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Posts posted by Plank

  1. So I dropped in on Kayla's place the other night. Y'know, see how she was,see if she is settling in ok, take round some flowers & a bottle of wine, as ya do.
    (I am losing the plot again....time for my meds?)
    Anyway! There she was having a steamy session in the LR with some guy who was not Taylor?
    Well that shifted up a gear quickly enough didn't it?

  2. So when is a 'Lesbian' apartment not a Lesbian apartment?
    When Kira gets it on with Alan.
    So when is an 'All girl' apartment not an All girl apartment?
    When Foxy has male gay/bi friends over that she blows & that get to screw her first with a dildo anally.
    Then the following night with a dick,vaginally.
    Somehow I get the feeling that VHtv have been played here, or George the manager hasn't liked the viewing figures.


  3. Nina wonders if her friend might want to stay around & party later with Alan.



    She does! And later Nina, Alan & Friend are joined by Edda & Joe.

    Things start to go the usual way, as directed by Mistress Nina.



    Then it shifted up a gear.



    Time for a change of ends,and we get to see something we've waited for for a while. Edda certainly couldn't wait! Yes Joe this is happening.






    Edda goes deep to the delight of Nina. For some reason Joe seems to be losing his mojo.



    Edda went back to Joe as Alan screwed the girl-friend. Joe leaves the room as the girl-friend calls a cease fire,she can't handle anymore.

    Looks to me as though Nina has asked Edda if Joe is ok or enjoying himself?


    Edda has been wanting Alan for ages. Is now the time? Edda helps herself to a handful of Alan's dick before Joe returns.

    Joe returns to the room. Nina makes a suggestion, 'so we could always.......?' Everyone in this room is up for it,except for Joe.


    The nervous response from Joe of ''yeah???' Everyone knows that this has just ended.


    Alan,Joe & Girl-friend vanish leaving Nina & Edda to share the bed. A long conversation between them, I could guess what about.

    But this is the closest I have ever seen Edda get to Alan,and they have both wanted each other for a while.


    PS, there was a 2nd round where Joe got to have a go at the girl-friend but he could keep it up, to the annoyance of Edda.


    But typical of Edda she made a joke of the situation & put everyone at ease.

    Edda made amends to the girl-friend by going at her with a strap-on.




  4. The welcome party for Lexy & Pete started as expected. In attendance Dan & Stew because they were there anyway.
    Sid & Stig were there, no Em. Nyusha & Ronny & Anastasia,Drew & Bree.


    Anastasia in her Deathly Hallows shirt catches up with Lexy.


    Dan has a call with Alex. Was this significant later??


    Lots of chatting & drinking among the old friends, Sid & Stig on the outside of the group.


    Later Tara arrived looking very sexy in stockings. She was introduced to the group by Bree.

    Sid was very interested in Tara, both he & Stig had a brief excited chat about her in the bedroom like a couple of lower high school boys who have just met a sexy art teacher. Pathetic!

    Sid paid more attention to Tara in a short period of time than I have seen him pay Em in weeks!
    It looked like an early evening for Ronny who passed out in the guest room, meanwhile Tara & Drew ended up flaking out on Em's bed.
    That is when events at this apartment turned strange.
    The group of Bree,Drew,Pete,Lexy,Dan & Anastasia left the apartment, I thought they must have gone to a club or something.
    This left Sid & Stig, Nyusha,Ronny & Stew at Em & Sid's place.
    We saw more tears from Sid,? if Em had phoned him & saw his flirting with Tara? or he realised that he had completely struck out with Tara.
    Or that he was grieving for his game which must be missing him by now?
    Then the apartment feed went offline.The usual bullshit excuse from VHtv about, 'internet problems' again, which is their go to excuse when they have a problem, and it fools no-one and is getting pretty lame by now.


    A short time later this was posted?

    Meanwhile the Bree group have arrived at Bree's place? Tara has obviously fallen over on her way home & busy's herself cleansing the graze on her knee.
    The drinking continues and a lot of the conversation in the kitchen is in English.Drew & Tara have crashed out in the BR, Anastasia crashes out on the LR sofa.
    Meanwhile back in the BR Drew & Tara are having a sneaky session.

