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Hung7 last won the day on December 21 2019

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  1. Paul found out working for the rent was hard so go live off of Leora's talents
  2. Another level? What's that,two unsatisfied women?
  3. When I joined the chat almost always had people in it . Those in chat talked about a lot of things from RLC to their own lives. If someone came on and asked a question about something that happened,it was answered. Then along came people who decided that everyone had to talk about their conspiracy and agree 100% with it . No one could talk outside of that topic nor was anyone allowed to ask about something earlier. I quit participating in chat and watched as it crumbled to the few that rule the roost today. I haven't been on in some time in fact it took a minute to remember what the name of the site is. Chat at 2:30 PM(east coast USA) on a Sunday is flat lined . Post are spaced out several hours when it's still 9 or 10 PM in Europe. When the chat became "do only as I\we say,it went into the toilet. Only a matter of time before we hear a big flush
  4. She needs someone more interested in pleasuring her than themselves and I'm just the guy for the job.
  5. Remember the days when people in the chat just chatted about what ever they wanted to chat about and weren't condemned for asking a question that didn't pertain to a few peoples conspiracies ?How's that chat room now. I see there have been five post in the last five hours . Sounds like that ,You have to talk about what I want to talk about or leave,bit this site in the ass
  6. Actually, it was discovered that it actually wasn't a dog. It was found to be a ball of Paul's boogers yearning to be free
  7. You have to admit, if you had the chance to bang Leora you probably would last too long the first 1000 times you banged her LOL
  8. LMAO , "Work " You're funny
  9. My niece (from US ) has been in Prague for well over a year and working
  10. She was literally in the middle of nowhere . It was a city but ten minutes out was wilderness. I use to look it up on Google Earth. There are pictures. Beautiful mountains but, I think this girl needs a life. My niece lives in Prague. I may have to visit and walk the streets looking for Leora . Actually ,I can't afford to leave town and my niece is crazy so I wouldn't visit if I could .
  11. I'd like to be the guy to try.
  12. It was in the script .
  13. Has RLC gone full membership to view any of the apartments? I have tried and it says Adobe has been blocked . Not that there is anything to see
  14. Hung7

    Revelation 22 RLC

    Prediction on when the end of RLC will come? I figure by December 2020 it will be forgotten history
  15. I remember when chat was fun. People actually related to each other about reality and the site. You could ask a question without being attacked for asking a question not pertaining to the current conspiracy brewing in chat.That all died to become the Alex Jones conspiracy hour and "we rule chat" . It use to be paying members didn't care if you weren't a paying member to RLC,now those with enough brains not to pay are shit on and belittled . What's it like paying the same price for 1\3 of the apartments ?
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