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Posts posted by Plank

  1. 6 hours ago, Sarah said:

    Have Bree and Drew gone for good?

    What a damn shame, and I will miss them! I hope they resurface with their own place.There has not been a formal announcement of that from VHtv yet so......???
    Bree was a favourite of mine, sexy as...! But I also like Drew,seemed like a good bloke to have around.
    I will give Em & Sid some time to settle, I like Em, but they will have to seriously raise their game if they want to get anywhere near Drew & Bree's level..

  2. Also it looks like Drew and the beautiful Bree have left.There is no formal announcement of that from VH I see?
    I'm out of the building for a few days and you let this happen!? :angry:
    And no comments on their fan page at all about D & B going or Em arriving.....*shakes head ruefully, and thinks....'back in the day ......'


  3. I wondered what Em was crying about the other day, I think I found out why last night.I don't think she liked the idea of her home space & bedroom being used as a shag-pad.
    Nyusha & Kevin,


    another couple,


    a bloke & Anastasia.


    Hmmm looks like the Rock Rehab is going well?
    Notice that all three couples are at it at the same time, what are the chances of that?
    They missed a trick here, there were spare cams in the bathroom,Jacuzzi,loggia & the kitchen that could also have been used,damn it I feel cheated!
    I am joking by the way....;)


  4. On 2/1/2018 at 8:12 PM, Sarah said:

    Battle of the threesomes at Stella & Stephan and Mira & Henry the dork (sorry don't like him) but will watch my favourites :)

    And what a battle it was! Totally different approaches to a threesome.
    M & H and the woman with the Nips was hardcore,experienced people hitting all of the buttons.
    Whereas S & S and friend seemed more playful for me, but the levels of passion involved where equally as high.  I love Stella's facial expressions when she's reaching her peak.
    Her friend was fun although the waving/playing to the cams was annoying.
    And how do M&H follow that threesome...with a foursome, and very nice it was too.
    The very cute girl with the dark hair, Henry was eating her so much I thought he was going to get a knife & fork !
    What next fivesome? They have probably already done that & then some.


  5. 12 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Yeah have seen she is doing the rounds again lately lol god knows where she and Leon are living now but don't think she will get another place on VH whilst she is still with him though, having said that, they gave rock another chance and he blew it so probably staying clear of these two. But that last apartment they had was way too big for a one bedroomed place.

    Have never seen what she sees in Leon apart from the obvious.

    No sign of Z & T today,maybe Linda is apartment-sitting?, which benefits all parties? Whatever it's safe to say that I am a fan of Linda's, you might have noticed?

    I get the impression that Leon is not the sort of guy who likes rules. I'm not sure what happened in the incident, I didn't see it.

    But I did see Linda having a long conversation with Rachel today where she seemed to be explaining what the situation is. She used that 'in quotes' gesture " " to explain one part of it. I wondered if it was something like, " abusive " ,"violent behaviour ", "breached the terms of your...etc" ? Rachel seemed to be quite angry about it all as well. I also noticed the flirty phone conversations she was having, I assume with Leon?

    Look out,I'm going all arty-farty again.O0

    There's a song called, 'The girl all the bad guys want', and in the lyric there is a line that describes how attractive the singer finds the girl . 'The wind blows and the angels sing'. I thought of that line when I saw this.






  6. It is a real shame that Student 'Noshable' Nora doesn't visit anymore. But I think that she passed her practical exams with merit, & graduated thanks to Professor Edda's mentorship.

    I have a theory that goes like this; Joe has gone as far as her dare with Nina & especially Serena. I think that he knows if he goes further with them,that would be open season for Edda to do what she wants,and he doesn't want to share her.

    And I don't blame him.

  7. Part 3 of a series. ( stay with me I'm on a roll)

    Look ! Z & T have a guest arriving at 0243hrs.


    In your dreams Tim ! Look the guest has brought a suitcase & bags.


    Can you guess who it is yet?


    Yaaaayyy! It's Linda !


    I think she's putting a brave face on all this. She looks exhausted.

    Can I just put it out there that when Linda, (the artiste formerly known as Sally),grows tired of sofa-surfing, she can stay at mine if she wants. She will be perfectly safe.......honest. >:D

    p.s. shower updates as and when.



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