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Posts posted by Plank

  1. 12 hours ago, Capeguy said:

    I think another issue is this: if the girls have their real bf in, like Jasmin is doing now, then you get complaints that the other girls have to stay dressed and will not walk around all naked. I personally think if you want 'real' then girls should have their bfs visit from time to time and get it on. That is the real world in a multi-roommate apartment; everyone has to give a little for it all to work. If the results were like Jasmin is doing now then I see no issue with it; but that will not be popular with the group who wants just the girls and never any bfs. 

    And not to mention the dog's abuse that the boyfriends get from some quarters.

  2. It seems to me like a case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.
    If they masturbate or have a swingers session/orgy or whatever,the complaints start about them 'performing' and it's fake or staged or scripted & therefore not 'real-life'.
    But as I said in another post,'sex sells', and that's what these sites & these tenants are there for,to make money.
    We can recall the feeding frenzy's that have happened in the past,such as Masha & Sasha, Tk & Gf or Nina,Kira & DoeEyes.They all know what will drag in the punters so they can justify their salary or get a bonus.
    If they do live 'normal' everyday lives the complaints ring out that they are boring or dull etc. Plus they won't earn much money for themselves, & they have the worry that if they are not 'paying their way' then the site will get rid of them.


  3. The party card dare games ambled on for a while. I was looking forward to seeing this blonde girl get nasty! (? is  her partner related to Isaac?) . They have visited the apartment before,but she is very aware of the cams, and I feel that she doesn't like them? Also she seems classier than some on the site. 


    So before the action intensified they left the building. Damn shame. 5m,3f. What followed was the usual shag-fest where the women get treated like whores. Not my sort of thing really.

  4. Maya got sick of his lazy ass and brought another guy home one night when he wasn't there. It took him a long time to realise that their relationship was done & he wasn't getting custody of the apartment. He eventually moved out a couple of weeks ago.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    You obviously missed the early morning session which all kicked off with Em & Sia getting together kissing and fingering each other eagerly and then the lads joining in taking turns to fuck each girl and changing partners must admit i was very surprised so don't know if Em now knows there are better things elsewhere or what lol but it was good. Maybe even Sids decided to wake up at last lol.

    So was there another session before the one in the LR that kicked off just before 0700 their time Or are we talking about the same one?

    As I said in a previous post somewhere, we know that Em can be a wild one. But Sid is the real problem for me.

  6. Talk about the day after the Lord Mayor's show?
    It wasn't so much 'back to reality with a bump', it was more of a crash landing!
    Em, Sid & other guy, now known as Bob, had a awful night last night.
    Major rows happened between Em & Sid, Bob & Sid which saw a lot of screaming & shouting,slamming of doors,Sid & Bob squared up to each other a couple of times!
    They seemed to take it in turns to dramatically leave the apartment only to return.
    Sid did not help an already upset Em by shoving her, punching walls & knee-ing the hall cabinets, or locking himself in the toilet to absolve himself of having to deal with this situation like an adult.
    By this point Em was hysterical, & I don't mean funny. I mean Hysterical! She curled up in a ball in the dark outside the bathroom door, or anywhere else that there was a cam blind spot & sobbed deeply.
    I have no idea what kicked this all off,too much booze,tired & emotional,sexual jealousy,regret,remorse,or Em has fallen in love with Bob or vice versa? Not a clue & I'm not going to speculate.
    But it was truly horrible to watch Em in so much distress.Sid needs to grow up or f*** off, he didn't have any problems when he was banging Sia.The question is,are Em & Sid really suited to be a participants of VHtv?
    This is what happens when you play grown-ups games,and if you are not prepared for the possible complications, or you don't like the result, then stick to computer games.

  7. Did you mean the menu/list of apartments?  They changed the menu a while ago,

    If you hover your cursor over the Green Icon on the right of the apartment list, it shows "hide/show apartments with no recent activity"
    click on it and the menu expands.
    The Grey icon next to the Green one,hover your cursor over it & it shows "hide/show groups of apartments"
    click on that icon and the menu expands.
    Hope this helps. ^-^


  8. I never thought that the first post on the Em & Sid page would be about a foursome swapping orgy, but it is!
    I shall come onto the events of the early hours of Sunday morning later, but really it should have happened the day before.
    Friday/Sat, Em & Sia went out leaving Sid to play on his computer game in his BR, like every other teenage boy does,meanwhile the other guy is in the LR watching TV and getting bored.
    Em & Sia returned home, drunk & silly, they even brought back a bottle of Sid's favourite beer.
    Sid pretended that he was asleep, and these drunk girls had woke him up?
    The girls were having way too much fun, dancing around the place, jumping on the two guys, play fighting, mock lesbo stuff etc.The other guy didn't know where to look.
    It should have happened then, the girls were well up for it. But thanks to Sid the petulant teenager,nothing happened.
    It took lot's of drinking, games of twister etc before things finally got moving early Sunday morning.
    It was obvious to me that Em really wanted the other guy,and she decided to raise the stakes.


