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Posts posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. 4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Marica has been moved to another apartment.

    This is what happens when people start fucking other people other than their mate. It destroys relationships.

    I said a few months ago on another forum that this would happen with Marcia and Miki but I got ignorant comments from others. Miki and Henry are two selfish pigs and disregard the feelings of their partner. Surprised that Mira is still with the constant nose pickin' booger man. Both couples are very sexual but when one partner outdoes the other partner every fucking day then something not good will come of it. Both Miki and Henry will have their claws on their next target to add to their conquest. Surprised that Aids or other STD's haven't reared it's ugly head upon all the VHTV participants no matter how careful they might be. Sooner or later, bound to happen based on the numbers of sexual activities with multiple fuckers.

  2. 10 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Think majority more bothered about what's going on back home. Can be sure the "they need to return home then" would be said by some. Not missing anything they haven't seen over and over. The new girls have been awesome addition. 🤣

    RLC must be happy and content to maintain the status quo - the shits.

       Definition of the status quo

    : the current situation : the way things are now. He's content with the status quo and isn't looking for change. 

  3. On 2/28/2022 at 1:58 PM, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Interesting and enjoyable chatters!!! 😂


    giphy (46).gif

    This might sound a bit speculative but I speculate that the speculators are having serious trouble speculating and posting their speculation guesses with respect to RLC tenants and in particular the Barca roommates. If nothing happening then nothing to talk about or even attempt to speculate about. They say a picture is worth a thousand words well similarly sometimes silence is golden since it can say just as much. 

  4. 11 hours ago, RoadRage said:

    A) How do they know her name is Zena? lol


    10 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Either someone has heard her being called it, or it's been given to her by the 'name police' lol. If it's information from CamCaps, you can be sure it's probably been chosen by one of the die-hards.

    Someone at camcaps put a name to her. Sometimes a few members will argue who named her first. Now that Zena has appeared several times she will be an ongoing storyline with unrealistic speculations. With respect to the camcaps forum talkers there is such a Leora love/hate battle amongst members. So laughable.

  5. On 2/21/2022 at 1:36 PM, RoadRage said:

    What I did notice before her bath was before she disrobed she was pacing back & forth in the bathroom while taking quick looks up at the camera. She was trying to convince herself to actually get naked on cam. This means she has a ways to go to be on Leora's level.
    If this friend DOES move into the guest room, I hope RLC & Leora have learned from the past with Malia and they do away with the half-ass almost forced lesbian scenes. All or nothing. Either really get into it and finger/eat each other or have them masturbate separately in their own rooms. Those scenes with Leora & Malia lightly running their fingers around the pussy were a joke that entertained no one IMO. 

    Excited Waiting GIF - Excited Waiting Wait GIFs  Suspense Movies GIF - Suspense Movies Mystery GIFs  Anticipation Lotion GIF - Anticipation Lotion Love GIFs


    Hurry It Up GIF - Waiting Community Impatient GIFs  Mighty Keef Excited GIF - Mighty Keef Excited Excitement GIFs  So Excited Dance GIF - So Excited Excited Dance GIFs


    Leora will play this out slow and steady just like Heinz ketchup flowing out the bottle. Takes a bit to get it started but the anticipation gets your taste buds going as you wait. Once the juices start to ooze out then you look forward to more, much more. It is all about the tease which corresponds to more money for Leora and more subscribers for RLC. The plot thickens and the storyline/script is being acted upon. Has there been an increase in interest by viewers, increase in subscribers and added excitement enough for Leora haters to get back in the game and follow Leora and Zena? You bet. The camcaps forum is hot, hot, hot about Leora and Zena plus xcamfan chatters are keeping a watchful eye on them. The anticipation is part of a voyeur's repertoire or needs. Just like ketchup coming out - it's slow good. Leora and Zena sexcapade will be slow good. Well maybe, we hope and anticipate. Will it end up being real lesbians or fake lesbians or nothing at all? Don't know and that is what keeps us following the adventures of Leora. I guess you have to tune in every day to keep abreast of the storyline between two women.

    Heinz Ketchup Canada on Twitter: "Fast food needs slow sauce. #burgers  #fries https://t.co/X2sjNvb52F" / Twitter



  6. On 2/7/2022 at 4:40 PM, RUBBERMAN said:

    Is it..."wait, is that the cleaning lady with jeans on at the GP apartment hanging out with the girls?  "Wow, are things that hard or do they really need a bouncer at that apartment....."one does have to admit...she is a big lady." LOL8)

    PICTURE - 904.jpg

    Desperate times at RLC means "all hands on deck". Obviously the cleaning lady has been called up from the bullpen to throw some much needed curve balls and changeups to entice the dwindling subscribers and viewers. Perhaps the cleaning lady needed some extra cash - might see her bating even if it is undercover. Perhaps Nelly and Bogdan can soon return to pump up the volume with some "anything goes" orgies with all the girls, guests (male and female) and some other RLC staff members. Hard to find new participants so why not search within RLC or go all out and have a huge RLC reunion of past tenants (mostly Barca returnees). Even the chatters are having a hard time making up storylines for the tenants. Camcaps forum talk is just as bad.

