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  1. Like
    Plank reacted to CowArt in Barcelona sexual performance statistics   
    Since I still see comments being posted about the lack of explicit sexual activity, and I still feel some members are expecting too much from the girls in that area, so I tried to put things in perspective by crunching the numbers since I joined in January 2016. The numbers are based on what I've seen on the cameras or read in forum posts. I hope these numbers can give (potential) subscribers an insight on what they can expect to see in B1 and B2.
    I drew the line for hiding at the kitty. The girls trying their best to hide the kitty from the cameras as much as possible are tagged as "hiding", even though we might have caught some glimpses. For bating I also drew the line at the kitty, that means bating in the bath with the kitty out of camera view qualifies as "hidden", for example Karol bating pointed at camera #12 but with her panties on is also "hidden", but Angelina with her poor camera angles counts as "open" in my list. Bating with an object is either a sex toy, a piece of fruit, or some random object they found in the apartment.

  2. Like
    Plank reacted to Scotsman84 in Know - It - All.   
    Wow some of you really do think you are the Dog's Bollocks. Disrespect some of you show to others is Fucked Up.
    Just because you are older doesn't mean you know everything.
  3. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Doomz123456 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.
    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.
    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.
    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.
    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.
    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.
    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.
  4. Like
    Plank reacted to toolmaker123 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me begin by thanking each one of the forum members that have eloquently voiced concerns about the conduct and behaviors of those making the chat room a place for voicing opinions, both about the tenants of RealLifeCam.com and the contributing members of the forum, RealLifeCamFan.com.
     We never intended to reprimand those that commented negatively towards the "PLAYERS" of the apartments. They make the bed, they lie in it.
       We have, over time, had to reprimand some members, (many have asked to be removed, been removed, or just no longer participate within this forum and also, a sister forum.) They took the negative comments about the dwellers of RLC personally. Like the tenants and players cared about being defended. Something is mental here. 
     The Moderators do the best we can with the powers afforded by the Administrator. Over the few months, as many as 6 or 8, the moderators haven't been given authority  to ban members for derogatory comments, particularly those made against other members of the forum.
             That being said, the Owner/Administrator of RealLifeCamFan.com makes an appearance now about as frequently as Haley's Comet. 
     The only authority the chat moderators  have now is to label the offender as a Spammer, which disallows them the opportunities to post comments. Then an Administrator (StnCld316)  'notices' the spam label and bans the IP Address. 
            Over time, the Moderators (ME)  have been very lax in handling members that no longer follow the Code Of Conduct; If you notice, it never, if ever is referred to the newbies as a condition to join the forum. Admin was asked to make reading and following the rules upon sign up with RealLifeCamFan.com. Since they, (he) never made this a policy, I never broached the subject with him again. Here's hoping he will read our posts and continue where the upgrade changes left off.
     ********************This has been beaten like a dead horse, but here it is again.****************************
    RealLifeCam.com is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! There is no lasting benefit from watching people go about their every day lives, (sic), 
            The members of this or any other forum on the internet that make these Voyeur sites  anything more than what they are, need professional help, not offered here.
     Plank, put your sword back in it's scabbard; there'll be no falling today!
  5. Like
    Plank got a reaction from iloner in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?
    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.
    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.
  6. Like
    Plank got a reaction from CowArt in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?
    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.
    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.
  7. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?
    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.
    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.
  8. Like
    Plank got a reaction from toolmaker123 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?
    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.
    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.
  9. Like
    Plank got a reaction from texl01 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?
    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.
    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.
  10. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Capeguy in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.
    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.
    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.
    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.
    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.
    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.
    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.
  11. Like
    Plank reacted to texl01 in texl01   
    In the past few months, it is apparent Members are becoming too Critical and Disrespectful to RLC Tenants. Comments being made lower the standard of RLCF and this reflects on all Members here. 
     Banter is acceptable if appropriate , but Tenants are NOT Whores, Hoes or any other derogatory terms being used. Please THINK before commenting and phrase comments with respect . 
    In the past, We have expected Members to treat each other with veneration and this seems to be adhered to. It was stated long ago the Tenants are open to any critic, comment good or bad , or distasteful post.  Obviously, this ruling is obsolete and archaic . 
    Please help to maintain the the reputable standard of our site - RLCF
    Thanks Fellas  -  texl01 Chat Moderator. 
  12. Like
    Plank reacted to iloner in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Used to be, a Mod stayed in Chat all day and kept some discipline and focus.   This must have been very onerous.    Those Mods who did it deserved our respect and thanks, and my understanding was they volunteered and were not paid, so it was for the good of all of us who enjoy posting here.  
    There has been too much negativity in Chat   Comments are often hard to follow.
    Those people speaking English for whom it is not a native tongue deserve our admiration, though sometimes it is hard to understand what they say given the speed of Chat.    They seem to have a lot of experience and much to contribute.
    But also, and this was the case about Masha and Sasha apartment yesterday, some are commenting with an unwarranted degree of certainty about situations they claim to understand but perhaps do not.       Some people seem to have secret sources of information!    We don't get to test out what they say because Chat and the Tenants move on, and we have better things to do than obsess about some wanker making stuff up ......
    My solution for the moment to putting fun back into Chat and the Forums is to get this ban on pics and vids raised.      Pics and vids acted as an anchor around which we could post comment and use our imaginations without getting too far from reality.     Without these we are all posting gossip and gossip is often destructive.
    If RLC does feel they benefit from these sites let us use some pics at least - I suggest elsewhere make the thumbnails Popular Scenes over the past 24 Hours available to RLCF and CC as ways of giving us something concrete to discuss.   
  13. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Noway in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.
    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.
    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.
    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.
    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.
    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.
    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.
  14. Like
    Plank reacted to CowArt in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I agree with you @Plank. Not necessarily regarding M&S in particular, I missed most of that, thank god, but the chatbox has taken a turn for the worst since two, maybe three months.
    There have always been moments the atmosphere was a bit negative in the chat, but those only lasted a day or so. It's now become this horrible place where over 50% of the posts are negative, the most ridiculous theories are being dreamed up, repeated for a couple of days and from there on forward just stated as facts. All in the safety of the chatbox of course, because there the posts sink into oblivion after an hour or so, none of those trolls seem to have the courage to state their opinions in the forum where they will last and we can have a reasonable discussion about them.
    It's the exact reason I almost never visit the chat anymore. And by the looks of it when I peek in, I'm not the only one. We always had a good crew in the chat, a group of people that came on the chat almost daily ever since I joined RLCF. Some new people joined, some left, some stuck around. When I look at the chat now I see none of those, don't know if they're still lurking in the background, or are run off the board for good.
    I search the forum for a Code of Conduct or whatever if there's anything mentioned about derogatory comments about the tenants, but it seems we only have to be polite to each other, and the tenants are fair game. I wish there was a rule like that, now the moderators and admins are powerless.
    This is supposed to be a FAN-site. That doesn't mean we're only allowed to kiss the tenants' asses, of course critical comments are welcome as well, but it's really getting out of hand now. I see too many people who's only intention seems to be to find anything on any of the cameras to get themselves worked up about, or just throw all sorts of nastiness at the tenants. This has nothing to do with a FAN-site anymore, this is quickly becoming a RLC-Bashing site. I for one will have nothing to do with that. As long as the bullshit doesn't spread to the forum, I'll keep reading and posting there, but I won't go near the chat until that's getting sorted somehow.
    That concludes what I wanted to say about this, I will now make reference to the staff so they'll get notice of this topic:
    @Admin, @StnCld316, @toolmaker123, @texl01, can we have an open discussion about the rules of this board, and in particular if there should be a rule against derogatory comments toward the tenants like there is at CC? 
  15. Like
    Plank got a reaction from toolmaker123 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.
    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.
    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.
    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.
    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.
    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.
    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.
  16. Haha
    Plank got a reaction from Dave in Old School.   
  17. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Avoca in Fan Page Gina   
  18. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    Holy father I have sinned. I had impure thoughts whilst looking at the clip above.
  19. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Fan Page Gina   
  20. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
    The new crew at Volga are turning out to be great, they all seem to be getting on well together.Nina & Bobbi seem to seldom venture out of their bedroom as they are too busy having sex.
    Mona & Anna are getting on like a house on fire and having great fun,although both are still very aware of the cameras.
    Tonight was,'Educating Anna', which saw Mona teaching Anna how to stretch,as I said previously I think Mona is/was a dancer, or has done performing arts & has been taught 'how to move',poise, grace & very,very supple. It almost made my eye's water to watch it!
    For instance,note the pic of Mona doing the almost right angled,ballet-esque leg exercise, effortless. Anna was holding onto the fridge.Anna is going to ache in the morning.
    Anna got changed into a bunny-style outfit,seen previously with white fishnets. Don't you love it when a sister helps a sister adjust her suspender belt.
    Anna then put on her green high heals and a lesson in how to walk cat-walk style. Mona placed some candy bars in a line on the floor and demonstrated how Anna should walk.
    Mona, as I said above,poise,grace,elegance. Anna was Bambi on an iced up tigh-rope. Funny...?, I almost coughed up a lung! But she got much better.
    The girls then had fun watching video's on their devices. A great nights entertainment.

