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Posts posted by Plank

  1. That's spooky, I was going to post yesterday asking 'where is Serena?'.
    I looked back at some old pics of Serena when she had ringlets in her hair, having fun with Alan & Nina, also Edda & Joe.
    The change in her since she got in with Foxy's crew was noticeable and not for the best IMHO !
    I wish her well and would give her some advice. Beware of the company you keep, and don't get any more ink done!


  2. So this was VHtv's announcement of the inevitable news.


    I know it was on the cards,but really! A Small message & a shitty gif as a send off to one of the premier league couples.
    Absolutely shite! What are you all too busy putting up new apartments?
    Now I know I'm biased as I have always been a fan of these two,especially of Bree.
    And I know their apartment has been failing for a while,but c'mon!
    VHtv should have done much better job here.Was it too much effort to put up a nice pic & a genuine message of thanks & support to them?

    Bree & Drew. Thank You both for your participation on VHtv.
    I wish you both well for the future in whatever you do.
    And, here's to the good times!






  3. Sexy Stella's Sunday afternoon stimulation session. Part 1 of 2.
    I've broken this down to two parts, to be honest it could have been a four part epic.
    There will be those who will argue that this was staged,pre-planned,fake,a deliberate cam show, but I don't care!
    It's not as though C & S will be short of viewers.
    Over an hour and a half of session that had me transfixed,but that isn't news as I've always had a bit of a thing for Stella.
    Some of us had hoped that Stella & her bloke Tony would take their friendship with Clara & Stas to the next level,but for whatever reason that hasn't happened,yet.
    It has come so damn close a few times,but has never got over the line, so to speak. I bet we can all speculate as to why not.

    But anyway back to the action. Stella turned up to 'look after' the apartment whilst C & S went out.
    As soon as they left the building Stella got naked & went to work with her pink toy.
    And just when you thought she had finished,she go again....& again.











  4. 'Three little maids'.....there's a song there somewhere?

    Anyway Axel must have thought it was Christmas, and so did I when all of the sex toys came out, but no.
    Blonde girl goes for a shower,and changed for bed.
    It's ok we won't look. >:D





    Cute Brunette goes to get changed, along with Cleo.


    Blonde thinks that her & brunette should swap outfits,oh what a shame! B)


    Just enough time for a bit of horse-play & a selfie.



  5. Lexy & Pete might have saved Anna & Alex's apartments this week,single-(double) -handedly.
    Last weekend they were at Misty's with Dean & Candy for a party.
    All was going well as the foursome of L & P and D & C got into it, but there was problems with M & K.
    K seemed very reluctant to get into the swinging scene much to Misty's annoyance.
    Everything got very unpleasant with Misty turning hysterical and Candy having to act as a mediator,yeah Candy of all people.
    Meanwhile Lexy,Pete & Dean carried on having fun.
    Then things turned ugly with Misty taking a large knife with her into the bathroom.
    Again Lexy intervened and defused the entire situation.
    Later in the week Misty & Kyle visited L & P at their place, they managed to make Kyle relax enough that there was a little bit of inter-couple play before a same room session.
    Small steps,but they have certainly educated Kyle & defused Misty for the time being.
    But with the  Kyle thing above, and few days ago at Lisa's place they were slowly getting Lisa & Grant to relax & drop their inhibitions.
    It reminded me of Anna & Alex when we first met Drew & Bree.
    Talking of Bree she came over to Lisa's for a party. I think a combination of booze & good friendship and support from L & P helped her unwind from all of her recent tensions with Drew.
    It was great to see the happy,playful gorgeous Bree we all know & love. But her & Drew are done.

    If VHtv need some top-flight managers they need look no further than Lexy & Pete.

  6. 5 hours ago, StnCld316 said:


    If you Post Images of any girl that's on RLC or has been on RLC Previously please use a Third Party Host as RLC will send a DMCA Request for it to be Removed regardless whether it's from their Site Directly or from another Source. They're still classified as a Tenant if they should happen to return at some point in time.



