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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. 53 minutes ago, Plank said:

    Sorry but I have to disagree mate.
    VHtv have a collection of returnees,like Scott & a pregnant Macy no idea why they are back?
    We have some cam-girls,even Tessa (white house) is in on the act.
    There are a selection of Pro-hardcore porn performers,they might be top shaggers but some of the behaviour is concerning in the light of recent events with Sergio.
    There has also been times at certain apartments where what I have witnessed was abuse.
    As for Winter & Vegas, I've never seen such a collection of freaks & tattooed ladies in one place since the Circus last came to town.
    Then we have a few interesting couples who are playing the game,because they have to.
    Also way too many really drab apartments,who offer nothing to 'the project'.
    Some tenants have gone missing in action, or others that are being 'relocated',that really shouldn't bother returning.
    There are plenty of tenants who have overstayed their welcome,take a bow Candy, if you can be arsed to get off the bed.
    For me 10/49...and that's pushing it.


    Spot on with your review of apartments. Candy and Marla use to do it for me but always the same "nothing different" shit. Even some regulars I got tired of. Did watch Sophia and Claudia do their chaturbate shows but same routine each time. Don't care if they even came back with their big sausage man. Most, if not all, realms do their same daily shows or cam shows or play childish naked games. Montana and Pasha can leave even though they show nudity and sex. It is like watching a good porn movie a hundred times. Tattoos ruin it for me. Seen some pics/videos in the VHTV Forum of male partners abusing the women. VHTV must love it because it draws attention to their site but for the wrong reasons. Right now I have no favorites and briefly look into 4 or 5 realms to see if anything might give me a rise. The VHTV site has degraded badly (all about quantity of realms, not quality) and the VHTV Forum is a very poor read. 

    I see that the always threatening to start up site VOYEUR LIFE is again saying that they will open this Saturday (as of this time of post, running time clock shows 3 days and 2 hours to go). I suspect, if it opens, it will include porn stars, cam girls and more of the same type of usual tenants. Badly in need of another new voyeur cam site.

    If you read the RLC chat - obviously RLC sucks shit. Even Leora is graciously trying to sexually abuse numbnuts Paul. In their relationship Leora is the sexual aggressor while Paul can take it or leave it and really comes across as a lifeless fuck. He works long hours at the computer doing what? Oh, and he likes to sleep and take naps. He loves being pampered by Leora. Same old Paul.

    Between VHTV and RLC they are both fighting for dead last.

  2. 7 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    I would guess this would be the right time for RLC to pull a rabbit out of a hat "seeing a few apartments are either on vacation or have lost some key workers and those that are left are either at other apartments trying to help keep the motivation going or just in the way of things."  I would suggest that RLC should just put everyone under the same roof until someone comes up with some kind of idea!!!  "lets face it the party is dead for now." LOL8)

    PICTURE - 912.gif

    Leora is so cum hungry that she could probably eat Paul's white gooey cum at least 4 or 5 times daily if Paul was motivated enough. Can't say all the rest of the RLC females combined can come close to Leora's thirst. Sure says a lot about what kind of life the other RLC tenants have on an adult porn site - boring as fuck. Chatters here and at camcaps sure do their part trying to give the tenants some storylines but to no avail. Waste of subscription money but those paying are hooked, lined and sinkered.

    hook, line, and sinker
    1. used to emphasize that someone has been completely deceived or tricked.
  3. 11 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Oh what a surprise. More "Returns". ReturnLifeCam must really be struggling. 🤣            Rob Lowe Ohno GIF by britbox

    When I think of returns the first thing that comes to mind is "sequels" or even "syndication" to show reruns - FFS!!! - lol. Nowadays the "new" thinking is to use "old" ideas. Just great, just fucking great. RLC - REAL LOST CAUSE. One good thing for RLC though is that most old-timer subscribers can't remember past tenants/guests so it is all new to them as if Groundhog Day or is it Grandfather's Day where RLC repeats itself but the subscribers view it as new. 

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  4. 56 minutes ago, VelvetElvis said:

    I can not see any posts from members.

    It has been offline for several days now. Supposedly waiting for a new update from Babble. Admin on this site has been made aware of this. Being down for 4 or 5 days now is the longest offline that I have seen. 

