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Posts posted by Plank

  1. It's all getting a bit odd for me at the mo'.

    The party line yesterday was this on Twitter?

    21h21 hours ago

    Dear Friends! Anastasia and Rock temporarily left us. Very soon they will appear in the new apartment! Do not be bored!

    I have no idea what is going there,because Rapunzel is still there & using her old bedroom?
    Nyusha has moved into A & R's bedroom, and Em & Sid are still on the sofa-bed in the LR.
    What was very noticeable last night, was the relationship between the four remaining tenants.
    Very sociable even Rapunzel joined in and looked at ease !

    I liked Anastasia, she struck me a warm,friendly woman. I would welcome her back.

    The same can not be said for Rockhead,although to give him some credit he had improved. But his behaviour caused me serious concerns & I really wish Anastasia would be brave enough to dump him.

    A few nights ago Em,Sid,& Nyusha went over to Anna & Alex's place for a drink.
    I saw that Em is not a fan of Misty who was also there?

  2. On 12/2/2017 at 3:48 PM, Plank said:

    What a fun night at Zoi & Tim's with their friend Rachel.
    It seems like they all got wrecked, but they got Rachel wrecked the most. I feel it was all a cunning plan by Zoi & Tim to get Rachel involved in a threesome, & thereby raise their viewing figures.
    And it almost worked if Tim had not have kept pushing his luck too far & too soon. He should have left it to Zoi's softly softly approach, it was working !
    Even though in the end it all fizzled out. We all got to see a lot more of Rachel than we have before.Certainly improvement than wearing that Minion Onesie.

    However she might be regretting it all this morning?


    A couple of nights ago we had the latest episode of the scenario above.

    This time there was more intimacy,nip kissing & pussy play, and a naked Rachel. However Rachel always stopped herself from going anywhere near Tim's dick even though she was 'off her face' , Tim & Zoi managed to cop a feel whenever they could.

    Next episode....hmmmm I wonder?

    A few pics of a very long night although the cams, especially no' 6 are lousy in night vision.





  3. Interesting time at this apartment yesterday.
    Nina goes over to Edda's.
    Alan entertains a new girl called Marina in his bedroom, with some interesting results.
    Serena brings over a dark haired girl and is very much in charge as it starts in the bathroom & moved to the LR sofa.
    Serena set about the girl and it was great ! The dark haired girl experienced all of the pleasures & then some.
    By the end of it she was making so much noise it was obscene, having to bury her face in a pillow to stifle the sound.
    Brilliant stuff !

    After that 'Mistress' Serena then went over to Edda' to join Nina & a guy we have seen before at N & A's, they all shared the sofa bed.
    Nina & Serena returned to their apartment with the other guy. Nina & Alan have a session in the BR.


  4. You know that moment after the holidays when you try to get your shit together & are suffering with post holiday blues.
    Well this cheered me up.The lovely Candy puts on her tights (pantyhose)

    When Candy is good she is very very good, she is sexy,horny & naughty.
    When she is bad, she can be very very mad & sometimes even haughty.

    Drew's drunk mate can't believe his eyes. Well he & Drew were still doing shots at 0800 am !
    I got the impression that something should've happened between Drew & Bree and Dean & Candy last night but everyone was too drunk to funk.
    There was quite a bit of flirting going on between Drew & Candy earlier. This might not be over?







