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Posts posted by Plank

  1. I like Edda & Joe, they seem like a 'cool' couple.I find Edda very attractive,but I don't know why? Probably that girl-next-door,homely shit....anyway!

    I agree with Robwin above that their sex life has become a bit predictable,and I get the impression sometimes that Edda 'goes through the motions', just to keep Joe happy.

    I think if Edda got half a chance she would be all over Alan, but she will not put her relationship with Joe at risk.

  2. A gathering of the clans at Z & T's last night.
    Guests included Clara & Stas,Rachel & Linda & Leon, along with two other guys & a girl I didn't recognise.

    Now what was it I missed about Linda...? Oh yeah...

    What I thought was funny was Rachel lounging on the bed in stockings whilst the men-folk gathered around the computer watching a game. It was a while before she remembered that she wasn't wearing any pants!

    I did notice Stas in deep conversation with L & L, and later a very flirty conversation between Rachel & Clara where they swapped phone numbers....watch this space.


    " What are you looking at ? I don't work here anymore so f'-off!" And no Linda did not have a shower.


  3. Slight rant,but nothing over the top & positive in it's own way.
    When it comes to some of the group sex sessions we see on Vh it usually ends up with testosterone fueled aggression by the men folk,and the women seem to accept it.
    For instance Ella & Isaac, I like Ella,sexy girl. But as for Isaac, I have nothing but contempt.
    The difference in this threesome at S & S is incredible. Once again S & S welcomed their friend for another night of drinks and the sexy-dares game on the laptop.

    I really like this girlfriend of theirs,she's fun!


    All through this fantastic session you could see that everyone was happy,having fun and they showed genuine affection for each other.




    After the game in the LR they all ended up in the bedroom,their girl friend got a fking and a half from Stephan and loved it!

    As for Stephan...well how lucky can one guy be?



  4. And now on RLCF FM,lets bring the mood down a little.

    Last night saw Misty & number 40 something or other.... show up with a friend. Drinks,dancing, you could see which way Misty wanted this evening to go.
    And it was sort of going that way,the girls danced as the men threw money at them.....all a bit tacky if you ask me.

    The last thing Anastasia needs right now is a friend like Misty.The VH management need to take this apartment down for a week so Anastasia can sort herself out.
    The other bloke has crashed out in the bedroom leaving Misty,40+ and Anastasia in the LR.
    It was probably the mix of booze & the eventful the past few days catching up with her.Anastasia sat in front of the laptop listening to/watching a video. The track must have some memories for her,she broke down in tears.

    Misty went to comfort her,probably thinking this evening is now ruined.
    Anastasia took herself off for a smoke. Floods of tears,sobbing. Truly a heartbreaking sight.
    I imagined her thinking, 'what has my life become?','where am I going?' etc. A little girl lost.
    And in the bleak mid-winter, this was all a bit emotionally raw.


  5. 42 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Nice to see Bree and Drew get the apartment or there own. They can more than hold their own without needing anyone else staying with them. Nice to see Bree getting back to solo action as well.

    Absolutely agree! I remember when Drew & Bree first appeared at Anna & Alex's old place. You could see straight away that Bree & Anna got on so well.
    But I think the only problem they have had in that friendship have been some of A & A's friends.
    I feel that Drew & Bree have more than proved their worth to VH and they should have their own place like Lexy & Pete who have only been with us for a short time.
    Maybe the plan is for Drew & Bree to carry on at that apartment when Anna & Alex leave, as they surely must?


  6. Disappointed, that's what I am feeling today,mainly about the Anastasia & Rock saga from the weekend.
    I was frustrated that I could not log in to VHtv when this evening/incident was ongoing.
    I was disappointed that when I could log in after Rock had gone and the apartment was in Anastasia's name only,it was too late to watch the timeline to see what happened during in the incident.
    What started it,who was to blame,what occurred & what was the fall out.

    I was doubly disappointed to log in last night and see Rockhead at Anastasia's,will that girl ever learn?

    But what I am most disappointed in is the fact that this Fan page has not been updated at all.
    No summary of the events even though quite a few people experienced tech problems that night,yet others had the action LIVE?
    There was more to that night other than the violence.Ana,Rock,Ny,Kevin,Dean & Candy and the other couple.
    Nothing at all, no blow by blow account,no apportioning blame,no screen grabs,nothing.etc
    I am getting worried about the future of RLCF if no-one can be bothered to write up happenings/events on these sites for those that didn't see them.
    So now no-one on RLCF has any information to pass on, or opinions or points of view, really?....wow.....we're doomed.

    (copied from the Anastasia fan page.)

