dougiestyle4u Posted July 26, 2021 Posted July 26, 2021 Hey VHTV, why the high turnover of tenants? Obviously you don't screen your potential tenants or inform them better about the expectations required. Perhaps you like to be sneaky and try to get some tenants unaware of the full impact when the cams are there. Too many skinny girls or girls that pretty much look the same in each apartment or baby-faced young girls. Repeat shitty tenants. Tenants do the same routine every day. Think man, think. Use some fucking imagination in picking a better variety of tenants. VHTV, you are getting as bad as RLC and that is definitely not good. Ahhhhh!!!!, you dumb fucks don't listen to suggestions anyways so carry on with all the shit shows or no shows.
RUBBERMAN Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 As we or some of us still witness some of the fake shows that still goes on-on the RLC channel daily and most likely well continue on until management realize's they are losing paying members to the VHTV site. VHTV does have more to offer although they do have one or two apartments in a sleep mode and should have been sent packing the site gives members way more for their money and time. I also think that RLC has lost their script writers and may have hired male and female Pimps to run their daily barc apartments shows...."and it shows." VHTV seems to have gain the real power for viewing and none fake when it comes to real sex. Create an account to see this content!
dougiestyle4u Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 11:21 AM, RUBBERMAN said: VHTV does have more to offer although they do have one or two apartments in a sleep mode and should have been sent packing the site gives members way more for their money and time. Expand On 7/27/2021 at 11:21 AM, RUBBERMAN said: VHTV seems to have gain the real power for viewing and none fake when it comes to real sex. Expand True, VHTV has more to offer but basically most apartments tend to be quite similar in their daily routine. VHTV has between 30 to 40 apartments so it should offer up more variety of stuff. Most of the women have similar looks or skinny bodies. Tired of pussy masturbation for the cams by the same girls. Sex appears to be strictly for the cams. Mostly no nudity or full on nudity - no sexy clothes unless playing for the cams. Gangbangs appear intentional to keep the viewers watching. Now, even the definition of the word "fake" can be interpreted quite differently by others. I know fake when I see it - whether fake tits, fake lips, fake lesbians, fake masturbation, fake couple sex (no passion), fake personalities and fake daily activities. If you want to look at it - even full nudity for hours on end in front of the cams is intentional so that is pretty much fake or not real life. Marla and Hector are real. Candy Red obviously shows nudity for the cams and viewers but she has the "good meat on the bones package" to successfully do the voyeur treat just right and a BIG "THANK YOU" goes out to her. It sure is nice and exciting to see two girls passionately hug and kiss with some lesbians on VHTV - just fucking beautiful. Think you will ever see Leora and Malia hug and deep tongue kiss? - LMFAO - not a fucking chance. Yes, VHTV has more to offer than RLC but it doesn't take much since RLC offers nothing, zero, nada, sweet fuck all. Scorpio 2.2 1
RUBBERMAN Posted August 1, 2021 Posted August 1, 2021 "Another month of VHTV has come and gone, and from what I have been reading in the local Chat Room more paying members are starting to take interest in a lot of the apartments now. I still think that VHTV has more to offer then RLC and still has a non-scripted site. Create an account to see this content! dougiestyle4u and temp01 2
dougiestyle4u Posted August 18, 2021 Posted August 18, 2021 Becoming more and more obvious that VHTV is getting just as bad as RLC in having trouble finding new tenants that will even stay longer than a few days or weeks. More returnees or retreads that are nfg (no fuckin' good) and some are partner abusers or have other bad morals. Obviously, just like RLC, VHTV doesn't listen to xcamfan or camcap members for suggestions on how to improve and invigorate their site.
RUBBERMAN Posted August 23, 2021 Posted August 23, 2021 VHTV seems to still be climbing to the top even when one or two apartments are slipping and sliding thew the face it "wheather they are failing or not.."no one is really leaving, and well continue to shell out those bucks just like me and you." LOL I say enjoy now it could be worst..."remember the letters R..L..C." LOL Create an account to see this content! StnCld316 and Plank 1 1
RUBBERMAN Posted September 1, 2021 Posted September 1, 2021 Another month and those who are still with VHTV should be happy with what they are viewing, Yes there are still a few apartments slacking, but there are those who are making up for the lose. Lets hope VHTV stop carry the losers and get rid of those dead beats soon!!! Create an account to see this content! StnCld316 1
dougiestyle4u Posted September 10, 2021 Posted September 10, 2021 While watching certain couples interact with each other, arguing with each others, having sex with different apartments or guests, doing gangbangs, leaving their partner and VHTV altogether or leave to join a different partner or apartment, intentional porn style performances for the cams and directly looking into the cams tells me that VHTV is becoming more of a porn style set up. Some guys and girls are tested and tried out to see how dirty they can get with some over the top sex. Some couples (including lesbians) do intentional performances right in front of the cams which is so fucking obvious. It appears that drugs and alcohol are needed to do the sex acts or naked playing around for the cams. Sure there are nice normal couples on VHTV but the porn sex is blatant. I guess VHTV is trying to please a wider audience. Basically RLC offers nothing while VHTV offers up almost anything (suspect piss showers and piss drinking will soon be the flavor of the day). Don't get me wrong - as a voyeur I'll be happy to watch anything but just giving my observations and opinions as to what VHTV is all about (mostly revolving doors of tenants).
