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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Not sure what is going on anymore really?

    Marina was making up the sofa bed, I thought, oh here we go! Then Henry gives them some keys. She gets dressed,they both get their coats & shoes on & leave. But they have left their bags?

    Meanwhile Henry has gone to bed. Did they fancy some fresh air, a brisk walk at nearly 6am, have they gone to get more booze or stuff for breakfast? Very odd?

  2. This one entitled, WTF is going on?
    One of the strangest bits of behaviour I've seen,and again I wish I could speak the language.
    The epic card game was going on some,not that unusual, & the smoke breaks,& checking the computer.
    (grrrr this is getting to be an issue for me >:D)
    Then I'm not too sure what happened,M & H are in a hushed conversation in the kitchen whilst the new couple,Marina & Tim have another smoke.


    Mira then starts getting the sofa-bed linen out & fecks off to bed.
    Henry follows her in there,obviously to ask, 'what's going','we have guests','you're being rude'.....whatever?

    A naked Mira goes back into the kitchen much to the shock & delight of the new guy Tim, she kisses them both,maybe some sort of apology? & starts to go back to bed.


    By now Henry is there trying to put a positive spin on it,there is some nervous laughter from Marina, then Mira returns opens his fly takes out his cock,gives it a quick suck,hugs him & goes back to bed.



    I don't know if this was Mira trying to accelerate the evenings events or trying to appease Henry? The new couple are bewildered,well you would be! The look on there faces was priceless.


    Henry joined Mira in the bedroom where they have a talk for 15 minutes. Mira then gets up & dressed & they both rejoin the new couple, and carry on as though nothing happened?
    They spend another two hours talking & Mira goes to bed.
    I get the impression that Henry has Mira's consent to do whatever?

    I will try and stay awake for the rest of this saga,but don't hold me to it !


  3. 2 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Are they thinking of installing bunk beds now and stacking them high now then lol

    Yes mate, good idea. It should be a hoot with Rapunzel hiding & Em wearing her Dinosaur suit, can't wait.
    It's seem like a long time ago since A & R's first night that ended in a threesome with Nyusha.


  4. I am depressed !
    I went into the Chatbox in the early hours of my time (GMT),I had a back & forth briefly then went to bed.
    To my shock & amazement,12 hours later and my convo is still on the page.
    Now when I was a lad, and all of this was fields, you would have to scroll back to find out what had happened in the last 20 minutes.
    If you wanted to know what was going on 12 hours ago,good luck!
    You would have to go through the ball ache of 'load more' and even then the convo's would be loading so fast that you would be tripping over yourself trying to scroll back far enough.
    This has saddened me to see how far this forum has sunk in a short space of time.
    Maybe us members need to do more,chat,post's etc to keep this place alive, because quite frankly, at the moment it seems to be doomed.



  5. From VHtv's Twitter.

    Announcement. Em from the realm Lisa & Em will move to Anastasia & Rock, Nyusha, Rapunzel apartment on Sunday 17.12.


    I hope Em knows Rapunzel & will be company for her, or maybe a replacement for Rapunzel who has been conspicuous by her absence or hiding in the bedroom. I suppose this mean Nyusha will be gone soon?

  6. Nice addition to the site. Seem like fun girls & their friend.
    So we've already had waxing & a cam show,great!
    However I do have a slight problem with their live monitoring of the comments on CC.
    It might be all fun and games now, when CC are gushing over the new girls.But what happens when the nasty comments start?
    I feel there needs to be a line drawn between 'everyday life' & the cam stuff.
    If you keep on poking the wasp's nest........



  7. On 12/8/2017 at 6:29 PM, Robwin said:

    One has to put forward the possibility of Alice being pregnant. 

    Watching them just now Pavel was very lovingly stroking her tummy and then Alice did the same with both seemingly very happy so can only assume that he has managed to do the deed, anyway only time will tell. So you may have read it here first lol.

    I posted this on 13th October;

     First of all let me be honest, I stole this from C C, (thanks to them) from a member called Jeka & Co. I'm assuming that it is the Jeka. (yes it its.)

    He said this.  
    Posted Tuesday at 04:30 PM
    we have great news. Alice and Pavel will be married soon. Other news is that Alice is pregnant.

  8. Yet another session from Drew & Bree and another bloke Drew found on his way home.
    Once again,standard operating procedure for an A & A apartment = 5/6 hours of heavy drinking,flirting,card games etc before the action gets going, usually around 6am their time.
    I adore Bree, she is stunning & has an insatiable sex drive!
    But I have noticed a bit of a 'modus operandi' from Drew & Bree.
    Bree get's drunk and then starts to dance provocatively,but I don't think she is that drunk!
    There are often subtle signals between Drew & Bree,sometimes they will leave the LR together & go into the hall, where they have a brief discussion of how the game-plan is going.  
    Then when it's time for Bree to start her sensual dance/striptease towards her target, the game is on.
    By this point any sane guy will be doing an impression of a flag pole and will not be able to resist.
    Damn it I would sell a kidney to get that opportunity with Bree !

