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    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
  2. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Voyeur Villa   
    So V V have updated their site, there are a few bugs that need to be ironed out. You might need to use the full address to get it to load.  https://voyeur-villa.com/
    The Volga saga continues, Inna still there,Marna & Andy came over for evening entertainments, Greg visited her & Mona popped in.
    Angel has left the project......already? That has got to be a record for the shortest stay ever?
    New girl at Volga, Nikita, dark haired, sultry looking.

  3. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Voyeur Villa   
    Not sure what is going on with Inna and her relationships with Greg and Marna & Andy? Saw Inna at Dubna getting a bag together, Marna was ranting in Inna's direction, Inna didn't respond & Andy stayed silent. Inna left to return to Volga without so much as a goodbye?
    So the new 'girl' arrived at Volga,don't know her name yet. One thing is for certain her & Inna have known each other before. Either that or their chat-up lines are dynamite !

  4. Like
    Plank got a reaction from vulcan in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    I missed the first group session at A & A's last night,but saw the later one, I will come back to it,bear with....
    There seems to be suggestion that Alex was in the dog-house for some reason,speculation that he had cheated on her etc etc.
    Two nights ago I spotted Alex and his mate Dean at Chloe & James' place. It was clear to me what their intentions were.
    The drinks were going down,a game of clothed Twister started. I could see that Chloe & her friend were uncomfortable with this but they were playing along.
    Although both girls broke up the momentum of things as often as they could. (bathroom break,smoke break etc)
    Chloe must have phoned/texted someone.
    A second game of Twister started, with various winks,nods & gestures between Alex & Dean. Dean encouraged the drinking, while Alex sat the game out but controlled the Twister spinner that directs play.
    He was obviously rigging the game, 'left foot red circle....oh dear Dean seems to have his face in Chloe's crotch'. The game finished and more drinks & smoke breaks. Alex & Dean are having a lads conversation, obviously trying to work out their next move.
    At that point two male friends arrive, Chloe looked very,very relieved! Alex & Dean knew their plans were blown and quickly left the building.
    On to last night. (might have been easier to do this with captions on the pics? Do try & keep up.)
    The Cast, Anna & Alex, this dark haired girl (DG1) who was involved in the group session earlier (see above). Another dark haired smaller girl (DG2) who seems to be a friend of Anna's, who opted out of the action.
    And a short haired guy (SH) who I have never seen before, but Anna clearly likes.
    It seemed that everyone was waiting for DG2 to go to bed in A & A's room. Once she did it quickly kicked off.
    Dean was with DG1 in the kitchen. Meanwhile in the lounge Anna is getting to grips with Alex & SH, and they are getting to grips with her.
    Just as everything is getting interesting,Dean & DG1 walk into the room, but it is clear that this is Anna's party & they leave the room & go to the bathroom, everyone trying not to wake up DG2.
    Maybe I am wrong but,I have seen Anna do most things with other guy's, but I have never seen Alex allow anyone to fuck Anna but him. That changed last night when Alex handed her a condom for SH.
    SH was screwing Anna as she sucks Alex, they then swapped. In the middle of all this Dean & DG1 enter the room, it is clear that A & A and SH don't care they are going to continue.
    Dean & DG1 get involved by themselves as Anna's threesome continues. Alex keeps leaving the room, Anna doesn't care she's having a great time with SH.
    Alex's turn with Anna, and it seems that he has a point to prove. We have all seen A & A going at it hardcore, but he starts hammering Anna, the hard slaps on her arse start going in whilst Anna is blowing SH.
    The aggressive fucking noises even attracted the attention of Dean & DG1 who wanted to see what the hell was going on. Alex was smashing Anna!
    Not sure if DG1 decided that she wanted some of that action, or if she trying to rescue Anna from the pummeling? She got involved, leaving Dean a spare part.
    Anna couldn't handle anymore & got Alex to stop, so he turned his attention the DG1.He smashed her as well! The noises DG1 was making I'm not sure if it was a massive orgasm, or if Alex had penetrated a lung!!
    SH went to fuck DG1 while Alex returned to Anna, but you could tell that the girls were done! But there was still time for an impromptu demonstration of how to deep throat.