    Sia then gets involved.

    Still the guys are not getting the hint. When they leave the LR Em launches herself at Sia ...in the worst place for the camera's in the entire apartment!
    But I suppose when the mood takes you etc?

    The look on the guys faces when they returned was priceless. Yes boys this has kicked off,now get in the game or f**k off!
    Sid went for Em, Sia got the other guy.Pretty steamy stuff,especially when Sid brought in the mini dildo and the other guy has got most of his hand inside Sia.

    Everything was going well until Sid tried to do anal on Em,no lube etc,she didn't like that idea at all.



    Fair play to Sid,and I'm not a fan, but he screwed the hell out of Em & Sia.I didn't think he had it in him judging by previous performances.

    But what Em did want was the other guy, and she got him.He shot his load on Em's stomach as Sid came on Sia's ass cheek.

    Sia went to the bathroom,Sid went for a smoke. Em & the guy carried on.

    The events were drawing to a close. Sia went to the guest room to sleep. Sid went to his bed.
    Em went and talked to Sid, she then went to the guest room where Sia was sleeping and joined the other guy again for another screwing.
    They were obviously making too much noise,or having too much fun for Sid's liking.
    The petulant teen had returned, when he got up to slam the guest room door shut. It didn't wake Sia & it didn't stop Em and her guy.

    There were tears the next day from Sid,Em consoling him.
    This is what happens when you let a guy who knows what buttons to press and has a bigger dick than you screw your woman.
    He had better learn and quick,or he will lose her.


  9. So What? Nothing has happened on VHtv this weekend, boy oh boy I bet they're pissed off!

    You didn't see anything of note that you thought might be good to write about or share, or have an opinion? Let me give you all a clue:
    For instance here is a little list of stuff that I could've written a post about, that no-one else has.
    In the last few days just from what I have seen briefly, because I have been busy.

    Anastasia & Nyusha have a new place & have a party....... Nothing
    Cleo & Axel have a return match at Clara & Stas................ Nothing
    Dean & Candy invite a couple over, they all go out. On their return Candy locks Dean out on the loggia sub zero temps.
    They sleep in separate beds.It looks like Candy has bruising under her eye. Guess what?........Nothing
    Betty entertains more guys.........Nothing
    Mira & Henry have returned.........Nothing
    Stella has returned...................... Nothing
    Nina has paramedics in & bloods taken, probably for....... Nothing.
    And the crème de la crème.
    Em & Sid & Sia and the other guy have a foursome swapping orgy....... Nothing !

    And that is what you will be getting from me if this shit doesn't improve. Nothing!


  10. From VHtv's Twitter; It is official now.


    What can we say about Alex & Anna.
    We have followed their lives from the old days of V V, when Alex was a bit of a rogue.
    We've seen their relationship blossom and like all relationships it's had it's up's & downs.
    Mainly due to Alex's behaviour and the choice of some of his friends.
    But fair play to the guy he seems to have sorted himself out & as he nears fatherhood he needed to.
    Anna is a force of nature, half of the good stuff that has happened on VHtv is probably down to her.
    The archives are testament to what a rampant horny couple Alex & Anna could be,some of their parties were epic!
    I will always remember when we were first introduced to Drew & Bree. Both of them were a little shy, it's hard to believe I know !
    Anna put them both at ease and we could see this beautiful friendship with Bree develop before our eyes.
    I assume they will carry on managing their stock of apartments, & I have no doubt that we will see them from time to time.
    I sincerely wish them both (& the bump) all the luck in the world.
    And Thanks for everything!

  11. Wow ! No post's. Ok let me change that!

    Clara & Stas turned up for a drink & snacks in the LR before they all moved to the BR for Strip Poker.


    There was some shyness here mainly from Axel ?, which is understandable, and the couples separated to go off & do their thing alone.
    C & A in the BR.


    C & S in the LR.

    They regrouped for more cards which developed into a same room session.

    The ice has been broken now so we will have to wait & see if this goes any further, but they will need to get over any shyness/anxiety ?


  12. This from VHtv's Twitter.


    Don't get me wrong, Darcie is easy on the eyes. But she really does need to stop posing & pouting and playing to the cams or this is going to be a long few days..
    In the short time I have watched her this afternoon she must have changed outfit/combinations at least five times in an hour or so?


  13. Really ? Still having this discussion?
    Let me take you back to a time when there was only one Barca apartment.
    For months we were all kept dangling on a string by Kami & Kristy.
    The 'will they,won't they' saga.
    Lots of flirting,random nearly moments and lots and lots of teasing.
    Oh by the way...they didn't!
    The same thing is going on with Mash,Sash & Dasha.
    There is absolutely no need for them to do anything yet whilst everyone is clicking on & watching the apartment. The viewing figures will reflect that traffic.
    Only when folks stop watching the apartment & there is a noticeable downturn in viewers, and when it has an impact on both RLC & the tenants income.
    Then it might need to happen.


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