  21. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Voyeur Villa   
    The new crew at Volga are turning out to be great, they all seem to be getting on well together.Nina & Bobbi seem to seldom venture out of their bedroom as they are too busy having sex.
    Mona & Anna are getting on like a house on fire and having great fun,although both are still very aware of the cameras.
    Tonight was,'Educating Anna', which saw Mona teaching Anna how to stretch,as I said previously I think Mona is/was a dancer, or has done performing arts & has been taught 'how to move',poise, grace & very,very supple. It almost made my eye's water to watch it!
    For instance,note the pic of Mona doing the almost right angled,ballet-esque leg exercise, effortless. Anna was holding onto the fridge.Anna is going to ache in the morning.
    Anna got changed into a bunny-style outfit,seen previously with white fishnets. Don't you love it when a sister helps a sister adjust her suspender belt.
    Anna then put on her green high heals and a lesson in how to walk cat-walk style. Mona placed some candy bars in a line on the floor and demonstrated how Anna should walk.
    Mona, as I said above,poise,grace,elegance. Anna was Bambi on an iced up tigh-rope. Funny...?, I almost coughed up a lung! But she got much better.
    The girls then had fun watching video's on their devices. A great nights entertainment.

  22. Like
    Plank reacted to StnCld316 in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
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    Plank reacted to hotwal in Fan Page Gina   
  24. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
    oiled arse the best

  25. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Fan Page Danaya   
    It speaks volumes about the shambles that is B2 when the 'hot topic ' of discussion is Danaya.
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