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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. 5 hours ago, straffe134 said:

    yeah, i noticed that all the hosting files are gone or unacessable... whats about that? are they taken down by the admins after awhile or what?

    DMCA requests xcamfan admin to remove any RLC images when RLC puts that order in to DMCA. Any subscribers caught downloading images will be banned from RLC. Also DMCA can make individuals and companies liable for copyright infringements. Some third party file host sites will allow image posting but will be deleted after or before three days. RLC plays hardball with anyone posting images of their site.

  2. As I had said many times before, the old chat room use to be quite the social site with many members across the world. Roughly 20% comments were about RLC while 80% comments were anything other than RLC. Over the last few years the chat is mainly 95% RLC and 5% other stuff. RLC is basically crap and not worth chatting about. What exciting stuff has happened in the Barca apartments and other apartments over the last few years? Anything memorable? I probably jerked off more than all the tenants and returnees put together that have masturbated or had sex over the last few years. Oooops, did I say that out loud? - lol. Even Masha outperforms all the tenants put together. What I am saying is that RLC has brutal tenants and RLC offers shit. Chatters can talk all they want about RLC and every tenant/guest that  graces the site but what good have they done for you as a paid subscriber? Wishful thinking is just that and costs you money.

    The infighting amongst chatters lately actually gives me a voyeur thrill just by reading the snide name calling remarks. They can't blame us - lol. Why not kick RLC to the curb or at least give them the silent treatment to show your displeasure. Too many RLC subscribers threaten to quit but never do. What are you waiting for, better times - 🤣🤣.

  3. I think the chatters will have a mouthful to talk about now with the added changes but let's see how long it takes before they bash RLC and the tenants. Is RLC trying to provide a little of something for everyone or will it end up being nothing for anybody? Time will tell. CC is mostly about Leora while xc is mostly about Barca. Nothing said about Linda & Tibor lately - will they soon find the exit, stage right - lol. This is like a jolt of caffeine or shot of good whiskey to get the heart racing but will the excitement soon wear off. For now, I think the old-time chatters will have to turn their hearing aides down with all the chatters talking at once about all the apartments and tenants. They won't be able to keep up with each other based on what each one will be talking about - 🤣. This should be good for some much needed laughs.

  4. Looks like VHTV is scrambling to fill apartments due to the Russia/Ukraine war and participant issues. Seems like any wannabe tenant or past guest will be given a shot. Would be nice to see a fat chick for a change compared to all the skinny flat chested girls. More giggles to the jiggles but at least some extra meat on the bones to look at. Fuck, even some cocks look more attractive than the girls . Oops, did I say that out loud - 🤣

  5. 8 hours ago, RoadRage said:

    Wow! Luckily ABP can make that gif go away!! lol

    Yeah the gif actually distracts from reading my comments but it does emphasize what Leora makes me wanna do when I watch her - lol. She's a babe and quite the hottie.

  6. On 4/10/2022 at 9:59 AM, RoadRage said:

    I think someone broke the "bro code" and told Leora she is putting on some weight. Except when in the tub she is being very reluctant to show her stomach and always making sure it is covered.

    I actually much prefer her current mature look. I look at some older videos of her and Paul in the Russian apartment and thought back then she was nicely shaped but compared to today she was kinda skinny. Now she has gained some weight but the curves are amazing and what an ass on her. With or without clothes I have a hard time not looking. She is sweet, gorgeous and so fucking yummy. What a doll. Barca girls are blahhhhhh!!!. Every millimeter or inch of her is worth salivating over. Her pussy, delicious asshole, boobs, good size nipples and her good looks keeps me staring at her. Just talking about her is getting me all worked up - lol. She is cute when she squints her eyes when looking at the TV but must be blind as a bat without her glasses. Did I mention that she has a killer ass and I get excited just seeing her butt cheeks peeking out from her skimpy outfit. Fuck it - I think I better jerk off now to release some built up tension - LMFAO.


  7. Has it come to this!!!??? Chatters are insulting each other with name calling and fighting over girls. Desperation for the girls and frustration over the chatter's comments. RLC has definitely affected the subscriber's state of mind - lol. This has become normal for all forum sites because camcaps and VHTV Forum has a lot of infighting too. Sad reality - I get a hell of a lot more fun and excitement reading all the forums than looking at the boring repetitive real life video cams - LMFAO. Even though the chatting and forum posts are about speculation it is real life banter back and forth without the spread eagle ass in your face nudity type shit offered by VHTV or the dead fish in RLC show rooms.