    Drew rejoins the group in the LR in time for Bree's group start a game of Dares,Lexy explains that there is no point in asking for lots of 'strips' as she & Bree aren't wearing much to begin with.
    Lexy & Bree kiss.


    Nothing sexier than when Bree does a strip.

    The party finished, Drew & Bree went to their bed & had a session. It seems that Drew was the winner of the evening getting Tara then Bree.

    Everyone seems in good spirits as they wake up with another pizza, Anastasia is back at her place.
    When Bree finds out later, as she will, about the sneaky quicky with Drew & Tara it might cause problems.
    The last time that Drew went outside the rules of the swinging game, she dropped the shutters & they stopped swinging for a long time!

    The Em,Sid,Lexy & Pete apartment is back online, but it is stuck at the point where it all went down this morning??


  5. I wondered why Em was upset earlier, & now I know.

    When Em was upset she was comforted by Stig of the Dump, as Sid, caring and attentive as ever, slept.

    It looked like Em had to explain to Stig that he would have to find somewhere else to stay now.

    After Sid woke up, he made no comment,just stared blankly into the distance as Em sobbed.

    Lexy & Pete took over the place almost immediately, bringing Stew & Dan with them.
    Sexy Lexy took no time in clearing up & making it her place.

    Alex & Anna have taken a managerial decision here in moving Lexy & Pete into this failing apartment.
    And Em knows that the writing is on the wall.
    I don't know where Em,Sid & Stig went to but I think they will only return to collect their belongings.
    It could be an interesting weekend at this place.


  6. Edda & Joe visited the Nina household again for a games night.
    They played cards in the LR before Alan vanished.
    Then into the bedroom for what looked like a Russian (?) version of Monopoly.
    Named 'Game of decadent Western capitalists' or 'How to be an Oligarch'?


    I had hoped that Nina,Serena,Edda & Joe would play games like they used to,but no.

    But Edda & Joe waited for everyone to settle down & played their own game in the bedroom.




  7. To be filed in the WTF!? section.
    This girl-friend has visited David & Carrie a few times,they have tried to get her involved in some fun.
    On one previous visit it got close, but it took a few hours.
    But the girl was shy and wanted to hide under the blankets & Carrie wasn't happy about that at all.
    Eventually Carrie got pissed off at the delay of game,got angry and all seemed lost.
    Later there was some brief undercover dildo play.But anyway....

    Tonight she was a spectator to D & C's session,she seemed moderately interested,and she had a great view.





    At times D & C offered some commentary,some pace notes, if you like.  Although at times she seemed bored, checking her phone for the time.
    She did however seem very interested in the cum that David had thrown onto Carries back???

    When David returned from taking the girl home,Carrie was angry and started having a go at David.
    I can only surmise that she wasn't happy at performing for the girl, when all the girl did was sit there, observe & wait for it to end so David could take her home?


  8. 'The time has come', the Walrus said, 'To talk of many things....' Lewis Carrol.

    This 'relationship' of Em & Sid has to come to an end.
    The situation is beyond a joke now & I believe that Sid needs psychological help.
    Every couple have their up's & down's, and times when you fall out, you might not want to speak or interact with your partner. But normal couples resolve their issues and move on.
    It's called being an adult.
    Sid, a young man in his early twenties, should not behave like a petulant teenager.
    By this age he should have learnt coping strategies that do not consist of him merely ignoring his issues by disengaging with Em & others via his phone or computer games.
    Or for that matter,locking himself in the toilet.

    He does not interact with Em beyond a random grunt when Em pushes him to answer. The same as a stroppy teenager would when with his mother asks him to tidy his room, or whatever.
    He does not share a bed with Em or show any love,passion or care towards her. Rarely do they have sex, this is not normal for any adult, let alone a twenty something.
    There have been reports that he has threatened suicide. This is classic attention seeking behaviour. He uses this threat so that Em feels trapped.
    She feels weighed down by this 'guilt trip',if he should do anything to harm himself, it will be Em's fault,and she will have to cope with the consequences.
    I like Em, always have,I think she is a sweetheart and it would be a shame to lose her.
    But the time has come to end this farce,for Em's sake, and so that Sid can get some therapy.