  5. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  6. Like
    Plank reacted to vortios in prostitute or not ?   
    I would like to contribute something to the subject ... and it is not related to the girls, but, with the lexical theme of the words.
    Puta / o ... is one of the ways in which the person who practices prostitution is known.
    According to the Royal Academie of the Spanish Language, defines the prostitute as the woman who maintains sexual relations in exchange for money. (It may also be applicable to man),
    Only in its colloquial use, the words "whore" or "prostitute" are used as an insult.
    While in the most usual language, it only describes a "profession" - I call it that, since there are many associations that advocate that it be legalized as such.
    Fox ... Only in his seventh sense of the same dictionary of R.A.E. Refers as an adjective mischievous, used as a prostitute.
    Going back to its more colloquial use, this time, it is used as an insult or disqualifying adjective.
    But a small note, in the colloquial use of the youngest, usually use these adjectives adjectives nasty, in a very different way as other groups of people of other ages we use.
    So it is very normal, among young girls, to be called "bitch", without being an insult, as among the boys, to be called "bastard".
    As for the situation in Spain, on the subject of prostitution, that many people are concerned about the issue ...
    This piece was published by Europa Press on April 21.
    I leave the link, in case someone wants to read it.
    For those who have no interest in reading it, just take several phrases that I think are fundamental ...
    Is prostitution legal in Spain? Situation of prostitution in Spain.
    Is prostitution legal in Spain? Prostitution in Spain is in a situation of "alegality": it is not legal or illegal and its exercise is free - that is, when a person decides to exercise it and stay with the benefit - is not punished in the whole Spanish territory.
    As I have had several problems with the translations, I will put the original text, in case someone has problems interpreting my words.
    Me gustaría aportar algo al tema... y no va relacionado con las chicas, sino, con el tema léxico de las palabras.
    Puta/o... es una de las formas con las que se conoce a la persona que ejerce la prostitución.
    Según la Real Academía de la Lengua Española, define a la prostituta como la mujer que mantenien relaciones sexuales a cambio de dinero. (También puede ser aplicable al hombre),
    Solo en su uso más coloquial, se utiliza la palabras "puta" o "prostituta" como un insulto.
    Mientras que en el lenguaje más usual, sólo describe a una "profesión" - lo llamo así, ya que hay muchas asociaciónes que defienden que se legalize como tal.
    Zorra... Solo en su séptima acepción del mismo dicciónario de la R.A.E. hace referencia como adjetivo despectívo malsonante, usado como prostituta.
    Volviendo a su uso más coloquial, esta véz, sí se utiliza como un insulto o adjetivo descalificativo.
    Pero un pequeño apunte, en el uso coloquial de los más jovenes, se suelen utilizar estos adjetivos calificativos malsonantes, de una forma muy distinta a como otros grupos de personas de otras edades lo utilizamos.
    Así es muy normal, que entre chicas jovenes, se llamen "zorra", sin ser eso un insulto, como entre los chicos, llamarse "cabrón".
    En cuanto a la situación de España, sobre el tema de la prostitución, que a muchas personas les preocupa el tema...
    Este téxto, fue publicado por Europa Press el 21 de Abril.
    Os dejo el enlace, por si alguno quiere leerlo.
    Para el que no tenga interés en leerlo, solo sacar varias frases que creo que son fundamentales...
    ¿Es legal la prostitución en España? Situación de la prostitución en España.
    ¿Es legal la prostitución en España? La prostitución en España se encuentra en una situación de "alegalidad": no es legal ni ilegal y su ejercicio es libre --es decir, cuando una persona decide ejercerlo y quedarse con el beneficio-- no está penado en todo el territorio español.
    Como he tenido varios problemas con las traducciones, pondré el texto original, por si alguien tiene problemas en interpretar mis palabras.
  7. Like
    Plank got a reaction from loboalfa in Fan Page Gina   
    This girl is turning into a star! There was a little dance party over at B1 earlier today (part 1) with Gina, the Twins & Stella.
    I think this is known as a wardrobe malfunction?

  8. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    Rex & Dana & the red head round two. Rex,(the lucky sod), gets a double decker & shoots his load all over redheads back. Later her had a session with Dana.

