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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Oh what a tangled web we weave.When first we practice to deceive. - Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)

    To say I am disappointed in Edda is a understatement. :(
    But have a look at the Kitchen cam from 0100 their time or 2000 on the timeline.
    Edda & Joe & Alan are having a smoke by the window underneath the camera,Joe finishes and goes to bed.
    At 0105 watch Edda & Alan vanish from view into the blindspot underneath the camera.
    Now tell me, do you think anything was going on there for five minutes?
    The bad news for them is that Joe was looking at his phone & it seemed to me that he was trying to stretch the image on the screen.
    Joe gets up, Alan hears a noise, Edda & Alan separate & act innocent.Joe comes into the kitchen,Edda gives him a glass of water. A frosty look from Joe toward Edda. Joe goes back to bed.
    Watch Edda's reaction to this as she lightly punches the worktop.Busted!
    The interactions following this between Alan & Edda are interesting. Then between Edda & Joe in the bedroom. Not sure if it was make-up sex or some sort of appeasement?
    When are these people (& I include Clara & Stas in this) going to learn that same room sex sessions,swapping of partners etc etc, is fine,so long as everyone consents to it.
    But sneaking around behind your partners back is a no-no, even in this sexually charged environment.
    I just hope the damage is not done between Edda & Joe or between them and Nina & Alan & Serena, we will wait & see. :unsure:


  2. Breaking News story that I have only just picked up on;
    It seems as though Stas has walked out on Clara.
    This happened at 0800 on the timeline.
    There was a very tearful Clara on the phone,


    a short while later Stas arrived packed his stuff & left.



    The rumours are flying already. Did Stas find out about Clara's thing with Tim?
    Which seems a bit hypocritical on his part,as he was trying to force Stella into his pants the other night in the bathroom.
    I don't know how he didn't know until now, seeing as we know these tenants check CC regularly.
    So what now for the future of this apartment? What of Tim's involvement in all this, & what does Zoi feel about it all?
    It's only got to be a matter of time before all the laundry gets washed in public.
    It would be a shame if we lost Clara.But Tim as a 'manager' is really screwing it up at the moment.


    * Just a note, there is an hour time difference between the Hall & LR cams, these pics were grabbed at near enough the same time, it's their time stamps that are out of sync *

  3. From VHtv's Newsletter. ; Misty herself seem to have found her soul mate in the present guy she's together with. What do you think? Can Misty be tamed?

    From what I've just seen, hell no ! She has just screwed the bejasus out him, I mean that she did all the work. He just lay there and thought of..... wherever ! ;D

  4. So Bree decided to see if she could distract Drew's attention away from the TV.




    Well that worked!Why wouldn't it, she is gorgeous.



    They went to the bedroom,where he had to take a call.
    Undeterred Bree went and got a bottle of wine & some grapes,no glasses which upset the connoisseurs out there.
    I mean damn it all, standards must be maintained!


    The look on Bree's face,"and now you are studying the label on the bottle.....really?"
    He didn't for long. Three rounds of fabulous sex, and a noisy Bree. Fabulous!


  5. 9 hours ago, tharkibwj said:

    Hey Plank..good summary.Here's some addons.The guy from last night was not sergei (the guy who fucked serena some days ago) He looked similar but was a different guy.Serena told them about the plan to have sex on the couch.The guy was ok with it but the girl got scared of cams.She wanted to get out.Serena finally decided to put on the lights and told them that the cams wont catch much.If she had not decided to put on the lights,the 'event' would have never occurred.hence,the blinking lights.The girl drank a lot due to anxiety.

    It was good though,overall.

    Thanks for the info. There was more than booze going on last night ! I like Serena, but as I said, it really is shitty behaviour when the participants start playing these sort of games. If someone is going to be spooked by the camera's then they need to go somewhere else for their party. (see rlc barca etc.....ooh he didn't go there did he?..... Yes I damn well did! )

    But my poor identification of the guy last night was probably due to me not being able to see very well. I rest my case m'laud! ;D


  6. Interesting night at the apartment. Nina & Alan go over to Edda & Joe's,while Serena entertains a couple.
    The guy we have seen before, he was the one who smashed the bejasus out of Serena a few weeks ago.
    Although this time he had brought a girl-friend with him. What followed was a night of threesome sex,you name the position they probably did it!
    There were a lot of toilet breaks, with all three of them going at the same time. :rolleyes:
    They all seemed to have a great time,Serena certainly did, although the action became a little chaotic towards the end. Running out of steam or did those toilet breaks take their toll?

    I have however one complaint. And it is relevant for VHtv, RLC, Camarads and V V.

    Tis the season for twinkly & flashing little lights,available in various colours from your local stockists.
    However, these lights cause serious issues for the camera's. For instance the first part of this evenings entertainment in the LR was only watchable from miles away on Cam 2, a free cam.

    Meanwhile, the better view would have been from Cam 1. You know the ones we pay for, rendered practically unwatchable because of the lights.( & Cam 3)


    Now I have long had a theory that certain members of Vhtv, who will remain nameless, have been using lights to obscure the camera's for a long time. It is downright shitty behaviour on their part.
    If you want to obscure the cameras with lights,curtains,clothes,deliberately move them, or in the worst case, switch them off. Then what the flying f**k are you doing on a Voyeur site????
    VHtv, RLC, Camarads and V V need to warn their participants about this issue as soon as possible before all the festive lights & decorations go up.
    If we can't see,we don't pay !

  7. Layne, his dark haired mate & the red-ish haired girl with glasses
    What is going on with this 'menage a trois' at Layne's place?
    Layne has been there with this girl. His mate has been there as well.
    But there is something else, another dynamic at work.
    The dark haired guy & red-ish girl couldn't wait for Layne to leave the apartment yesterday, before they were having sex in the bedroom.
    Later that evening, all three go to share Layne's bed and go to sleep.
    Once Layne is asleep the other two get up quietly sneak off to the bathroom for more sex,before sneaking back to bed.
    What the hell is going on, why not tell Layne that they are into each other and he needs to step out of the relationship?
    I'm wondering, what sort of hold does Layne have over these two? ???


  8. 10 hours ago, Robwin said:


    Come on Plank you are the font of all knowledge.

    Nope, not a clue? As for being called a 'font of all knowledge', I'm usually called names that include some of those letters,mainly the f and k. :lol:


    1 hour ago, tharkibwj said:

    Lena is soon going to leave the project.I doubt peter will come back.Katie and Phil are going g to move to a much smaller apartment.This apartment will close.

    I think tharkibwj is more up to speed than me.
    Damn shame if we lose Lena,helluva' body! And I will miss the cat. :unsure:

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