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Posts posted by StnCld316

  1. 14 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Dunno tweety but you wouldn't want them MB in size else they would be forever uploading really. Mine are never more than about 300-400kb and are an instand upload.

    By the way if you are interested we have found a better way of inserting piccys in messages now, first upload to the gallery as normal then just right ckick image in gallery and "copy image" then just paste into your message, its instant and seems to stay in the message now.

    Glad to hear that you have found a solution.

  2. 15 hours ago, ed2 said:

    How is the habits in other countries regarding tap water? Here in Norway everyone just drink tap water! I see most russians on RLC use water bottles or water tanks. A friend of mine studied (chemistry) 1 year in Russia, he said everyone there buy water in bottles or dispencers. They tested tap water on the lab, it was cleaner than what is considered avarage in Norway, but no one drinks tap water there... Maybe it is cultural?

    Tap Water in Russia is sometimes a Brownish Color.  That's from Treated Raw Sewage.   I don't think I'd be drinking something that has been Treated after someone Flushes their Toilet.

  3. On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎09 at 4:19 AM, Alittle said:

    There are different locations where the implants can be inserted, under the breast, through the nipples, from the armpit and through upper stomach. It can get expensive, but every plastic surgeon is different and even sometimes you can pay alot of money and still get a shotty boob job done. I can tell you it will be a year or so for Masha's implants to settle completely. since it can take a really long time for scar tissue to soften depending on how the body heals.  I am sorry, but too many people are so quick to judge on these things because they dont know the actual facts. Speculations are the worst.

    I'm talking through personal experience which I will not discuss because It is personal and I am a private person. And that's that. 

    From the pictures I have seen so far Kitty had hers done under the Breast.  Only time will tell the results.

    I was brought up and taught to be happy with what you're given.

  4. 2 hours ago, Plank said:

    I have tried numerous times to post pics in my posts on the VHtv board.

    The pics get loaded to the Gallery, then I select the images to insert into the post from there, this has worked in the past.

    Every time I submit the post the pics are not there, just a little box where the pic should be that reads 'LAR'.

    Could someone explain what the f*** is going on, because my attempts at posting something relevant or funny is falling flat and pissing me off to the point of not bothering!  >:(

    At the Bottom of the Comment Box when you select Choose Files once the image shows it has been Uploaded just click Submit Reply it Automatically gets Inserted in the Post without clicking anything else. The Gallery Tab at the Top of the Page is a different Submission and Entries have to be done Separately. If you try copying the Picture from the Post in the Forum to the Gallery it will move the Image to the new Destination leaving a blank spot on the Attachment Uploaded in the Forum. Doing each Entry Separately will not cause any Image to not appear as Posted.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Spoonie123 said:

    I was formally a Hero Member and really enjoyed the Gallery unfortunately my job called me away for good long while and while I was away the new rules went into affect and when I came back I lost my Hero Membership so I bit the bullet and Paid for the Membership.  So now that I am a paid member I try to go thru the Gallery and there is not Crap there anymore.  What happened to all the pictures and videos that were there before??  So now I am wondering what the Hell am I getting for my paid membership?  Am I missing something in relation to the Gallery??  and not to mention just going back thru some of the old posts in the Forum nearly Half or more of the pictures have been taken down as well.  What is Going on with this Site???

    Back in July the RLCF Servers got Taken Offline by means of the DMCA. There was various content of Pictures and Videos that were posted within some comments in the Open Forums of RLC. Those had to be Removed and Re-uploaded to a Third Party Hosting Site. Since then RLC went after the Third Party Hosting Sites of the Content was Posted and Ordered them Removed.

    We are currently Testing some new Strategies to see what works best. It's seeming to take longer than what was expected as we have hit some Bumps along the way.  Once these Bumps are taken care of then we can get things back rolling once again.

    Sorry for any Inconvenience.      


  6. 7 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    OH HENRY - obviously he is into everything and Mira was watching the show. Lots of surprises at voyeur-house.tv. Figured Henry was a different character but at least this apartment can get quite entertaining (sure beats watching RLC). Proof positive that Henry is bi but how deep will he go (referring to anal).

    Henry did do one for the Team as he was giving his Male Friend some Anal.  


    One for the Team.jpg

  7. 4 hours ago, vetteguy said:

    I'm curious why there is an exchange rate for Euros to USD  in the first place.. isn't RLC based out of Scotland?

    Everything they collect is in USD and then likely Converted to a Currency they desire.  Big Money to be made from US Dollars.

    I don't know exactly where they are located but RLC Operates under Tech Fashions Inc. which is located in the British Virgin Isles.  Reallifecam is just a Domain Name.

  8. 5 hours ago, Alittle said:


    i was only saying if the incisions were there. your right, no one knows.

    When Masha had her tit job done she was about 2 to 3 weeks before she gave anyone on cam a peek.  She has some nasty scarring but she has to be in a certain position of the camera for it to be noticed.

    I think she visited one of those cheap fly by night butchers.    Anyway Kitty must have lots of Money as Tit Jobs are an expensive procedure.  No Medical Plan covers those.

  9. 8 hours ago, Alittle said:

    The scarring will be minimal depending how the plastic surgeon sewed her skin together and after a while you won't really see them in the crease of the breast. Do you know if the incision was done under the breasts? 

    Hard to say where the Incision is until she removes her covering.

  10. 4 hours ago, TBird97 said:

    After Renata participated in the 3some with Victoria and the unknown male last week, she has been busy trying to get her boyfriend back. She can't deny that she was a willing participant, getting laid and sucking the guy's cock since it was all on  camera.

    Her boyfriend was seriously pissed and understandibly so and probably told her to take a hike. Since then, she's put in maybe 8 hours per day at B2 and spending the rest of her time trying to make amends, hoping to turn the clock back in her relationship with her b/f.

    She's still friendly with Victoria and Neia, but I don't think she will get freaky with Vicky again nor show too much for the rest of her stay at B2 since her b/f is more important to her.

    Kind of hard winning a BF back when you get caught blowing someone else's sausage.  ;D

  11. 10 hours ago, King Hamlet said:

    Should have that here and have it apply to the Chatbox as well.

    There is an Ignore List.  All you do is hover your Mouse Pointer over the Members Avatar. Once their Box Pops Up there will be 3 Entries at the Bottom.   Message, Ignore User or Find Content.

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