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Posts posted by Plank

  1. From what I saw of the fight, it was all Katie's fault. She seemed to be cruising for an argument.They ended up in the kitchen where Phil was doing the dishes.
    Katie asked him if he wanted what looked like a thick broth/soup,he didn't,she asked him again,he refused again. She then threw it all over Phil,he tried to stop her from doing it anymore & soup went all over the kitchen,on the floor, over a chair, up the blinds etc.
    He walked away & went to the shower to clean up,she followed him in and repeatedly sprayed foam soap at him,every time he rinsed it off she sprayed more.
    After a while of this pissy behaviour he dragged her into the shower & sprayed her to she how she liked it.
    After that they ended up in the lounge where she rained punches & slaps into him, he did not fight back.
    Later on CC Katie posted an apology for her behaviour.
    I think Phil deserves a hell of a lot of credit for keeping hold of his temper & not responding after a lot of provocation.
    All hell would have broke out if this incident had been the other way around with Phil being the aggressor !

  2. 12 hours ago, ukpolska said:

    They were not pissed as they were high as kites on something - not too sure what drug it was but they spent ten mins in the cupboard altogether opposite the bathroom and came out stoned. Stas danced for 20 mins in the front room before moving to the kitchen hardly able to move on the seat there.

    The funny thing was that 'that girl' was so high that either she pissed herself or spilt some drink on her trousers and had to change them and put them on inside out. Later she was splashing water on Stas in the bathroom to try and straighten him up. Didn't work though and he spent an hour sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands - by that time I was too tired to watch anymore at 4 am in the morning.     

    Probably the same shit that Rachel was off her face on at Zoi & Tim's the other night,obviously a strong batch of disco biscuits! O0

    13 hours ago, Robwin said:

    That girl who Stas allegedly assaulted in the bathroom the other night they had her and her b/f round again last night and later on the girl was all over Stas like a bloody rash (looked a bit pissed anyway) and then followed him into the bathroom later and again flirting with him. but Stas just ignored her and walked out. I wonder if would she have rebuffed him again if he had tried it on again?. Some women just bring it upon themselves i'm afraid to say however unpopular that might sound.

    I am getting the impression that this girl-friend of there's 'Stella', is hard work. There were a few points during the evening where you see that she was getting on C & S nerves.

    I think C & S's relationship is a little bit too fragile at the moment to consider any sort of swinging....yet.

  3. Later that Saturday afternoon a large group of friends came over to the apartment, for some reason,I don't know?
    The fun began when they all left!
    Some bloke & Joe were talking in the kitchen whilst Alan is at the bottom of a pile of Nina,Edda & Serena all playing with each other in various ways,hands everywhere. This was designed to get the attention of the kitchen two. It worked.  *  See pic, Guess where Edda's right hand is.
    Joe & Edda and Alan & Nina went into the bedroom whilst Serena & some bloke got the living room couch.
    The bedroom seemed like fun,a same room session, no swapping but everyone having a good time. Which was great to see!



  4. To recover their strength more like !

    Drew & Bree have picket up the baton from A & A.
    Early hours of Sunday morning saw Dean & Candy visit and a new couple I have not seen before. (I've no doubt someone will enlighten me if they have been seen before.)
    The new couple I will call the Cuddly blonde & meathead. The cuddly blonde seemed fun, her boyfriend is another typical brutish man that we have all seen before. Likes to terrorise his woman, grab her by the throat,hair and generally try to belittle her in front of others, the phrase I am looking for is Twat.The drinking games begin and as usual Candy falls asleep on the LR couch.
    More drinking and the erotic dare card game of spin the bottle begins.
    The dares get ruder & the ice is broken and things start getting interesting.
    As the boys go for another smoke break Cuddly blonde teaches Bree how to twerk. Apart from a bit of playful dares the girls did not get into each other.
    The new couple start to make out on the bean-bag, that gets the attention of Drew. Meanwhile Bree is teasing Dean.
    She danced provocatively in front of him and began a striptease & I emphasise the word tease. It was great!
    Everytime Dean reached out to touch Bree she slapped his hand away. Soon she gave him the green light,meanwhile Drew & the Cuddly blonde are getting acquainted.