    Might see the cleaning lady scrubbing down the shower/bathtub like this



  7. Surprised that the chatters haven't suggested that the RLC tenants and in particular the Barca girls should be wearing ankle monitoring bracelets so that they know where the tenants are when they are away from the walls and cameras of RLC. 

    Ankle bracelets may be used to enforce COVID-19 hotel quarantine in WA


    And what about having the RLC tenants and in particular the Barca girls wearing mood rings which would help the chatters realize if the girl is angry, horny, relaxed or nervous. Sure would cut down on their wild speculations or add to their suspicions of what the girls are feeling, thinking or doing.

    Mood ring colors and meanings: liquid crystals change orientation and color according to temperature changes


  8. 33 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Too bad they don't want content posted it would sure be a big boost for them.

    Yes, it would be nice to promote their site as another option to RLC or VHTV. The way Feli performs for the cam - I wonder if it is only her idea or if camarads is leaning towards more "shows". When the pregnant girl leaves soon I wonder if the apartment will have new similar tenants or totally new replacements. It has continually used the Maya & Victor name.

  9. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    Camarads must still be holding a good size audience. They have 11 Apartments so there's a bit of overhead costs that have to be taken care of each month.

    When you look at camarads they tend to have more normal average looking couples/tenants but most of the time in free cams nothing spectacular happens. Few, if any, model type girls which is actually a good thing. Perhaps in the locked cams there is more "action". Surprised that Feli does an in-your-face cam show for viewers. This has caught my interest. Also the pregnant girl (don't know her name) in the Maya & Victor apartment shows more nudity now then when she was skinny. Perhaps more comfortable and easier to move around without clothes when pregnant. She is great viewing now - nice seeing naked pregnant women.

    Since most tenants are rarely home maybe they get free rent and some expense money while they work or go to school. A basic setup without frills or bonuses paid while tenants do their normal real life living and normal sex life which is somewhat similar to RLC's original concept. RLC lost their plot and stick with returnees and their friends while VHTV is in-your-face intentional porn. Camarads does have a few tenants doing cams shows like chaturbate but not all the time (maybe to make extra money because perhaps camarads only provides a fixed amount of money per month). By the way, the Medina girl has a rather nice big round curvy ass. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    A couple days ago in the kitchen she was fucking herself with a banana and squirted.  

    Damn, I missed the good stuff. Well, today she had a finger in her asshole. I think RLC is getting left behind as the other voyeur sites entice more viewers and subscribers. 

  11. Feli masturbating on the countertop in full view of the kitchen camera. She is really skinny. She must think she is on VHTV because it is rare to see someone "perform" for the cam like this on camarads. On VHTV this is a daily normal routine for tenants. Maybe camarads is trying new things to compete with VHTV or the girl will be told to tone it down. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Funny how "sisters" Ulyana and Olivia leave so can have masturbating alone cam time, yet at the same time comfortable masturbating next to each other. 🤣

    Sharing is caring. "Watch and learn" is okay but "hands-on" experience is the preferred learning method - lol.

  13. 8 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Makes you wonder about their sick and twisted minds. Her "Sister" will be showing up next for some incest on cam time. 🤣

    Maybe "incest" will be the new drawing card for RLC and be a family affair providing interesting adult porn entertainment for the twisted. Don't think VHTV has done this YET but anything goes on VHTV.

  14. 8 hours ago, Scorpio 2.2 said:

    Only on ReturnLifeCam can you get worse and go backwards lol. Alana and Kristy lol. Even looks wise both worse than Lola and Anna, let alone effort. 

    Great start to 2022 ReturnLifeCam. 😂

    Obviously RLC has nothing up it's sleeve or anything left it it's bag of tricks. They only have their been-there-done-it, again and again and again bimbos to offer the "smoke and mirrors" appeal to the addicted die-hard subscribers. What a trash can of washed up tenants. Suggestion to RLC - "PUT A LID ON IT". 