  5. Sadly, for me, VHTV has ruined itself. Too much of the same thing with every new or return participant. Most participants try to sell nudity and sex in-your-face that it doesn't even resemble real life. Sophie and Claudia do chaturbate which becomes repetitive so much that, to me, they have lost their lustre. They are gorgeous well built girls but too much is too much. Basically, participants are provided a free place plus money for excessive nudity and sex. The activities within most realms is childish, repetitive and actually disgusting. RLC has done their best to refloat their ship and set sail but lack any direction so it wanders aimlessly. Tenants should support and positively promote RLC but they are doing a poor job of it, in my opinion. RLC owners/staff brain cells are tapped out so they still are not able to achieve significant gains. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Scotsman84 said:

    Can't see it improving mate. Handful of members keeping both the Chat and Forum itself going. Not sure even RLC allowing images etc being posted would make much difference. Thought about posting RLC images in a hidden club, but dae ken if it's worth it. 

    The sites themselves are not exactly riveting a lot of the time. 

    RLC has become quite boring, similar type tenants and nothing really to follow (like you said "not exactly riveting). No point posting any pics in a hidden club because of the low number of participants and RLC might send an agent to infiltrate the club to have them banned). Xcamfan needs to up it's game ASAP. If RLC gave permission to post images again  I do believe RLC, camcaps and xcamfan would slowly benefit from the added exposure and more talk about specific tenants. Ain't going to happen though.

  7. 34 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    In order for the Chat to work one needs to click the General Chat then the Chat and it's list of who is on will appear.

    I do not know why it suddenly started doing this.  Babble is just a Plug-in so Babble controls it's functionality.   I'll let Admin know of this issue and he can submit a ticket to Babble and try to get it resolved.  



    GIF 6-15-2022 11-47-05 AM.gif

    Even now when I click on General Chat it is completely blank. Prior to this the General Chat had shown one day old posts. Perhaps longer than a day of a new post then it shows the blank screen. On the bright side, I can't get upset at all the Barca talk which is not happening - lol. Oh well.

  8. Just an overall question? Seen so many great members disappear over the last few years but even more lately. Some blame piss poor quality RLC, some (including me, admittedly) blame the Chat Room, some blame the forum members for complaining so much ( I am included), some blame the lack of free RLC cams, most blame RLC for not allowing any RLC images to be posted here or all of the above and any other legitimate excuses. Not much good about VHTV anymore. Camarads is like watching paint dry. Voyeurhouse.com is all pop ups (I used Brave browser and login password but still brutal). Voyeurhub is not worth your time yet. Chaturbate or similar sites and porn sites are more relevant for a voyeur. Perhaps xcamfan should try to push more discussions related to these activities since variety is always good and exciting (member recommendations can sometimes peak other's interest or open their eyes to some better interesting viewing). Some very nice women doing cam shows with their own style of offerings. To me, I ain't picky so I want all of them - 🤣. Couples, lesbians, singles, trans, gays, mature, bbw, hairy, ebony, any country, any ages and basically anyone or anything that you can imagine. 

    Just curious, and putting it out there, why hasn't this site Admin participate on a frequent basis? Our former Admin BTR would appear often to chat, give hints about upcoming RLC changes, give a tongue lashing to members to behave or else the ban hammer will be used and just talk about anything besides RLC. Didn't know him but he was fair minded, communicative and at the same time feared. Sadly he died tragically but was a good person for this site. By the way, he loved big built women - mmmmm.

    Just saying - xcamfan has become stagnant and even after offering suggestions to improve this site it still is status quo.

    It is just sad to see this site having such few daily, weekly or monthly participants. Will it get to the point that camcaps and xcamfan will inevitably merger into one site (always enjoyed each being different but lively on their own merits). In the same breath, camcaps has slowed done significantly too. So what does the future bring? 

  9. Also, it is apparent that hardly anyone here at xcamfan follows any other apartments or houses besides the Barca places. Rare to see any mention about Leora, Linda or Martina. Plus VHTV talk and pics/videos has mostly died out.

  10. So far, it doesn't appear that too many Leora fans are enthused that Paul and Eva (the female yapping humping dog) are back for good now. I can tell that some camcaps posters are being polite in their comments while some dislike this change with less action by Leora. I have yet to see any worthwhile free cam but I guess RLC wants you to buy a subscription to satisfy your curiosity. I am a voyeur - not a Curious George     

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  11. @cyberleader, it boggles my mind that not one VHTV representative has contacted you to explain themselves. Really shows how inept they are. Supposedly most VHTV staff are in Ukraine and dealing with the issues surrounding the war but they should still have someone in charge. Another good example of why you should avoid subscribing to VHTV. They are just as bad as RLC.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Blast said:

    Is Paul not obligated to serve in the military in Russia ? Especially during this ( crazy ass ) situation? 
    i know a lot of people are feeling bad because “their” sweetheart Leora is not giving her fulltime attention towards the viewers anymore  ( as if she was , in contrary what a lot of viewers think she is just putting up a show on a daily basis , but viewers like to feel special and think she is doing it especially for them 😋) , they have to share her with Paul , but on the other side you should be happy for them. We are just VIEWERS , for them it’s their lives. And being a part for soooo long is not something you’d prefer too. 
    let’s just hope they are happy. 