Scorpio 2.2 Posted September 12, 2021 Posted September 12, 2021 If blatant performing for the cameras and put on sex shows are your thing fair enough. But let's not add any more fools to the list saying it's "voyeurism" or close to "Real life" action. Be trying to tell us next the action is "Top quality". 😂 RUBBERMAN 1
RUBBERMAN Posted September 12, 2021 Posted September 12, 2021 Yes!!! "lets give VHTV a hand on keeping its members more satisfied and more and new members are returning knowing they do have something to look for then wasting time and money at the local RLC site. They "VHTV" may not be the best, but for some unknown reason...."we as in me too.. just keep on digging and digging into our pockets for more." LOL Create an account to see this content!
Blast Posted September 17, 2021 Posted September 17, 2021 I have been watching VHTV a couple of times in the past weeks And I was pleasantly surprised. A good variety of people so you can see something on every part of the day. Sometimes awkward , sometimes weird , sometimes really worth your time , but at least you have something to see. At first it looked like the “budget” version of RLC with houses that look more like caves but there is way more life in the tennants than the spoiled ones from RLC that do the bare minimum to keep their “life in luxury” let’s see how this works out. dougiestyle4u and RUBBERMAN 2
dougiestyle4u Posted September 17, 2021 Posted September 17, 2021 On 9/17/2021 at 9:37 AM, Blast said: I have been watching VHTV a couple of times in the past weeks And I was pleasantly surprised. A good variety of people so you can see something on every part of the day. Sometimes awkward , sometimes weird , sometimes really worth your time , but at least you have something to see. At first it looked like the “budget” version of RLC with houses that look more like caves but there is way more life in the tennants than the spoiled ones from RLC that do the bare minimum to keep their “life in luxury” let’s see how this works out. Expand Yes, totally agree. At least you can see or catch something compared to RLC where you get nothing. You just have to work the rooms/apartments to find what pleases you. Even an apartment that doesn't pop up on thumbnails is worth checking out because it might be less watched as opposed to sex shows happening. To me, Marla & Hector are rarely on thumbnails but when I pop in sometimes Marla is half naked or some tenants doing naked cooking or housework. Some apartments are dives but I focus on the women anyways. Same with - mostly nothing but sometimes something good. Blast 1
RUBBERMAN Posted September 21, 2021 Posted September 21, 2021 With a big fill of porn and just a pinch of voyeurism, "VHTV seems to be doing very well for me..."all though I can't speak for others, maybe it's time for the crew at the RLC site to either join in or close down from what I have been reading in the Chat Room things aren't going well at all. Looking for something new and un-scripted..."VHTV." I am not saying I well never re-join RLC one day again, just maybe one day things well get better over there soon, but until then lets keep on getting our monies worth at the VHTV site. "just look at the sample down below!!!" LOL Create an account to see this content! Scorpio 2.2 1
dougiestyle4u Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 Glad I don't follow the tenants too much because, with some exceptions, everyone takes turns fucking everyone. Apartments intermingle or partners switch partners for a few months or go away for a while and come back. Some are all porn while just a few are "real" couples and commit to themselves or individuals not as sexually active but tend to show nudity. Repetitive porn activities are not worth grabbing pics. A "tease" or "hard to catch something" or "sexy curvy naked bodies" are worthy of my time to hopefully grab some good pics. In terms of the chance in seeing nudity and sex - RLC, slim to none - camarads, slim to none - VHTV, pretty much anytime with 30 to 34 apartments or castles
RUBBERMAN Posted September 29, 2021 Posted September 29, 2021 VHTV seems to be rocking the house even with one or two sinking"from what I have been reading in the Chat Room lately..."RLC isn't doing to well at all and slowly losing members, maybe its time for a new boss or site to replace what's left." Porn, voyeur or what every...VHTV is doing way better now...."but I do think that one or two should wake up or just hit the road."LOL Create an account to see this content! dougiestyle4u, Plank and DIRTYHARRY 3
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