When I joined the chat almost always had people in it . Those in chat talked about a lot of things from RLC to their own lives. If someone came on and asked a question about something that happened,it was answered. Then along came people who decided that everyone had to talk about their conspiracy and agree 100% with it . No one could talk outside of that topic nor was anyone allowed to ask about something earlier. I quit participating in chat and watched as it crumbled to the few that rule the roost today. I haven't been on in some time in fact it took a minute to remember what the name of the site is. Chat at 2:30 PM(east coast USA) on a Sunday is flat lined . Post are spaced out several hours when it's still 9 or 10 PM in Europe. When the chat became "do only as I\we say,it went into the toilet. Only a matter of time before we hear a big flush