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Everything posted by Alittle

  1. How long ago did she have the surgery?
  2. The scarring will be minimal depending how the plastic surgeon sewed her skin together and after a while you won't really see them in the crease of the breast. Do you know if the incision was done under the breasts?
  3. If she did that for that reason, Kitty is a complete utter moron.
  4. I take you never felt fake boobs. LOL! It depends on the type of implant, size, how they heal and how they were implanted in the body. Most implants inserted in the body are behind the muscle in the breast area. They will be hard for a while until they drop, and heal properly. The only way I think they will be like stones if there is abundance of scar tissue after completely healing.
  5. It's the same CRAP OVER AND OVER....the same 2 or 3 damn apartments all the time which is like beating a dead horse over and over. I agree what some one said if you don't have proof of your lame stupid speculations.....SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE. Trust me, I will question it. LOL! It makes me laugh because people are so obsessed over these 2 lame apartments. I am not a member and I wont be again. It's a waste. Although, i would like to see what the rest of the apartments look like because I am curious. I miss chatting with the crew (you know who you are ) But I seriously rather watch paint dry than chat.
  6. @Scotsman84Stop looking through my window you perve...LOL! Miss ya too. Miss alot of you guys as well.
  7. Great idea Dougie! It has been so irritating to see chatbox is only about B1, B2, K&K. ALL DAY LONG. I mean....ALL DAY LONG as if the other tenants don't exist. As mentioned getting different chatbox for those 3 apts, the other veteran members would come back and it will be fun again. As for me, I just randomly comment here and there in chatbox because i seriously dont really want participate in chat anymore.
  8. That is true. I was was just giving my opinion.
  9. Awww...suck it up buttercup. RLC cannot force anyone to have sex or do anything they do not want to on cams. IT IS ILLEGAL. Also they cannot force tenants to stay in the apartments 24/7 either. IT IS ILLEGAL. I see many complaints from people about certain apartments not being home or doing stuff because YOU pay a membership??? GET REAL!! You are paying for what you get...people living in apartments for free doing whatever the hell they do. I don't think RLC will miss receiving your money dude, since there are other suckers like you paying up.
  10. I am alive...

    1. toolmaker123


      Began to wonder. Hope all is well with you. PM Me and let me know if you're okay, Hun.

      Really been worried for you.

    2. Scotsman84


      Good to hear.. Not missing much anyway.

  11. Right. yeah it's working for the people who are members that can see the locked cams. I only can see the one free public cam. I am not a member and wont be again. waste of money. But I still dont get why all their room have locked cams except one.
  12. I am curious why there is one cam only open for this apt? I mean the kitchen is even blocked off. I mean for what I have seen so far of these two I don't see what their apt is so special.
  13. What's going on?? I am soooo out of the loop with things!
  14. oh yay..another couple. What makes them so special to be premium? Seriously. lame.
  15. It wouldn't happen...you know why? because Leora is a self centered narcissistic bitch. She has to be center of attention.
  16. Yeah i know...that is why they look so weird. P.s. nipples don't get burned in tanning booths and if you have sensitive skin, why go in the first place? Must be a european thing. And it's so stupid for anyone to use tanning booths anyhow.
  17. She has some really weird ass nipples.
  18. Lose weight where? She does not need to lose any weight....I am thinking the plastic is to maybe keep the moisture of the lotion on her skin or help absorb it. She does have amazing skin though....
  19. MishMash stole the crown from Carla and Mario's fingers....lol. I am not a member, never seen them in action. xo
  20. I think Beatriz is really pretty. Just remember women come in all sizes....
  21. Are you kidding me....she looks in the damn mirror every chance she gets.
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