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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. 14 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    No point banging your head against a brick wall. Certain members are always going to make excuses for the way they react.


    7 minutes ago, TigetJackson said:

    So your complaint should not be about the chatters.  Your frustration sounds more to do with the platform themselves and how they have "changed" and manage.

    Scorpio 2.2 is right on the money.  Case closed, end of story, chat room mentality!!!

  2. 21 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    I like that new girl Venera.  She's hot to trot.  😊

    From what I read in the various forums it sounds like Venera is trying to duplicate how Leora does things. Linda should have tried opening up and do similar stuff. Leora still has it but Paul is one useless pathetic excuse for a man. What a fuckin' fragile lazy ass wimp. Even when he has sex it is as if he is a dead fuck. I would have my face and head so far up Leora's ass that she would taste like chicken - mmmm. Realism and voyeur thrill are a good match and makes it very watchable. Being young and pretty definitely helps. Mature and pretty gets me all worked up - lol.

  3. 21 hours ago, TigetJackson said:

    You answered my question.  For any brand to succeed in this day and age it has to be able to sell what it produce.  Voyeur has it's space, but it appears that RLC and VHTV have made their decision to do like many other niche sexual content providers do and that is sell sex!  You recognize this but still for whatever reason appear to be bent on wishing and desiring a long gone stage for these platform return. 

    I agree, these sites are "NOT" voyeur sites and have moved on.  Chatters are chatters that you will find on any chat enabled site on the Net.  Again, I pointed this out before, its the NET, not a bar or pub or gentlemans club where they all meet and talk about sports and politics.  The crowd has "changed" with the platform.  If taking the chat conversations seriously, you are missing the largest part of chat, "it ain't serious"!

    There are many that cry foul when a platform changes.  Its difficult to accept.  But do you think that any of these chat'rs give a flying bump about Leora and what she represent, NO!  As these platforms have moved on to capitalize in a space that drives revenue and allows for growth, the chat'rs recognize it and want more.  My theory is, while there is NO monopoly on brand naming, voyeur is a carrot to get new customers to see what these sites offer, some stay and some leave, that's just the nature of choice.

    I do not get the following girls every move by some in the chat, I don't get the LOVE some express about certain actors (not models) and I surely don't get obsessions (lord knows there are so many other things better to fill the mind with), but it's not off limits to talk about, joke about or be interested in knowing.  I for one sure don't give a darn as none of these girls are fucking me, so they can do what they want on the outside.  I'm paying to see sex and maybe something in between. 

    I hope I did not offend you in any manner as it is not my intent, I'm more curious as with chat'rs that complain about the women's whereabouts all the time and curious of why you continue to drag over the fact that the content delivery of the sites have changed to a format that is not your cup of tea and probably will never change ? 

    As always, best wishes

    I too agree with what you are saying about the chat room, net and what sells. My point is - where are all the chatters? This site had at least 15 to 30 chatters at any given time plus even the night crew (when all the RLC apartments were asleep) had 8 to 20 chatters across the world. More voyeur cam sites are active now opposed to only RLC and perhaps voyeur-villa but the main topic in the Chat Room over the last few years is RLC. We believe the Chat Room changed for the worse. Over the last 3 years how many new members jump into the Chat Room and then shortly disappear and still only the main few members chat. Why? We believe the chatters should self analyze themselves instead of following the tenants minute-by-minute. The chat crew shrunk significantly from the past with no noticeable increase in numbers. Is this good for Xcamfan? Think about the xcamfan site as a whole instead of just the lonely Chat Room with the same few chatters talking for only a few hours. In the past, the Chat room was mostly active 24/7 with only the occasional hour or two being silent. Is it acceptable for the Chat Room to be dead for 10 to 16 hours or more every day. I think not. Yes, times have changed but the Chat Room should be rejuvenated to TRY and get more members to feel free and easy to chat with others about ANYTHING besides RLC. 

    Some xcamfan fan members tried and still post a variety of stuff in the forums to keep this site alive for other members to view. What have the chatters done to increase member participation? Enough said. We know that chat is not serious but it is totally ridiculous. A good dialogue is never offensive as long as it informative, positive and worth the time discussing things. For me, the current Chat Room is a waste of time and lacks any oomph.

  4. 19 hours ago, TigetJackson said:

    I don't want to come off mean or as any attempt to push back in any way, I think I really would like to understand your ill feelings about chat and how the chatters discuss topics.  You seem to have a common theme, "chat is bad and all the chat is bullshit" and also "sex, sex, sex no voyeur"!  What am I missing I ask ?  I think chat is nuts, sometime its just stupid, bullshit, go on any forum that allows free-form "chat" and you'll get the most wild bunch of people saying some of the most outlandish crap.  I think that's what make it FUN!  As for voyeur I watched those videos and here was my thought.  #1)  Look at the number of views - I bet that's not made up and probably a telling sign that each of those ladies, or sites, have a huge following!  #2) there is probably a chat experience with each of those or some form of iterative chat other than just YT.  I bet, any amount of money, you'll find the "same dumb ass people on those as you do on these".  Some stalking, speculating, wondering and trying to discover every thing they can about the ladies.  Its the internet and your complaints are valid, but again it's the Internet.  I often ask why would you continue to subscribe to something you are somewhat turned off by when obviously, based on those videos you posted, there is something out there for you.

    Additionally, you refer to what RLC once was.  I don't have that deep of a history to know how it was back then compared to now, I've only been engaged with it for a couple years, if that.  Change is difficult!  I know.  but for businesses selling "sex" or an experience on the net, they have to be competitive with all the free content out there that they compete with.  Unfortunately, sex is the easy step and where the money flows.  So as I understand RLC had a different business model, at some point that model changed to keep them valid and in lieu of what happened in Russia, they had to be ready to make some type of change and I think wholesale sex is the new example.  RLC for sure will move according to industry and customer trends.

    Lastly, I get what you complain about, but is there nothing associated with any of those sites you named that draw your attention ?  Something keeps you coming back and it does not appear to be the chatters!  


    Many of us have explained ourselves in various forum topics which are self explanatory and done in English. Chat Room talk is nonsensical. RLC has mostly become childish while VHTV is porn. The keyword that supposedly describes the cam sites is "voyeur". Not even close now. If I pull my pants down and show you my cock is that voyeurism? No that is in-your-face cock. If I intentionally masturbate for you to watch is that voyeurism? Definitely not. Both RLC and VHTV have little to do with realism and voyeurism.  Originally both these sites had both. Chatters and VHTV forum commenters all got caught up in making up or speculating foolishly about the tenants and for what reason? Why follow their every move and question what they do or might do. If toilet cams were viewable then I am sure the chatters would look at the shit and try to guess what the girls ate and drank over the previous day or two. That is how bad the talk is. No wonder the RLC girls spend time hiding from the cams. Anything sexual is for the money so not true voyeurism. Obviously any consensus or meeting of the minds is impossible at this stage.

    For me, somehow Leora does certain things or dresses a certain way or even when she is naked satisfies my voyeur thrill. She was and still is of the original RLC concept and she definitely knows how to balance realism and voyeurism with in-your-face nudity and sex (don't like her repetitive masturbation shows). No chatters, or very few,  speculate on what Leora does outside the apartment but instead talk about what she is actually doing in the apartment and how nice she looks. Barca girls, Martina and other similar tenants are constantly under the microscope and over analyzed. What purpose does that serve chatters? How is that being a voyeur? Do you do that to your children or relatives or neighbors or co-workers and follow their every move? Don't get it and never will. Tenants must not be comfortable with all the eavesdropping and weird talk.

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