  8. At least all the bickering back and forth allowed xcamfan to have a good amount of participation by members. All the back and forth diatribe (meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) can be like the Russia/Ukraine war. No one wins. Obviously no chance of a ceasefire between waring parties.

    I do not for a moment believe the badmouthing about the chat room has caused members to bail and jump ship to CC. I went to CC and the VHTV Forum since xcamfan has less participants of late. Even CC has fewer participants compared to the good old days. Also, I have to say, the VHTV Forum has less participants (mostly the same diehards) than when I first signed on to them. Many factors that contribute to less participants - RLC sucks, RLC tenants are brutal or lazy returnees, too many forum no-it-alls that are quick to put down your comment, VHTV is too much porn style, VHTV has revolving-door tenants/realms, cam show girls as participants and too much over analyzing of tenants. Both RLC and VHTV have lost ground over the last few years because of their lower quality (VHTV has been hurt more lately because of the Russia/Ukraine war). Their internet traffic has decreased significantly.

    I joined this site as a voyeur and made posts as a voyeur. Yes, I was critical of boring or repetitive actions by some tenants and when RLC is brutal. I have bitched the same about VHTV. What I do see on all these similar sites - commenters in the Chat Room and forum of xcamfan, forum commenters on camcaps and the forum commenters on VHTV is that all the talk is about each tenant's/participant's personal space. To me, being a voyeur is enjoying the visual experience or sight. All the posters, commenters or talkers on all three sites get deeply involved in what the tenant does within the apartment/house AND away from the voyeur cams. It is so bad that the VHTV forum members want cams everywhere so there is no privacy or small area to hide from the cams. I guess the VHTV participants have to be under the microscopic eye since the members pay a subscriptions to see everything and anything - sheeeesh!!!

    Do tenants/participants/guests wear microphones so you hear what they are talking about or monitoring devices so you know where they went or do they have to explain to you what they do 24/7?? These are voyeur cam sites for you to see and watch their actions within the walls of their place of employment (they get paid and/or rent paid and perhaps bonuses by paid subscriptions to the voyeur cam sites). You are entitled to view their movements within the view of the cams. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL.

    I will continue to post comments on all forum sites but avoid the Chat Room, avoid stupid talk in the camcaps forums and pick and choose what to post in the VHTV Forum. Needless to say, I have backed away from most conversations since I don't like all the trivial, childish, immature, overbearing comments and never ever can understand why members want to know all the personal stuff about a tenant.

    When I see a picture - that is what I see. Nothing more. I do not try to CSI it.

    When I watch a movie - that is what I see. Nothing more. Beginning, middle, ending.

    When I read a poem in my school days - that was a nice poem with good words. My English teacher wanted me to read between the lines and try to explain what the author was really saying and what was the imagery and symbols. Whatever, WTF!!! It is just fucking words dammit - lol.

    When I see a nice looking girl pass by me or when I talk to a delicious female - it is visual. The only thing going through my mind is - mmmmm, yum yum.

    So, I will stick to what works for me - being a visual voyeur. Anything more is just shit talk. Subscribers come across as if they own the girl's/tenant's actions 24/7 whether in front of the cams or away from the cams. That is what has ruined all three of these forum sites, in my honest fucking opinion. Ever wonder why there are very few, if any, females that continue to participate in these forums? Anything to do with rude perverts saying too much? My guess.


  9. 15 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    I watched Leora clean house today, and she was looking real hot in those shots today...."her ass was eating those shots up every step of the way." LOL8)

    Compared to most RLC girls, Leora is major eye candy. She has been on RLC for many years but still got it.

  10. 2 hours ago, Plank said:

    This has been on the cards for a while,obvious for everyone to see. So it surprised me,(I don't know why,) to see Mikl screwing Viva before the dust had settled from Marcia moving out.

    Shana didn't look too pleased.but you make your bed...etc

    I mostly favor couples or the occasional threesome or even a single girl or sexually active lesbians. Some say a few realms are the swinger type lifestyle or gangbangs or group orgies or whatever else. My beef or complaint about VHTV is that it is mostly porn style activities and fuck anybody or anything with no regards to their supposed partner. For appearances sake, to me, most realms trivialize nudity and sex or flaunt sex (asshole and pussy positioned two feet from the cam, wham bam thank you mam with no emotions or all boys and girls are personal sex toys to show off to the viewers). Miki and Henry are dirty pigs but most, if not all, receptive pussies are dirty pigs too. When you think a couple or female participant is more normal and great viewing then in a short time they go off the rail and end up like the rest - dirty fuckers who play around with others and switch partners, realms or have hissy fits (including violence) and subject to relocations to other realms. My recommendation, don't follow any realms because they are generally short lived.

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