and guests go out to the balcony, then I guess they really do smoke real smokes, and Russian cigarettes have to be brutal as hell. Also, in my experience, yes, it is like kissing an ashtray, and yes it transfers to the sex organs. If I'm eating the pussy of a smoker, I can tell she's a smoker. Doesn't necessarily stop me, but I don't linger there as much as usual LOL.
  10. Okay, since you had balls enough to respond, so do I LOL. I'm secure enough in my manhood to comment, and agree 100%. Bog is The Man in more ways than one. Not to mention, Nelly seems to be quite happy and satisfied. Runners-up? Ehhh... Robert maybe? Will maybe? I dunno, I don't pay attention to penises that much LOL. I'm more a vag-to-vag kinda guy.
  11. Okay, so can I put in a request for a mutant with three titties? Like the one in 'Total Recall.' That babe totally consumes my dreams every night, I must HAVE her. Can you imagine? TWO pearl necklaces in one? And honestly, who cares about teeth? Actually, the less, the better. BTW, Maya's pooch gets some from the cats. Don't think I'm wrong. Why do you think they are scared of him? You're a hoot man. I love your input. Never shave.
  12. Wait - there's some authority around here? Ummm... k. My only authority here is Kira. When she goes to bed, I go to bed. Because she has a job and I have a job. F the rest of yas LOL.
  13. ALSO.... I must make a retraction and a correction - so embarrassing! It was NOT bulgogi that Tatiana was making, but Pelmeni! I got my cuisine mixed up, thinking of a lovely tall Korean lass I used to know... made great bulgogi. However.... our sweet slender Leia-like lass was making Russian pelmeni! Think of the most delicious potstickers you've ever had, with a Russian twist. There you have pelmeni. If you eat them with chopsticks, even tho they are not Chinese, you get points. Sorry for my culinary discrepancy. It won't happen again, I promise.
  14. Thank you, zzzzzman, and iloner. Wish you would join the chat, you have a unique perspective I appreciate. A 3/6 is a local reference to making an egg omelet with only 3 of the 6 main ingredients of a true omelet. 1. eggs 2. cheese 3. onions 4. peppers 5. mushrooms 6. some protein, usually sausage. Granted, more stuff can always be added to an omelet, but a 3/6 usually means you want it veggie style, no meats. Eva has made egg/cheese/pepper omelet twice around 0100 her time. Perhaps she's a veggie head? After which she watches an online college course on the laptop in the kitchen, consuming it bit by bit. It was fascinating to me. I like the way she chews. I also loved how focused she was on the course. This young lady is bettering herself one degree at a time. Poor Sammy is just a vessel to her to get her where she wants to be. My opinion - biased of course - more power to her! Yeahhhh... you know where my heart lies, but if given the chance to sample Tat's bulgogis... I'm ALL IN. Please don't tell Kira I said that. kthx
  15. Interesting question, not the usual query posted here. Being of the 'mature' generation, I feel compelled to respond LOL. YES I would like to see an older, mature couple apartment, just to mix things up a bit. Would also love to see the RLC metrics on that after a few months. I bet they would be quite surprising. Granted, most of our guests are 20s, late 20s, and even early 30s, as is maybe Maya and perhaps Tat and dare I say Jane. Get a couple in their 40s, hell, they have a kid or two off to university, but they still know how to get to Electric Avenue? (that's for you, Shaka Zulu) Yep, I'm good with it, bring it on, I'll watch. Speaking of, I find it interesting that - while I don't advocate for this, but I'm all about equality and fairness - there isn't a DUDE only apt (vs N&K lesbian) on RLC. Can the RLC membership be limited to 99.999 MALE viewers who don't want to see male/male? And couldn't a small percentage of that male membership be gay? Perhaps not, but, if I were RLC corporate, I'd consider this addition, at least for a trial period. Maybe they did already and it failed, but it might be worth another trial run. SPEAKING of, while we're on the pseudo-subject, I also notice there is an extreme lack of NON-WHITE people on the cams as well. I'm a 100% Southern whitebread cracker, but I believe in diversity. Where are the lovely Nubian ladies? Where are the lovely Latinas? Where are the captivating Asians? Let's get a little diversity up in here, RLC. I've been around the world three times, and yes, while Russians are truly the best, I love me some different flavors from time to time. Can you consider mixing it up a bit? Just sayin. 10-4, I'm Eastbound and down
  16. Howdy Gangstas! Soooooo.... I got to thinking about the food situation in the apts. Everyone is so focused on the naked and the dead, that perhaps we forget these ladies have to subsist on some sort of sustenance. Some of them are REALLY skinny. But that's another post. Right now I focus on that some of them are REALLY good in the kitchen. I'm just going to rattle off some 'names' I've witnessed being really outstanding with basic ingredients and making delicious dinners. FIRST, of course, is my baby girl, my obsession - KIRA - she can whip up a from-scratch-meal in 20 minutes, take that Rachel Ray! Granted it's pasta and meat and sauce, but what else does a growing lesbian punk band need? Oh yeah, bread and spread, and wine and beer. She got that covered, too. Plus a water filtration that dispenses cold AND hot water, when you want chamomille tea after dealing with meltdowns. I digress. Meanwhile, in the oft GP and B2... what to say. LOTS of fish and chicken made in GP kitchen, which is fine with me, Mediterreaneanean diet and all that, I love me some fish, any kind of fish, salmon and cat esp, flounder is awesome, tuna, grouper, bass, did I mention salmon? Trout, cod, haddock, catfish, mack, sword, did I mention salmon? And let me not forget the important sardines, herring, and anchovies. Also catfish. And salmon. Anyway, where was I? OH yes, EATS. I have not paid much attention to who cooks what at GP, or B2, but I have noticed as of late that Tiana is quite skilled in the kitchen, at cooking more than just fish and chicken, like the other ladies. She has displayed this skill at B2 as well. She made perfect bulgogis yesterday at B2. Sofie and Nay enjoy her cooking. Eva is also skilled in the kitchen. I have watched her make a 3/6 twice. Impressive. She likes to eat alone, tho. Nelly and Bogdan in the kitchen together is just magic. Nelly and Bogdan together anywhere is just magic. I digress again LOL. Anyway, so what I was thinking about, from the start of this ridiculous monologue, was I wonder what Western foods these people have tried before. I mean, for example, I had sausage and COLLARD GREENS in vinegar. Typical Southern dish, but one I would think that Kira would be revolted. LOL Hey I am open to sampling all foods, and thanks to a wordly bunch of girlfriends, I've tasted the world. BUT, to turn the tables, so to speak, I WONDER what our heroines have tried of the West before? (I would love for Kira and Nina and Doe to sit down to a bowl of ham hocks and collard/mustard greens LMFAO) Sooooo..... what are your thoughts on the EATS my friends?
  17. Agree with all, would like to see Mira back, at the least, Kai, not so much. Mira was not the prettiest girl, but she had a fucking hott body, and she LOVED action, not just with K but with herself too. Nobody can deny there were great moments. Kai was a little too interested in his laptop, gaming, bitcoin, whatever. Mira is clearly a nerd girl, Kai is clearly a nerd dude, probably just right for each other, but Mira needs something MORE. I'm going out on a stretch here, but Mira reminds me so much of Lisbeth Salander. I can't shake that feeling.
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