TBird97 Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Really?? The RLC recruitment pool must be quite shallow that Belle has been moved back to B2. It will be lonely for her since Gina is spending most of her time at B1 with the twins. Quote
TBird97 Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 *sigh*......Just like last time........Belle is all talk and no action.......Or as they say in western Canada," All hat and no cattle". texl01 1 Quote
ed2 Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Slow nights means I have time to watch replay of last night. When Belle returned from b1 last night she looked sober, and made herself some food, with she ate. After eating she started looking a bit sick to her stomack. She sat on the toilet before she went to bed. After 10 minutes she got up, acting like drunk (maybee because she was so sick). She went to the bathroom. She went between sitting on the toilet, vomiting and washing her mouth in the sink. Back and forth like this many times, for well over an hour (about 2:20-3:40). She run the water in the tub, I think just to make the cam foggy, but you could still see everything. Quote
delta10 Posted March 25, 2017 Posted March 25, 2017 From what I saw Belle, Gina and Stella drank most of two bottles rose sparking wine and one either white wine or Martini ( or similar ). They had the first bottle earlier while Alex brought the second rose and the white. Irma had one glass of the white / Martini. I saw Stella open the second rose bottle and divide it into 3 glasses around 00:30 LT. I stopped watching around just before 01:00 and all looked fine then. Possibly by the time Belle was home combined with the food, maybe a bad choice on top of the drinks, it then hit her. The food could have been bad but if so the reaction was very quick. Yesterday she was at B1 with Irma for several hours then they went out together late evening. Stella was around for a while but went out alone earlier. When the B2 girls are at home they are mostly in their rooms. Angelina seems to want to do something different and be out a lot. Gina teams up with Lia and Mia as the triplets as often as possible and they don't really want to mix, only Irma's organisation gets them together from time to time. So Belle only has Irma and Stella to mix with. Remember too things with the triplets got off to a bad start on Belle's first night back when for them Belle's antics the stair rail and the tinsel still up from before Christmas was OTT for them. This showed we are very unlikely to see anything more from the triplets. ed2 1 Quote
iloner Posted April 16, 2017 Posted April 16, 2017 Belle, your Forum tells a story - no postings for you for 3 weeks. And tonight you failed poor Rose who wanted you, and tried hard. You just wanted to make the usual pointless fakery show. Belle has been a disappointment so far this tour. But doesn't she hold the record for having dido-fucked the most girls on RLC? Bringing back girls who don't need to try because they are 'stars' means girls who want to perform have nothing to work with. Now she's gone out with Angie leaving Rose pissed off on her bed. Tonight there was a smashing Russian girls lesbian show on an amateurs scope channel. My view: unless she returns with a bloke to fuck - and there is NO chance that will happen - she needn't bother coming back. Sorry Belle fans, she's more tarnished tinsel than star. RUBBERMAN 1 Quote
TBird97 Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 I had my suspicions that Belle was a " lipstick lez" for some time now. She didn't get far by sucking up to Lima, Irma and Nora. At least Rose gave her some time, but Rose has a boy friend and may only be bi, so there won't be any commitment there. Quote
delta10 Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 My view is that, on camera anyway, Belle doesn't want to be on the receiving end of full on play from another girl. Time dulls the memory but from all I recall over her previous time with RLC as soon as anyone got their fingers or anything else on Belle's pussy she shut down. Yes she got involved playing with others mostly at B2 parties. However they were heady times as Lola always had plenty of alcohol in and several times, not just the Coke Boys weekend that ended with Stella's sudden departure, it is probable other substances were being taken too. Hence Belle's actions may well have been influenced by the combination of the atmosphere, encouragement from Lola and others and a muddled mind. Quote
iloner Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 Interesting comments TBird and Delta. Seems to me Belle is only lez when it suits her pocket - chasing Lola also paved the way for a further lucrative stint. She rejected Milena. I have only just logged on tonight and saw she was on the bed with Rose but Chat suggests no excitement happened. Again. Does she even have a sex drive? As for muddled mind - remember the account (translated on CC months ago) of how she met a sugar daddy who drove right up to her and she spelled out just what money needed to be paid out, including looking after her parents. My guess is she'll play les or straight as suits. When it comes to self-interest Belle is razor sharp. CowArt 1 Quote
TBird97 Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 @Iloner- Nothing much happened with Belle today since she's having her period. She pulled a tampax out just before getting into the tub to masturbate. She does have a sex drive but seems to be unsure of which way she wants to go. Rose may get tired of her ambivalence and tell her to go pound salt. Besides, Rose has a boyfriend. Quote
iloner Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 Thanks TBird. I think Rose's motivation yesterday was to make a good impression on us. Yep, glory be - one of those very rare beasts, a tenant who cares about giving the viewer some value. Quote
delta10 Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 On 4/17/2017 at 10:49 PM, iloner said: Interesting comments TBird and Delta. Seems to me Belle is only lez when it suits her pocket - chasing Lola also paved the way for a further lucrative stint. She rejected Milena. I have only just logged on tonight and saw she was on the bed with Rose but Chat suggests no excitement happened. Again. Does she even have a sex drive? As for muddled mind - remember the account (translated on CC months ago) of how she met a sugar daddy who drove right up to her and she spelled out just what money needed to be paid out, including looking after her parents. My guess is she'll play les or straight as suits. When it comes to self-interest Belle is razor sharp. Expand Iloner, My references to a muddled mind were intended to be confined to the parties when she had plenty of alcohol at least in her body. Generally I agree that she is a good actress who does just enough plus creates the impression that there will be more but actually avoids doing it if she can to get what she wants. Old ground but I think the fall-out with Milena was Milena having a plan which Belle would not do be it the content, level of reward or both. Her real sex drive has been questioned before. Quote
CowArt Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Good things come to those who wait. Last night, starting around 2AM I saw the Belle again that I loved so much on her first tour. Almost a full hour of butt nekkid dancing, in full light with amazing shots from every conceivable angle of that lovely body. Thank you Belle, more of this please. Quote
iloner Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Belle's taken to posing kneeling on the bed butt cheeks open allowing a ravishing pussy view from cam 11. You have to ask, why suddenly are we getting good pussy views we never had before? And its not just Belle, Gina too, and naked Twin. Its raining pussy! Quote
delta10 Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Time flies as now about 75 days since Belle's return so likely she is maximising viewings for any extra payments and to get herself noticed for all the right reasons. iloner 1 Quote
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