  7. Disappointed, that's what I am feeling today,mainly about the Anastasia & Rock saga from the weekend.
    I was frustrated that I could not log in to VHtv when this evening/incident was ongoing.
    I was disappointed that when I could log in after Rock had gone and the apartment was in Anastasia's name only,it was too late to watch the timeline to see what happened during in the incident.
    What started it,who was to blame,what occurred & what was the fall out.

    I was doubly disappointed to log in last night and see Rockhead at Anastasia's,will that girl ever learn?

    But what I am most disappointed in is the fact that this Fan page has not been updated at all.
    No summary of the events even though quite a few people experienced tech problems that night,yet others had the action LIVE?
    There was more to that night other than the violence.Ana,Rock,Ny,Kevin,Dean & Candy and the other couple.
    Nothing at all, no blow by blow account,no apportioning blame,no screen grabs,nothing.etc
    I am getting worried about the future of RLCF if no-one can be bothered to write up happenings/events on these sites for those that didn't see them.
    So now no-one on RLCF has any information to pass on, or opinions or points of view, really?....wow.....we're doomed.

    (copied to the VHtv General chat section too.)

  8. I read this yesterday on Twitter,

    Anastasia and Rock are waiting for Nyusha and a couple. We are waiting for a hot party!

    So I was looking forward to it bearing in mind of recent events with Candy! The bloke from the couple I recognised from a party at Anna & Alex's old place.

    I tried to log in late last night and VHtv wouldn't load. After consulting some of the folks in the Chatbox it seemed it was an issue for some, meanwhile in other areas of the world VH was working fine.

    I also find out that Rockhead has allegedly punched Anastasia. So I want to get on the site so I can see what the hell happened.

    Eventually it loaded, but Anastasia & Rockhead's apartment has gone from the apartment menu. It's been taken down.

    Oh no it hasn't, other people have still got that apartment LIVE?

    I sent VHtv a support ticket and got a stock response.

    Good day.

    there is some troubles with that realm. We hope to fix all soon. Sorry for inconvenience.

    Derrr yeah I know 'there is some troubles' that's why I want to view the apartment !

    I just tried going a different route and got this

    Error 404 - Page not found

    Please contact Support if you believe you should not be here.
    Or send us a message to: [email protected]

    I'm getting frustrated now with this. In regard to Rockhead,it's not as though we haven't seen this coming, ( for anyone not up to speed read some of the older post's ) I thought he had 'turned over a new leaf' in this new apartment. But the nasty,horrible drunk & controlling Rock is back. I don't know what drove him to punch Anastasia,but there is no excuse! I have no doubt that she was having fun, he got jealous and tried to 'control his woman' and when that hasn't worked he decided to reinforce his position as the alpha-male. Neanderthal twat! That is just speculation on my part, I might have an idea if the A & R apartment wasn't invisible to me at this moment in time. Sending a new support ticket.



  9. Bree has been a horny little minx over the past few days.
    Drew was happily watching his phone & the TV until Bree decided to distract him. It worked.


    Is your man not paying you the attention you deserve?
    Then you need the new Eau de Parfam, The Art of Distraction by Bree.

    Only Limited stocks available, subject to terms & conditions.

    I'm pretty sure that if Bree walked into a room carrying a fake dick & some lube it would get anyone's attention.



    The following day she decided to 'knock one out' on the LR sofa.
    Bree's philosophy of why use one toy when you can use two.

    It became apparent later that this was a pre-match warm up to the evening fixture of a threesome.

    Things got drunken & lewd as usual,but obviously no moving fast enough so Bree put on her black stockings.
    Well I must admit that I felt sorry for the other guy. He couldn't get it up despite a lot of attention from Bree.He started to over think the situation and was getting a little frustrated although Bree did her best to reassure him.
    And she was very patient in paying him attention, but still no joy, not that it bothered Drew that much.
    Bree continued working at the guy,Drew was getting bored, but eventually he got it together.
    I think Bree's moans with him were put on for effect to keep him going,but it seemed like everyone had a nice time,not sure if he will play in the return leg.



  10. I don't know where to start this topic regarding Em & Nyusha's weekend event.
    I suppose it would be easier to split the apartment into two groups.
    The Em crew, Em,Sid & Sia
    And the Ny crew, Nyusha,her bloke Kevin & Misty the relationship wrecker.
    Ok, Em & Sid were visited by their cute friend Sia. Nyusha & Kevin were visited by Misty.
    The night went on,everyone having a great time,except for Sid, who seemed to be reluctant to get involved despite encouragement from Em, Ny & Misty, (? ill) and of course Rapunzel.
    The action moved into the main bedroom where Nyusha started a Dare game,the usual stuff and everyone had fun. I think that Ny's crew really wanted to play with Sia but Em made sure that didn't happen.
    Things soon got steamy between the Ny Crew, so Em and her crew left the room.
    It wasn't long before the dancing started,Misty,Ny & Sia topless,of course it wasn't long before Ny & Misty were naked,at this point Sia removed herself.
    As things became heated on the sofa between Ny's crew, Em's lot moved back to the bedroom.
    Ny's crew went to the bathroom for sexy Jacuzzi time, which was inevitable. The first session had finished, and as they wallowed much to my surprise & theirs, Em walks in strips off & gets in the tub.