  5. Last nights party for Alex's birthday was a bit of a disaster. Let me try to keep this brief.
    In attendance, Anna & Alex,Drew, Bree had gone to bed.Lexy & Pete & the spare guy,Dean & Candy,and two guys I have not seen before.
    Also the reason that Bree opted out, Misty & Nyusha.
    There is history here that you need to know about. Ages ago there was a session with Drew & Misty and Dean & Bree, that was ok, allowed within the rules of their game.
    However Drew broke the rules by going with Misty & Nyusha behind Bree's back,outside of the game.
    Earlier I saw Bree having words with Drew and crying & I wondered why.Now I know.
    The party went on, when I logged in late last night Misty was attention seeking in the LR by stripping down to her underwear.
    A short time later Drew & Misty go into a sleeping Bree's bedroom to find Bree's new dildo so Drew can show it to Misty.
    In the hall he is showing her the toy and she is being loud, & probably vulgar,she jumps into Drew's arms, her arms around his neck and legs straddling his waist.
    Just as she gets down Bree storms out of the bedroom & slaps Drew. He follows her to the room and heated words are exchanged,he encourages her to move to Anna's bed which is further away from the noise of the LR.
    She stayed there all night.
    I had a wander around the other apartments,when I came back a very drunk Alex is having a row with Anna in the kitchen.
    Anna encouraged him to go to sleep, he did in Bree's bed.
    The night ambled on, one of the new guys fell asleep they shaved his head & painted his face.
    Misty & Nyusha changed their clothes,Misty wearing an inappropriate bikini and Nyusha borrowed some of Anna & Lexy's clothes.
    They both danced and flirted with the spare guy and the other new guy.Lexy & Pete seemed desperate to find somewhere to have sex but there was nowhere.
    Now I have no idea what was said or why but next thing I know Candy & Misty are having a heated row across the LR.
    Candy got no support from Dean as Drew,spare guy & other guy are confronting Candy. Misty had gone off to the bathroom where Anna was calming her down.
    Misty gets dressed & prepares to leave. Her,Anna & Nyusha are having bitch fest in the hall & Candy overhears some of it. She gets her stuff & left without Dean.
    A short time later Misty left. At this point I also left,but I believe there was a session with Nyusha & spare guy that started in the LR & moved to the bathroom.
    Sorry this is so long winded but it is as brief as I can keep it. I really didn't like some of the behaviour I saw from Alex,Drew & especially Misty.
    It seemed to me as though she was trying to stir up shit between Drew & Bree and Dean & Candy.
    So much for 'Girls code'?

  6. 23 hours ago, Max 2017 said:

    VHTV is porn nothing like Reallife. Oh yeah because RLC is so much like reallife. WTF :rolleyes:

    There is nothing I like better than having a get together with my friends. We have a few drinks to loosen up & then the dancing starts.

    I especially like it when we all strip naked and decorate each other with body paints. Such Fun !

    But this is nothing new to most of you, as I think most households enjoy a good body painting session.




  7. On a similar theme to what I wrote about the situation at Anastasia & Rock's, and as I said in that post, this is a concern as Anna & Alex are the managers for both these apartments.
    The new couple Lexy & Pete seem to be fun & maybe they are being penciled in to replace A & A when they inevitably leave.
    But at the moment this apartment is too crowded and is suffering for it, too  many people & not enough bedrooms.Something has to give here,either Anna & Alex have to go now or this place will suffer & it has already started.
    Apart from the first night when Misty & Dean were visiting, Drew & Bree have spent most of the time in their room. It looks like Bree is studying & probably has end of term deadlines,but still?
    I have no doubt that if the new couple & that other guy ( who the hell is he & why is he there?) were not in the apartment when Dean & Misty visited, that night would have been very different.
    Unless the new couple are into the swinging lifestyle like A & A and D & B and their friends, this place is going to become stale very quickly.
    That would be a damn shame because there have been nights at the A & A apartments,old & new that have been epic.

  8. So Em & Sid have arrived at the apartment and are sleeping on the sofa bed in the LR.They have had a session wearing underwear,not bad for their first night.
    However, I can not see this apartment working and the same goes for Anna & Alex's place. (see their section) Which is a concern,as Anna & Alex are the managers for both these apartments.
    There are too many people in this apartment & not enough bedrooms. For me the mix of people is all wrong.I don't see how Em & Sid are supposed to get on with Rock & Anastasia,they are very different characters.
    We all know that Rock can be a volatile sod at times and I wonder if his fragile ego will be able to cope with these new people ruling the roost in his territory?
    He likes to invite his drunk macho mates around to party.I feel that Em & Sid might be terrified of those meatheads.
    We know that Em has a wild side & maybe Sid's presence might cramp her style,but it's her name on the apartment list not his?
    Nyusha was supposed to be leaving,I don't know if this is fact or what,but again she can be a party animal as we have all seen.
    And as for Rapunzel, well like everyone else I wonder what she is doing being involved in VH to start with. She has been at the apartment when there has been a parties going on, so she must have known what she was getting in to?
    She is probably a very lovely girl,but in this environment she is a fish out of water. Maybe she could develop a friendship with Em & Sid and be the missing link,who knows?
    I watched the timeline earlier and for me it seemed awkward as Em & Sid took over the LR couch & TV, while Anastasia,Rock & Rapunzel sat in the kitchen.Nyusha had gone to bed out of the way.
    To paraphrase what I said earlier, there are two many people.


  9. Lexy & Pete have been added to this apartment. I assume it is the couple that have been shagging in the LR & having a sneeky BJ whilst their mate is sleeping in the same room.
    One thing is for sure, Pete needs to get his annoying cough sorted out.
    Are they set to replace A & A because surely they can not remain with a baby? I hope that Drew & Bree aren't going. ???


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