    Supposedly, from camcaps translator experts, Paul is no longer a reservist or has an exemption from serving. It looks like he was able to up and move away from Russia and live and make a life with Leora in Prague. We'll see how the members/subscribers react to the new Leora/Paul real life voyeur cams. Some hate Paul, some will give him a chance but I suspect most will be disheartened. But it is Leora's and Paul's life to offer RLC and the paid subscribers - take it or leave it. No one can dictate to them what they should or shouldn't do. Maybe a little baby will be in the works next?

  13. 2 hours ago, RoadRage said:

    "and is quite the habitual masturbator." Yeah, when she is by herself.
    Did you like Leora walking around with no panties? not going to happen with Paul there.
    Did you like Leora spreading her legs and playing with her pussy lips while she was on the phone or watching TV? not going to happen with Paul there.
    Did you like Leora bating at the drop of a hat in whichever room she was in? not going to happen with Paul there.

    I've been watching Leora & Paul since their first apartment, and I remember as well as you all do that except for the occasional fuck it's boring as hell when Paul is home.
    I agree Rubberman that it sucks that she is in that apartment all alone, but it's not like she is chained down. She leaves for hours at a time every day.

    Someone in chat mentioned that since A) they are sleeping in the guest room instead of the bedroom, and B ) the message from RLC says "they are together again", and not "Paul has rejoined the project" that maybe this isn't permanent. I fucking hope not.

    The thinking that Leora will do less shows and sexy teases while Paul is there will add to the curiosity of how all the camcaps member will react in time. They enjoyed Leora's years of 24/7 alone time but now will they make less comments and perhaps show some resentment that Paul limits any good action. Time will tell but I am sure Paul still isn't a "go get-her". Already their comments are respectful but less frequent posts. 

    By the fucking way, as far as I have or haven't seen - no free cam(s) since Paul's arrival. I could be wrong.

  14. 5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Only thing I can't figure is how does one violate a tenants privacy.  They're the ones that chose to be on cam so they should be able to handle and accept whatever gets posted. A picture or a video posted does not violate a tenants privacy if it comes from the source they are broadcasted from. Now if something gets posted from a Social Media aspect of their lives then there could possibly be a violation as it's from another source feed and not VHTV directly as one would have to get consent before posting and I have never known Cyber to post Social Media content.  VHTV has given their consent for Pictures and Videos to be posted on xCamFan.com and CamCaps.net as long as the watermark is on the posted content.  I have not heard anything otherwise of any changes. If they're going to ban someone from using their service then the least they should do is let the member know what post or content was in violation.

    It is up to VHTV CEO and their hired or free help to come clean and explain themselves. If rules are changed then they should inform members and camcaps and xcamfan. The way they have treated @cyberleader is just being arrogant and find him guilty of tenant's privacy without an explanation. I am glad that I don't post pics anymore because of how degrading the site has become.

  15. 2 hours ago, RoadRage said:

    I fucking SERIOUSLY hope that Paul is not back permanently. That fucker got nothing but bad comments when they were together, and for good reasons.

    Looks like Paul was able to move to Prague and live permanently again with Leora and their female dog Eva - according to the camcaps translation experts. Paul travelled light which made it easier to travel since Leora said she will buy Paul everything he needs. Only time will tell if Paul has indeed changed for the better. I do like watching Leora suck Paul's cock and swallow his cum. She actually seems to crave sex and is quite the habitual masturbator. Leora lost weight and still in great shape and supposedly Paul toned up and more muscular. All this from what I read from the experts and Leora lovers at camcaps.

  16. 2 hours ago, punadog 808 said:

    Dougiestyle 4u yes hasn't that look wonderful. Watching her suck her juices from her fingers makes me hard. I just would like to jump into the screen and eat her pussy. 