  9. Before I begin, let me start with an apology.Sorry but I will not be posting any pics this time as there is just far too much action to choose from.
    And I could fill two or three pages just on Dean & Candy on their own. Admin would be shouting at me for unfair usage abuse.
    I've said this before and I say it again now.Join VHtv today,it's worth it.
    For example; Saturday into Sunday.
    An 8 person orgy at Dean & Candy's, no dramas just sex everywhere,including a blonde girl that I have fallen in lust with, and I'm not talking about Heather although she is very cute!
    Dayyyyummm she is hot, the whole thing was, and Candy is back to her best!
    Bree entertained a new guy in the bedroom X 3, while Drew & Tara watched them on TV in the LR before getting at it themselves.
    Bree & guy ended up on the kitchen table while Drew & Tara carried on the sofa.
    Edda & Joe visited Nina's place and had a session in the BR for old times sake, damn I miss Edda.
    Cleo visited Clara for some girl on girl plus magic wand fun.
    Ary entertained her dark haired girlfriend.
    Maria & Tony at it most of the time.
    Foxy & Kira entertain many different girls.
    Vika & Kate's new place is up. They entertained each other while Izzy entertained a guy.
    Kaylor & Taylor have settled in & are not camera shy.
    Stella & Stephan's place is up, they have changed some of the awful cam views already. The cam shows have started again & Stella is still fking stunning!
    Darcie being very loud during her sessions with Stiffy.
    Em & Sid's relationship could be coming to an end. I hope so for Em's sake before she dies of boredom!
    Meanwhile the torrid high's & low's of Mary & George continue,although no-one is quite sure why he is still there and not under arrest somewhere.
    I have probably missed a shed load of stuff,I could go on but I won't. It's the best soap opera going.
    Get yourself a subscription & you could watch all that action, and more, from different cam angles in the Archive Moments video's section.
    Someone is going to accuse me of being a 'VHtv agent'. :rolleyes: I'm not, just a fan.



  10. One of the new outfits got worn for tonight's little soiree,the visit of little Heather with her braided hair.
    Lots of drinking and laughter before Candy started making up the sofa bed in the LR.
    That is when Heather & Dean pounced.

    But Heather wasn't finished there.She set to work on Candy and Dean just had sit back & watch,poor sod!

    It wasn't long before Candy had her hand on his dick & was thoroughly enjoying the attention from Heather.



    Dean couldn't resist having a grope of Heather.The noises Heather was making were great.




    Now Dean's turn to get some attention from Candy.

    Heather got to touch Dean's cock but didn't do anything else.




    Dean went of to get smokes or booze, while Heather massaged Candy who contentedly fell asleep.


    Dean & Heather carried on drinking & talking as Candy slept.

    It was nice to see all of them having fun with no drama for a change.
    Although there is no counting on Dean not to screw it all up, or for Candy to kick-off at any point or for any reason.


  11. Following a steamy half hour of mutual masturbation in the shower this afternoon.
    I can confirm that tonight there was penetration of Kira by Alan.
    It only lasted a minute,literally, before Kira stopped it all seemingly spooked by the cameras.
    It's ok Kira, your secret is safe with us. ;)



  12. 8 hours ago, Sarah said:

    @Plank you do a great job and must be hard when just you most of the time.

    Thank you ! I really do appreciate that.
    I admit there have been many times when I feel that I am talking to the wall, or myself which is nothing new for me. :blink:
    You said, 'and must be hard', I find pouring crushed ice down the front of my pants helps, or thinking about my tax bill usually stops all that! :lol:

  13. From VHtv's Twitter;


    This place is effectively a studio and it is a much bigger place than the last one!
    The 'living room' could double as a bowling alley,or a roller skating rink ffs.
    They will need to provide anyone entering the apartment mansion with a map in case they get lost.
    20 cams covering kitchen,living room,lounge,hall,fun zone,Alan & Evi's room,Stella & Stephan's room,Guest room & bathroom.
    House warming party planned for later this evening.


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