    I said in another post that I got the impression that Em didn't get on with Misty, wrong again.
    Ny & bloke were busy with each other whilst Em was groping Misty's tits & Misty kissed Em's tits, meanwhile under the waterline Misty was using her fingers creatively on Em.


    As things started to go toward another session with the other three,Em got out of the tub & left, probably a wise decision
    Misty's attention must have done the trick,a short while later Sia vanished & Em & Sid went at it in the BR.
    When they had finished, they moved onto the LR sofa to sleep whilst Ny's crew carried on their fun in the bedroom.
    After a while they all went to the kitchen for a smoke & drink,Em,Sid & Sia were asleep.
    Over in the doorway Rapunzel,dressed,bags and suitcase waiting to be picked up. She said a brief goodbye to Ny,Misty & Kevin and left to a wave of indifference.

    Looks like she might have finally gone? Who knows? Happy trails Rapunzel!......
    I did notice some quiet conversations between Ny & Kevin,she goes to the bathroom & when she returns Kevin is about to fuck Misty again.
    Before Nyusha left for ? work? There were more words,and I thought she was laying the law down and seeking a reassurance from her guy that he would not go there again with Misty.
    Even Misty's friends don't trust her around their men,& the men can not be trusted around her.


    The lovely Sia in the bathroom.




  11. To carry on from the VH General Chat teaser.
    Alan & Serena turned up at Edda & Joe's,meanwhile Nina is still at her place getting ready. I assumed that she would eventually make her way over to Edda's & join the rest of the gang.
    Nina stayed at home and welcomed a male guest and had a great time with him that involved three different outfits,lots of sex,prostate massage,including Nina using a strap-on on the guy.




    I haven't seen Nina this happy in a long time!
    Meanwhile over at Edda's, Serena has a phone call, (? from the punky haired guy from the other night?), she becomes very upset needing comforting from Edda and then Joe.


    As the night winds down at Edda's place,Alan sleeps on the sofa and Serena goes home.
    Serena meets Nina's new guy. Clearly she has put aside her upset of earlier as she & Nina's new Guy get busy in the bathroom,Nina walks in, realises she is a spare part and leaves.
    Serena & Guy end up having a great session on the LR sofa,they then moved to the bedroom where they were joined by Nina, three's a crowd? Not in this household as we have seen often.



  12. Grisha's name gone from the menu? No announcement?

    If he has seen any of the inappropriate teasing that has been going on this weekend by Maria, I am not surprised he's gone. I'm not getting into this as I don't have the correct 'pc friendly' language & a part of me is slightly nauseous about the whole thing.

  13. Error; This should have been in the VH General Chat section, but who cares?

    So what I have I learnt this weekend?
    For a start this VHtv General Chat section is dying on it's arse or failing to get off the runway. Thanks to those that have got involved.
    Linda's perfume is a vague memory as we have a new couple revealed to us Catherine & John.
    Haven't really watched them yet so I can't really comment.
    I also discovered that Lina is not a full time lesbian.



    Maria & Grisha. Grisha's name gone from the menu? No announcement? If he has seen any of the inappropriate teasing that has been going on this weekend by Maria, I am not surprised he's gone. I'm not getting into this as I don't have the correct 'pc friendly' language & a part of me is slightly nauseous about the whole thing.

    The comings & goings at Betty's are hard to keep up with, which brings me on to my next point.
    Ella & Isaac. We have seen a procession of different guys & couples at this place. Ok,fine lots of action to watch,but still I feel uneasy.
    The other day a couple joined them for a foursome. As the action heated up I thought the dark haired girl guest was in some pain. The hard slaps rained in on her arse cheeks, then a paddle.
    Her cheeks were red-raw & I think the skin was broken.Her partner was trying his best to get into it but I think he was a bit phased by the event.
    Especially when his girl is allowed to be man-handled by Isaac,she can lick & suck whatever is in front of her but Ella is not allowed to go anywhere near him.
    After a photo-shoot yesterday there was an exchange of words between Ella & Isaac in the kitchen. I would love to know what was being said.
    It looked to me that Ella was challenging him on recent events,which in my opinion has seen her used. Isaac became very defensive & stomped out of the room.

    On 1/18/2018 at 3:01 AM, tharkibwj said:

    They have loads of money and they don't need VH really to boost their income.

    I can hazard a guess at how they make there money,but if I was the dark haired girls partner I would be wanting a refund.

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