    Well that is bizarre to say the least!
    RLC can not have any rights over past or future tenants ! That is bullshit !
    They have rights to protect their 'property' such as images,streams etc, but there is no way they can have any rights over an ex tenant,like Irma,who may post pics on a totally separate site.
    So how are these ex-tenants supposed to earn a living if RLC has that amount of control over them?
    And if they do have that amount of control over ex-tenants, then that is very disturbing!
    So what is this situation then in regard to K & K's alleged modelling work for instance?
    What about those that do cam shows on MFC or Chaturbate etc? Do they own that copyright as well?
    What about the pieces of music that Anabel plays? Or the music that might be played at a party?
    They don't own that, and seeing as they are allowing it to be 'broadcast' on their site, they, by law should be paying the Performing Rights Fee's to the relevant people(s).(writer,artiste,musicians,publisher etc)
    I'm sorry if this comes across as aggressive, but they really are taking the piss !

  7. Delay of game but so what. I wasn't sure where to post this as it involves Nina & Alan & Kira.
    But seeing as it was in Kira's shower, this seem like the right place, or realm. ::)
    Nina & Alan went for a shower. Kira came in to brush her teeth.

    Nina had that cheeky/playful look she gets.Clearly she encouraged Kira to get involved.

    She must have asked Kira if she wanted to screw Alan.
    It was all a bit, 'omg they are all out there & I'm supposed to be a lesbian, & if anyone asks.....'

    Nina went to get a condom, then it all kicked off.





    Looks like Nina was enjoying herself.



    Nina asked Alan if if came,obviously yes,she seemed amazed!

  8. Part 2.
    Clara advised Cleo to get some towels,which turned out to be a good call.
    A short time later Cleo came again,this time harder & messier.

    With Clara's experience she took her time with Mr. Black, but soon enough her moaning gave the game away.Not enough to distract Cleo from her phone.



    She carried on and came again so hard she squirted, she overshot the towel and hit her phone.


    Now this distracted Cleo.





    Clara looked very pleased with herself & Cleo seemed to enjoy the spectacle as well.


    After a quick freshen up in the shower,they carried on with a 69 session, before Stas & Axel arrived.


  9. I've had to split this into two parts beacuse there is too much for one lump.
    Part 1.
    And the nominations for Afternoon Action are, Naughty Cleo and Sexy Neighbour Clara.
    And the winner is.......Clara !
    The girls got together for one of their afternoons, which saw Cleo try on some outfits.


    They sat around and talked & listened to music, all very civilised.
    Then the fun started with some passionate kissing before they went to using their magic wands.


    Cleo got cam 4,


    Clara cam 6.



    Cleo with Mr White hitting the spot came first.


  10. And it didn't end there.
    The next night C & A are joined again by Oscar and Cleo's friend who I have previously referred to as the cute brunette.I don't know what it is about this girl but I like her, she's fun, but don't get into a card game with her.
    The drinks flow & the drinking/dare games started as per usual.
    But we were treated to the cute brunette,(who is quite reserved compared to some) getting her boobs sucked by Oscar & Axel whilst Cleo kisses her.
    I don't know about anyone else,but I have never seen Axel do anything with any of Cleo's other girl-friends?

    Cleo's turn to get some attention, her brunette friend, found this all a bit awkward.

    Brunette's turn again, and this is when it got strange for me.
    As I said above this is the furthest I have seen Axel get with any girl other than Cleo.

    Meanwhile Oscar is pushing his luck again.

    Axel is enjoying himself,so is Brunette. Cleo say's something along the lines of,'easy tiger...'

    They carry on as Brunette starts to slide her hand down Axel's body.

    When this finished Cleo went to the bathroom & had a quick freshen up shower, she changed her pants to something not as flimsy.
    The group reassembled, there looked to be a discussion of if the games should continue? It seems as though Cleo was dumped with making the decision.
    What was clear to me was that she did not want it to carry on.
    Brunette & Axel were supportive,'yes mate whatever...fine.'

    Oscar looked disappointed & left the room. I think Brunette made her feelings known about Oscar.

