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Everything posted by Capeguy

  1. I understand some people want to go visit family as we all do but it seems an anachronism that you are going on vacation from this?
  2. Yes, just before bed. Have you ever done phone/video sex with someone?
  3. No. Have you ever had sex on a public beach at night with others around?
  4. Every Which Way but Loose
  5. briefs tongue or fingers for oral sex?
  6. Leora is good for an occasional peek but I could care less if she and Paul were here. So many of the newer couples are entertaining, with more than just sex, and those are who I watch.
  7. Well I must say I enjoyed most of the play in between baths last night. The only downside was Regi! This was all about Sher and Renata but lardo had to insert herself into the whole thing because she cannot accept she is not the top bitch in the pack. The least she could have done was stop chewing on the stupid f***ing gum! Sher and Renata had a great thing going on without Regi needing to grab their heads and move them around, sticking that little toy in there where is was not needed and generally blocking the view (which is about all she was good at). I hope Sher and Renata can do this again WITHOUT REGI! Next time close the door and stick a nice, old-style rubber door stop under there and keep her out.
  8. If we did not have you to annoy us, what would be the fun in that? There is a difference in being slightly irreverent and being truly annoying. lol
  9. Pretty much why I stay off of chat now. I get really tired of the same conspiracy theories about why someone is doing whatever, what they do outside of the apt, and what the useless girls are doing in B1/B2 (90% of the talk). Maybe someday it will get back to where it used to be but I doubt it.
  10. I have read all the comments and have come to the conclusion that where is a segment of chatters who need to bitch and complain all the time; generally B1 and B2 are the focus of those complaints. All the couples in the other apartments could be screwing each other's brains out, be performing satanic rituals, sacrificing animals to their pagan gods and it would not matter. There is one easy solution: chat about the other things going on, do NOT respond to the posts about B1 and B2. If the comments get abusive, which they do sometimes, tell the chatter this is not acceptable. Theoretically we are all adults here and if the chat gets out of hand we have to take the responsibility to monitor it. There really are no monitors any more so it is up to everyone to take it on. A second chat will not take care of anything; it would just result in the same thing happening because there would be no way to enforce it. Self-police! And there will be times (maybe) that B1/B2 should be talked about, but not all the time and re-hashing the same old crap over and over again is just useless. As we used to say in the software support business, the true definition of insanity: the customer does the exact same thing over and over and over expecting a different result!
  11. Thanks for taking the time to provide the translation. Nice poem, I guess they know how to really put stuff 2000 years ago.
  12. While I agree there are some who do act this way, a significant number now do way better than this. The newer tenants seem to have picked up for those who do not, perhaps RLC mixed up the stacks of REJECTED applicants and the APPROVED list. Either way, a lot actually seem to have personalities and really to enjoy something other than sitting in from of their phone. As in any 'live' show, it depends on when you are there and how many hours in a day you wish to devote.
  13. I suspect the regulations in the US would make it unlikely you would see this; although you did have stuff before like VoyeurDorm and some others but I bet most communities would find a reason to keep these out; you know we are so liberal and open minded!
  14. That is a really short walk. Making multiple trips should be easy.
  15. Too true. The hangers on should be given the boot, and maybe that is what is going on now; build up some good couples so we are getting what we want and then dump the chaff
  16. Thanks for adding this. After I complained I had asked for them to explain the new apt they said it was in the latest. Then I got it this a.m.
  17. Eva is just so cute! And, she has an awesome figure, which does not hurt. She and Sam seem to enjoy exploring their sexuality and so far they have not disappointed. Keep up the great work you 2.
  18. After just a few days I must say I am impressed! I liked Ilona when she was in B1 because the women all got along, especially Ilona and Irma. Who else would you let pluck your pubes, I mean really! Even though the massages were not sexual in nature they were fun to watch because they both enjoyed them. And Ilona's big toy performances showed where her desires really were. She seems insatiable now and I hope it continues. Quite a pair. And her new boobs look good but I had always like her anyway; the smaller ones were proportionate for her body but; it is her body so do what makes you feel good about yourself. Enjoy!
  19. Well, on a humorous note; is it sad that so many of us spend hours and hours on RLCF? There are some out there who might find that REALLY sad!
  20. I have to agree. So many times you log in to catch up and get the same 4 or 5 conspiracy theorists discussing what the girls are up to outside of the apartments; they are hookers, they are dealing drugs, they are escorts going to hotels with their regular clients, etc. Yet there are other things going on: we get to see Nelly pop up at Nelly's; we have seen Dasha at Nelly's, Masha's and even at her old place with Eva. Martina was certainly the talk of the town when her parents were there and Marga was translating (that was hilarious). While they are on vacation Lana and Robert's has been quit the place. But sometimes you get on and are drowned out by the other chatters and they want nothing to do with you; and if you disagree with them you get shouted down. I do not necessarily want a separate chat; I want to be able to discuss the apartments, what is going on in various parts of the world and chill out. I agree with @alittle, who still has the best avatar going, that B1/B2 cannot be the only place of interest. That is why so many logon and sit in the background.
  21. Are you out there messing with the ladies again? I agree with you in so many ways. I think the B1/B2 way needs to change; everyone comes and leaves at the same time. This gets rid of 'contamination' from the earlier tenants. Start off fresh each time. Some of the older couples need to go. I mean how many times can you watch the same people do the same thing (or nothing) over and over and over. No one should be on here for more than a year at a time because they just get boring. Maybe they could come back but they need to go into the REAL world, get a job and get a life.
  22. Capeguy

    Site Outage

    Thanks Admin. Appreciated. These things always seem to happen at the wrong time.
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