    Who the fuck wouldn't? 😍. Leora still got it and she puts most, if not all, past and current RLC females to shame. We know that she loves sex and has had to be her own lesbian partner as evident by her licking, tasting and swallowing her own pussy juices (signs of lesbian tendencies? 🤣 ). Her asshole is in desperate need of a tongue job too - mmmmmm. She does love swallowing the cum too. Damn thirsty horny girl. The way she dresses, looks and moves around the apartment - what a beautiful major cock teaser for a voyeur.

  17. 1 minute ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Fuck them. Violating their privacy. What a joke. 

    Ironic I would say. VHTV allows posting of images but now tenants want to give permission. Some participants/guests are moving cam positions now so they can hide from the cams. Most are total assholes but I suspect excessive drug use amongst other stuff. Any resemblance of real life has gone out the window with respect to this site.

  18. 14 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Even you die-hard, set-up porn watchers have to admit it's got out of hand. Even just looking at the thumbs, you can see it's all just set-up porn and camers. Turned into a joke of a site. Offer "true voyeurism". Yeah ok then. 🤣

    Yes, VHTV is as much a joke as RLC. For me, surprisingly, after all these years, Leora still does the voyeur thing for me. Don't care for the repetitive masturbations but to watch her cooking, cleaning, exercising and other housework while wearing sexy skimpy outfits or naked is an eyeful and a great voyeur treat. RLC bimbos do nothing for me and their scripts are pathetic. 

    VHTV is too porn and too much smoking cigs, too much alcohol, too much drugs, too much fuck fests, too much drama, too many shitty realms, steady revolving doors of participants, too much of everything and not enough of some things (good voyeur teases). To me, VHTV has become a fucked up site that has no specific plan - just too chaotic to try and follow. Even Sophia and Claudia are camers now. Don't get me started with the VHTV Forum so-called experts! No real life and no true voyeurism - mainly in your face nudity and sex. Some participants/guests move the cams to hide certain things from viewers - just fucking great.

    Everything Leora does in front of the cams is intentional but at least she does some real life things while moving around the apartment and she is scorchin' hot compared to all the other RLC females (past and present), in my honest horny fucking opinion.

  19. 10 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Might of guessed Kira would be the one to get pregnant. Nina way to busy for that. 🤣

    Can never see Nina being a mother to the baby either. Nina only cares about herself. To me, Kira is a blessing but I wouldn't even give Nina the time of day. Nina can suck the energy out of a nuclear bomb - lol.

  20. 3 hours ago, Crazy 8 Ball said:

    So I hardly ever go looking at VH, not really much there of interest beings they gain and loose contestants like Marlene does her panties. Got to thinking about these two because I haven't seen anything posted in a couple of months about them. Holy Shit!!! Kira has to be like 5-6 months pregnant !!  

    Supposedly due in July but looks like she could pop any day now. Kira is still an ongoing emotional wreck (pouting or crying pretty much every day) - FFS!!!. Nina still the spoiled biatch. Oh well, once the baby arrives then they will more than likely be off the air. By the way, pregnant Kira is even more sexier than ever and amazing huge boobs - got milk? 

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  21. Obviously RLC is having a class reunion of class clowns. Wouldn't think that RLC could get any worse but they are actually excelling at being totally useless dumbasses. Subscribers are paddling like hell and constantly bailing out the water as the RLC ship continues to sink. It is the subscribers trying to keep RLC afloat as the RLC owners laugh and collect the easy earned money.

  22. I think it has finally come to this point. With the added new GP7 or whatever you call it and the extra cast of characters now with RLC I can't make heads or tails of the chat in the chat room. So much useless talk about useless participants. Even scrolling past comments is now a total waste of time. The only tenant that doesn't appear to have her panties in a knot is the lovely cock teaser Leora. Fuck the rest - too much drama and bullshit going on within and outside the RLC cams. If Paul indeed shows up you might see Leora having some different sex besides only masturbation. Major tease watching Leora suck Paul's dick and swallowing his cum load. Always nice watching her lick her own pussy juices off her fingers when she masturbates to orgasm. To me, the only thing that really matters at RLC is luscious Leora. The chat room has totally lost it's marbles and reading the chatters asking the who, what, why, where, when questions. Thankfully RLC offers the replay availability so that the chat members can help each other so they can look back at  the juicy "nothing" video clips. Even watching a snail move or paint dry is a more happening sight than RLC (with the exception of the gorgeous Leora). It is very apparent that the chat room consists of very like minded members 🤣 which is not particularly good 🤣.

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