    And back to last night/this morning, you could see that Bree's routine was working & it looked as though everything was under starters orders,but last night's guy was like a rabbit in the headlights.
    It could of been the booze,the camera's,Drew being present or the whole situation, but there was one major problem, he couldn't get it up.
    Drew & Bree carried on anyway & Bree was all over the guy but still a no go? At halftime Bree went to the kitchen to get a drink & I sensed she was pissed off.
    She then touched up her make-up & went back for the second half.Bree tried everything but still the guy failed to launch.
    Again Drew & Bree went at it and late in the game the guy admitted defeat. Bree passed out on the sofa, game over.

















  9. And it was all going so well. The girls, Karla, Curvy Girl & Small Girl were having a beer, dancing around the room and getting playfully lewd with each other.
    Arnie & his mate arrived.
    Arnie's mate & Small girl took themselves into the bathroom for a session with lights off. :angry:
    Meanwhile, Karla is trying to sort something out on the phone, Arnie is making noise,I don't know if he is drunk or just stupid, but Karla starts getting annoyed & shouts at him, Curvy friend looks embarrassed to be in the midst of this.
    Karla is trying to make her point as Arnie collects a couple of empty bottles, Curvy girl makes some sort of humorous comment & goes to sit next to Karla on the sofa. Arnie still carrying the bottles, sits next to Karla.
    Karla tries to get her point of view across, Arnie doesn't like her hand gestures & bats down Karla's hand,he then grabs her face. (Karla moves to get the phone on the right of the pic, under the purple blanket.)


    In anger he then smashes the two bottles together.


    The glass goes everywhere,Curvy girl looks shocked and is concerned that something hit her face.



    Luckily Karla & Curvy girl are unhurt,they could've lost an eye etc !
    Arnie goes to the kitchen to smoke. Klara & the girls clear up the mess.

    A short time later Arnie get's a phone call from the management .You can see that Karla is concerned.

    Meanwhile the riot squad arrives in the shape of Stas.Arnie,Karla & Stas go out of the apartment away from the cams.


    If Vhtv needed an excuse to kick this couple, they've got it, & Karla is very aware of that.

  10. Yesterday with Nina out of the way, Alan & Serena did play. Serena warmed herself up in the LR, then joined Alan in the bedroom where they screwed each other. Alan was wearing a condom which is probably advisable. However shortly before he came he removed it and then gave Serena a few more thrusts before cumming on her. Isn't that a bit risky or stupid or is it just me?Soon after they finished Nina arrived home, A & S went for a smoke. Nina got changed into her pj's and sat in the Loggia checking her phone, strange, checking up on A & S ?? Seemed to me that when Alan & Serena returned they didn't realise, or care where Nina was she was for a while,assuming she was in the BR or Bath? Hmmm? :unsure:

  11. On 12/5/2017 at 7:58 PM, Capeguy said:

    What the F*** is wrong with people who are older being on here? For the most part we do not concentrate on conspiracy theories and dissect B1/B2/B? every time we are on. And we are not stalkers. 

    This is getting to be like a Monty Python sketch;

     My eyes are dim. I cannot see.  I'm just a poor old man.

    I have no time for law-breakers.

    My legs are grey. My ears are gnarled. My eyes are old and bent.

    My eyesight is bad. My eyes are poor. My nose is knackered. :lol:

  12. On 12/2/2017 at 10:04 PM, Lisa said:

    All you men seem to do is moan. You moan when they don't do anything then you moan when they do something. Make up your minds.

    God help your wives/partners.

    I am outraged & offended by that comment. It is another example of the steretypical sexist behaviour that Men have to tolerate on a daily basis, and has become normalised in today's society.

    I am so upset I am going to have to go have a lay down in a darkened room and listen to whale-song until I feel calm. I feel that I am due some form of compensation & will get my lawyer/social worker/appropriate adult to look into this.

    Failing that I would like some hot chocolate with those tiny marshmallows on the top. And I will need a cute Pupper or Kiity cat for hugs & scritches. :P

  13. 11 hours ago, Shadow V said:

    I don't care what they do outside of the apartment none of my business, thought you were not allowed to discuss or ask for their personal accounts in the Chatbox. 

    The old rule was, that if they are a participant in RLC then you were not allowed to post their personal details or social media accounts on the forum or in the chatbox. You could share it via PM if you wanted to.

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