    What followed was the standard A & A apartment orgy, everyone involved with everyone else. And meanwhile during this five person alcohol fueled shag-fast Candy remained asleep.I am pretty sure she stirred briefly as Meathead was doing Bree doggy style on the bottom of the sofa-bed ,inches from her feet. As the events started to wind down Candy wakes up and starts to give Dean a hard time,and not in a good way.

    Clearly his involvement in the events was not suppose to happen.There are obviously rules he is supposed to follow & they all went out of the window!
    As Candy ranted at Dean in the kitchen the guest couple & Drew & Bree had another session in the LR.
    She continued ranting later in the presence of Drew & the guests,by this point Bree had gone to bed completely wasted.
    Candy takes Dean into the kitchen again for more ranting, then brings Drew into the rant as well.
    Drew managed to diffuse the situation with some humour, I think on the lines of, 'why are you giving Dean a hard time,we had a great time, you could have been part of it if you hadn't fallen asleep, now you're kicking off & pissing everyone off!'
    Eventually Candy chilled out,was down to her underwear having a drink and playing a game, nothing happened but at least she stopped ranting at Dean.
    It's a shame Candy wasn't involved because we all know that she likes to get involved & then some.


  5. ^ Oh that was only the start of the girls evening!
    What followed in the bedroom was a delight to watch.
    Again the three girls pleasured each other for around an hour,including all the toys and Edda wearing nipple clamps.
    Edda couldn't wait tell Joe & Alan all about it when she got home. And yes Joe you never her make her cum that hard....just saying.
    I would've thought it will be in the archives soon, if not it should be!

  6. What a fun night at Zoi & Tim's with their friend Rachel.
    It seems like they all got wrecked, but they got Rachel wrecked the most. I feel it was all a cunning plan by Zoi & Tim to get Rachel involved in a threesome, & thereby raise their viewing figures.
    And it almost worked if Tim had not have kept pushing his luck too far & too soon. He should have left it to Zoi's softly softly approach, it was working !
    Even though in the end it all fizzled out. We all got to see a lot more of Rachel than we have before.Certainly improvement than wearing that Minion Onesie.

    However she might be regretting it all this morning?


  7. 13 hours ago, tharkibwj said:

    That sounds really bad Plank. Is the footage still online ?

    I don't think we need an archive moment for that.

    Thankfully the timeline footage has fallen off the edge of the world, so I assume it's gone.
    I would not have posted any pics of it, not pleasant to watch, unless you want to watch an educational film about Epilepsy.
    I have read elsewhere that people are doubting that it was a seizure, and that it was merely fainting. Bullshit !
    I have had some experience on this subject, also if my esteemed colleague, texl01 says it was a Grand Mal seizure then that is what it was.

    Mira seems ok today, but is spending far too much time on CC for my liking.


  8. 1 hour ago, tweety said:

    Thanks for the updates, Plank. I wonder if Henry knows yet. Most likely not.

    No mate, thanks to you for pointing it out, I hadn't noticed. I saw her in bed & caught up on the Betty stuff.

    Still no Henry, I assume he's at work & can't get away. Or this is a regular thing and knows there's nothing to worry about. Strange when she has hurt herself like this?

  9. This is one of the main problems for people who suffer with epilepsy. The damage they can do to themselves by collapsing into furniture or walls etc.
    Horrible to see,the wound looks nasty, I just hope it is superficial & will heal so she hasn't got any scarring to her beautiful face.
    I'm going to have a brandy, that was not nice. I would advise those of you with a subscription, don't watch it, all the blood down her face was like something from a horror film. :(

  10. 2 hours ago, Plank said:

     Also she, (and various other tenants of all of these sites), need to get off of CC & and other 'social meedjah', it really is not good for their mental health

    I've had a look back through the timeline. Mira was at the computer in the Loggia.
    Suddenly she appeared to have an epileptic fit. She collapsed onto the floor underneath the computer desk and out of camera view,* but you could hear it. Not nice.
    When she recovered she got up and realised that she had blood on her face & staggered to the bathroom & bedroom.
    She has a nasty looking wound to her face, from her nostril down to her jaw bone.
    I wrote the post above before I saw this incident, never have I been more prophetic,and I am not being facetious.