    I have two theories,1,that Oscar went too far & turned Cleo off.2, more likely that she didn't like Axel getting into it with her friend, and she was freaked by where all this could go if it carried on.
    Cleo & Axel bed down,and start a quickie session in the LR.
    Meanwhile in the Kitchen Brunette has curled up on the seat. Oscar is paying her a lot of unwanted attention.
    At first she was polite as he repeatedly tries to kiss & grope her.Again he was pushing his luck, this time too far.
    It seems that he had a real problem with the concept of No!
    Eventually she got pissed off with his overtures and had to get quite hostile towards him.

    image.thumb.jpeg.accfab9091ee35596a5946370637eb0b.jpegno VHtv logo on screen
    She had to get up & go into the Living room to get away from him.

    image.thumb.jpeg.88ae26467d1a0ce2334f06b8fd7e7421.jpegno VHtv logo on screen

    Thankfully there seems to be no harm done, the brunette spent the day in the apartment relaxing & singing. This evening Cleo has coloured Brunette's hair,she's gone lighter.



  11. So last night Sara of '& Jeka' fame turned up for a mini party.
    Not much to report until the guys went out for a while. Then Sara pounced,Grace didn't resist.





    Grace's hands were trembling with the excitement.Sara & Grace were really getting into this.





    They almost got caught in the act as the guy's returned.
    No problem, they took it to the bathroom.





    Everything was going along nicely until they realised that they had been in the bathroom too long & the guy's must be wondering where they were.
    Staged to raise the profile of the apartment? I don't care ! I hope that Sara visits Grace again when they are on their own, there's unfinished business here.


  12. Cleo won the weekend as far as I am concerned.The sessions with Axel prior to the session with Clara were great.
    The following evening Axel & Cleo were visited by their friend Oscar, who we have seen before in their old apartment.
    A drunken party with lots of teasing from Cleo, including a bit of twerking,sort of lap dances and everyone ended up just wearing their pants, plus Cleo wore black stockings.
    Now we could get into the whole staged, fake,scripted, viewer lure debate about this. Was this a pre-planned threesome that went wrong due to too much booze or Axel's reluctance?
    Was this testing the water for a future event? They have had opportunity to go there in the past with Clara & Stas or Agnes & her current guy, but it never has.
    But then again, why should it? I feel that these couples are been put under pressure by VHtv or the folks at our big brother site, to be involved in threesomes,swapping,orgies etc.
    Being an everyday couple who have sex on cam isn't enough anymore. :-\
    Anyway, back to the other night.
    It seemed that every time that Axel went to the kitchen to have a smoke,Oscar & Cleo pushed their luck and went a little bit further over a line that they shouldn't cross.
    A line that maybe Axel hasn't given permission to cross.


    Oscar was helping himself to a grope here & there & Cleo wasn't resisting.
    You could tell that Cleo's dancing etc was working by the bulge in Oscar's pants.
    At one point Cleo pulled Oscar's pants down,the look on Axel's face said it all,she knew she had crossed a line and quickly pulled his pants back up.

    Again Axel leaves the room & Oscar goes for it again,Axel returned and Oscar pretends that he was teaching Cleo to twerk.....


    The almost point of no return or the deal breaker came later with Axel again out of the room.
    I was transfixed watching it and also dreading Axel walking in & catching them. I had visions of violence happening.





    Cleo was man-handling Oscar, but barely looking at him,Oscar tried to get more by moving his cock towards Cleo's mouth.

    She stopped him in his tracks,then kept him at arm's length,or should that be leg's length?

    By now the booze was taking it's toll,and Oscar knew he wasn't getting anything more.
    As they settled into bed,under the covers Cleo had another grope of Oscar & vice-versa.
    After Axel joined them, Cleo got up & went to the bathroom where she collapsed & stayed for a few hours.
    The booze taking it's toll,probably? The regret of the evenings events or the missed opportunity? Who knows?
    All seems ok between Cleo & Axel at the moment. Just hope he doesn't read this or the other site.
    Cleo made up for it the next day. I wonder if she was thinking about something else?



    Naughty Cleo........!

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