  9. Thanks
    Plank got a reaction from Raja raju in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    Delighted to see that the tradition of 'Jessica's Sexy Kitchen time' has been carried on by this beautiful woman.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  10. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  11. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Mclap in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    Delighted to see that the tradition of 'Jessica's Sexy Kitchen time' has been carried on by this beautiful woman.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  12. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    Delighted to see that the tradition of 'Jessica's Sexy Kitchen time' has been carried on by this beautiful woman.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  13. Like
    Plank got a reaction from texl01 in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    Delighted to see that the tradition of 'Jessica's Sexy Kitchen time' has been carried on by this beautiful woman.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  14. Like
    Plank got a reaction from momo5768 in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    Delighted to see that the tradition of 'Jessica's Sexy Kitchen time' has been carried on by this beautiful woman.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  15. Like
    Plank reacted to iloner in Fan Page Gina   
    Owing to the resounding success of Operation Cleanup the Sally Army is appealing for further volunteers.
    "We have infiltrated a nest of perverts, peddling their filth.    They call themselves voyeurs", said Spokesperson Roger Upright.    "Well placed comments about drug use, prostitution and violence to women, all based on the flimsiest of evidence and followed up by constant threats of complaints, have effectively turned their disgusting site into a boring snoozefest you could watch with your aunty.    Well done our boys!"
    "Now its got so boring we need new volunteers to watch it and spoil their fun."
    "If you like whingeing and complaining and spoiling others' fun we have a vacancy for you." 
    "There's a tambourine with your name on.    Come on boys, give it a shake."
  16. Like
    Plank reacted to 1brain1 in Fan Page Nicole   
    Nicole likes her viewers.... she always shows nudity
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  17. Like
    Plank reacted to VaporGhost in Fan Page Lana & Robert   
    A few more from yesterday

  18. Like
    Plank reacted to fray in Dasha in Rome   
    It's M&S's cat. Dasha brought it to them from St.Petersburg  following lengthy formalities.  As "Sasha" - actually Misha -explained over the phone to his mom in St.Petersburg. 
  19. Like
    Plank reacted to 1brain1 in Fan Page Nicole   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  20. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  21. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  22. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Voyeur Villa   
    Looks like I spoke too soon. Volga has gone from Hero to a fat zero again!
    From Voyeur Villa.
    Today Mona, Kelly and Stella left Volga. We are waiting for the new people to come. ( no mention of Rose?)
    3:10 PM - 6 Jun 2017   Looks like the folks that thought Mona was boring have won and she has gone, what a shame! Obviously they didn't see the fun bits that I did. ( see earlier posts) I wish her well in her future.          She was way too classy for this shit ! Apart from V V treating her with contempt by posting a vote to see if she should be forced to return to an empty apartment from a dance contest. Of course it was no fault of the V V management for placing inappropriate or downright weird housemates with her. Even then she tried to make the best of the situation. Then when it seems that they have found a couple of girls she can have fun with,they are all gone? They might as well move Phil & Jackie and Lisa & Nick into this apartment seeing as they are together most of the time,and Lisa & Nick already know the place? Move one of the Dubna couples into Tver, giving the other couple a bit of space? Judging by the pics above, looks like Inna has put down a marker? V V seems to be losing it's way.  
  23. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
    Looks like I spoke too soon. Volga has gone from Hero to a fat zero again!
    From Voyeur Villa.
    Today Mona, Kelly and Stella left Volga. We are waiting for the new people to come. ( no mention of Rose?)
    3:10 PM - 6 Jun 2017   Looks like the folks that thought Mona was boring have won and she has gone, what a shame! Obviously they didn't see the fun bits that I did. ( see earlier posts) I wish her well in her future.          She was way too classy for this shit ! Apart from V V treating her with contempt by posting a vote to see if she should be forced to return to an empty apartment from a dance contest. Of course it was no fault of the V V management for placing inappropriate or downright weird housemates with her. Even then she tried to make the best of the situation. Then when it seems that they have found a couple of girls she can have fun with,they are all gone? They might as well move Phil & Jackie and Lisa & Nick into this apartment seeing as they are together most of the time,and Lisa & Nick already know the place? Move one of the Dubna couples into Tver, giving the other couple a bit of space? Judging by the pics above, looks like Inna has put down a marker? V V seems to be losing it's way.  
  24. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
  25. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
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