    *edit to say you could see her fall off the chair & fitting on the floor from cam1 & her confusion when she recovered, but don't, eh?

  11. When Betty left the apartment it seemed amicable between her & Mira. I think Mira is gorgeous, but Henry is having it all his own way at the moment. They need to get a hunky guy that Mira wants to party with, instead of some of the specimens that have been offered up for her, she just doesn't find them attractive. Also she, (and various other tenants of all of these sites), need to get off of CC & and other 'social meedjah', it really is not good for their mental health to be reading some of the shite that gets written.

  12. He's back !
    Clara was in the bathroom doing her hair and the door opens and Stas walks in.
    She didn't know what to do as he ignored her and went to the kitchen to take off his hoodie.
    He came back to the bathroom were they both embraced & kissed.
    They moved to the LR where you could see Clara was eating a large slice of humble pie.
    The tears flowed and Clara was probably thinking,'make-up ruined!'
    I think Stas was looking at her thinking,'and I was going to throw this away?'

    Tim....start the car, get moving & don't stop for a burger on the way !








  13. 14 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    Seen this too. Obviously VH staff don't watch their own fucking site (probably too busy watching all the other voyeur sites -


    4 hours ago, texl01 said:

    The flashing lights are a problem, but best to let VHTV know and they may resolve it.

    I agree the flashing lights are becoming an issue. I have already had a word with Admin to see if they can apply some pressure. They said they will see what they can do, but at the end of the day it will be up to VHtv if they do anything about it,or not. I also mentioned the lights in a Support ticket that I sent to VHtv. They responded within 5 minutes of me putting that ticket in. So I disagree, I think they do give a shit about their customers, unlike RLC.

  14. I was watching Arnie & Karla last night. They had a Curvy blonde friend over, drinks were had, a bit of dancing & messing about, good fun
    But the real party started when Arnie & the friend went to sleep.
    Karla carried on drinking and dancing around the LR in her pants for a couple of hours longer. At times she got a little bit lewd. Fabulous stuff!
    Yes she was drunk and was playing to the cameras, there was even a few cheeky looks into the cams & she blew us lot a kiss.
    Even though Arnie & friend were flat out, she carried on, with no f**k's given.
    Any initial shyness has gone now & I look forward to more nights like this. I really like this girl !







  15. 2 hours ago, Scotsman84 said:

    Only thing he can manage is getting food in his mouth. LOL


    17 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    6:30 in the evening and i see the fat bastard is in bed sleeping to get the energy for his next intake of calories lol.

    I'm sorry I think  my wires have got crossed, I will give my head a wobble.

    The term 'manager' for Tim is wrong and might be too lofty a position for him.
    The real managers of that load of apartments T & Z, A & K, C & S and I assume L & L are Alex & Lina.
    I think Tim is the 'on the ground supervisor' or  'shop steward' if you like?

  16. 6 hours ago, jugghead said:

    I’m just saying that if we or someone not me wants to shorthand it for easier typing like what’s already happening, we should be on one collective page. The members should at lest be able to agree on that. Then, as good manners, you explain to others what the abbreviations are. 

    It easy to get lost in abbreviations and slanguage of the Chatbox and I absolutely agree with you it needs sorting.

    The regulars in the Chatbox always helped out anyone, (newbies etc) if they didn't know what we were talking about such as B1, Doe Eyes,Slug-boy etc.

    Please ignore my pathetic attempts at  a joke earlier, as most people know I am not a fan of the Barca's & their ilk.

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