    Garbage Day 

    Dumpster Trash Can GIF - Dumpster Trash Can Hide GIFs

    Trash Can Garbage GIF - Trash Can Garbage Sorry Im Trash GIFs


  15. Chatters must be getting old because they have a difficult time remembering returnees. If they were smart they would have posted daily stuff in the appropriate fan pages in the forums along with images of the girlies. Oh wait, the chatters mostly refuse to use the forum topics and RLC prohibits any posting of RLC images. So the chatters have to rely on each other's recollection of past performances. Or they can think of the girls as being totally new tenants or they can just make things up as they go. Whatever works for them.

  16. Well, more returnees to replace previous returnees. Nice changeup RLC - lol. Or is this a curveball or a slider. Coming from RLC I would call it a knuckleball since the RLC owners are nothing but knuckleheads - LMFAO. The returnees will more than likely be boring and useless but at least it will give the chatters more fodder to keep the chat room invigorating and busy now.


    What does fodder for conversation mean?
    Fodder for conversation is generally where you're talking about something specific, and it can be useless, idle chatter
  17. In my opinion this realm is the only real life place of all the realms on VHTV. I like them and talked well of them. But I have seen and read all the bad shit happening with tenants/participants lately and it is NOT GOOD. The Timotheo  & KristyKrabs is almost real but even she intentionally shows nudity and masturbation for the cams. Marla & Hector do not intentionally show for the cams - when they do have sex it is because they are in the mood. Sadly, I have backed away from spending time watching the realms because of all the disgusting shit happening on VHTV (rape, violence, spousal abuse, asphxia, guys applying rough sex to their partner without prior approval and more). After saying all this, I believe Marla & Hector should also walk away from VHTV due to the direction that VHTV has become. Sure Marla & Hector have a good fan base but do they want to be associated with a very troubling voyeur cam site? Do they support the VHTV CEO who admitted a rape did happen but allowed the participants to continue online? With VHTV it is all about money - so sad - but that is reality!!!

  18. Today I watched a short video of a guest guy and girl fucking. It is in the MacySsens VHTV Forum posted 2 days ago and post #1491 or #1492. He bent down and kissed her and then gave her a short slap on the face. She paused and looked at him and then replied with a quick hard slap on his face. He just looked at her. Obviously she wasn't prepared for the slap or not into that kind of thing but she looked angry. They continued to fuck. What the fuck is with these Russian guys and Russian couples??? Sooner or later something really bad is bound to happen to participants or guests besides the on-the-record rape, violence, choking, asphyxia and more. The VHTV staff are supportive of the offenders. The VHTV Forum has been more aggressive in nature. In terms of subscribing to VHTV or viewing VHTV free cams and participating in the VHTV Forum - ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Not for the faint-hearted. Eventually you will see something brutal, disgusting or criminal in nature. Many VHTV Forum posters are heavily into this kind of stuff and get excited when it happens. Talk bad about it and many sledge-hammers come down hard on you. They say it is real life and why they subscribe to VHTV. They say "you don't like it, don't watch - 40 or more other realms to look at" or "go away". SICK FUCKING MINDS!!!

  19. 9 hours ago, Plank said:

    I hadn't heard about that Dougs? Any action I have seen at that apartment has been consensual,awful non-the less. I assume that VHtv have investigated it & viewed all the footage etc.

    As for Asphyxiation stuff that also causes me concern. I know some folk are into all that stuff,the ropes,whips and all. I have seen some of the tenants who have clearly over done it and their skin has been red raw to the point of breaking down. It's all fun and games until it all goes horribly wrong. Cutting oxygen off to the brain can cause Cerebral Hypoxia/Anoxia in approx 5 minutes, that can lead to irreversible brain damage. Some of the behaviours of some of these tenants are very questionable at times.

    While the girl was drunk the two assholes took advantage of her. All 4 participants claimed that they didn't know what happened was rape. Three months no alcohol except one bottle a day for the four to share. VHTV CEO has defended them and probably because the manager is well liked and supplies the tenants (whoever he/she is). Apartment back online.

    And viewers watching asphyxiation scenes will probably get excited enough to peek their interest and might try it on a sex partner who isn't familiar with it. VHTV has become a popular showcase for some bad stuff. Even sex is trivialized more now FOR THE CAMS AND EXTRA MONEY - orgies, swingers, gangbangs, switching partners and maybe forcing their partner to try a different lifestyle from what they were taught. Just like soft drugs will lead to heavier more dangerous drugs. Perhaps VHTV has an ulterior motive - corrupt societies' morals as we know it. To me a lot of tenants and guests are really young and vulnerable.

  20. 11 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    They think it's all fun and games until something happens to someone.  

    Asphyxiation occurs when the body does not get enough oxygen.  It impairs normal breathing and can cause a person to become unconscious and it could also lead to death. 

    Some accidentally go too far and have died from it. Even celebrities have participated in this and are no longer with us.

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