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Posts posted by Plank

  1. 37 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Not the first time then? Sounds like some just get bored and come out with this sort of stuff just to get a reaction :rolleyes:

    Not new unfortunately. There was one member that when challenged about his viewpoint/opinion on anything would like to call people 'rlc agents'.
    I had supported that individual during one incident as I had witnessed it as well. A few months later he was accusing me of being an 'rlc agent' and all sorts of despicable shit.
    I'm not going to name names, as far as I am concerned that incident is old news and beneath me & not worthy of my time.
    He was banned, but I see that he has resurfaced. Watch your backs.

  2. Hang on, I've missed something here.Are members being accused of being rlc spies again, or 'rlc agents'?
    Or is one of the tenants supposed to be a spy embedded in one of the apartments?
    What would be the point of that when there are camera's everywhere?
    The spy better be careful that they don't fall off a roof, or under a train, or out of a window, or accidentally get poisoned!
    Oooh topical yet frighteningly true !!! :ph34r:

  3. Following yesterdays incident where George got drunk & horrible and smashed Mary's phone etc.

    Today we have this;


    Due to 'internet issues', what you mean that the membership of VHtv are all over the internet forums complaining about this asshole that you gave second chance to,even though we all witnessed the horrible events of ten days ago!?

    He has to be kicked out, END OF ! I feel really sorry for Mary that she is trapped in this abusive relationship. She is shit scared of this guy yet she tries to put a brave face on it. Do yourselves,the viewers and more importantly Mary a favour by getting rid of this guy, and warn him that if he is anywhere near the apartment in future, you will call the Police!


  4. On 2/21/2018 at 5:26 PM, Plank said:

    There is absolutely no need for them to do anything yet whilst everyone is clicking on & watching the apartment. The viewing figures will reflect that traffic.
    Only when folks stop watching the apartment & there is a noticeable downturn in viewers, and when it has an impact on both RLC & the tenants income.
    Then it might need to happen.


    I refer the honourable members to the answer I gave some time ago. :rolleyes:

  5. Another interesting weekend at VHtv, some good and some bad.When I say bad I mean really fucked-up!
    I can't begin to write it all up, it would take far too long, it would cover a page and no-one would read it anyway, if anybody does?
    Let me start with this.
    I  have just been reading VHtv's latest newsletter/blog thing. And I quote;
    'Mary & George had a great week after a little troublesome start.'
    That's putting a hell of a lot of spin on it & then some!
    And he's been ok, until today when he kicked off again getting into Mary's face and smashing her phone up.
    What a lovely chap, ahh well give him another chance eh, what could possibly go wrong?
    Meanwhile over at Drew & Bree's place. And I quote;
    'Matt finally found a nice girlfriend in Mandy.
    She is still a little shy so let's see if he will be able to get her comfortable and loosening her up.'

    And he tried loosening her up with his fists! She has left,good for her !But he is still at Drew & Bree's place?
    The extremely edited bullet points.

    The Good                                                                     The Bad
    Alan & Kira                                                                   Foxy's sexy school

    Mary & Mel                                                                  Drunk George                

    Anastasia/Nyusha                                                     Misty plus Some of their dubious 'friends'

    Dean,Natty,Stew,Dan,Jill                                           Candy, opting out, then giving Dean ball ache for having fun & being very unsociable & rude to her house guests.

    Cleo,Axel,Agnes,Carl & the other    
    girl from the drunk party.

    Serena                                                                         Manager George,abusive get! 'Oooh look at me I can make Serena squirt!'
                                                                                         Nina, vanishing act,you are losing your man to a ?lesbian?
     Kayla & Taylor, new couple.
                                                                                         VHtv management for condoning acts of violence against women without taking a zero tolerance approach.
                                                                                         The Quantity over quality approach will be your downfall! A clear out of apartments is needed,start with George (mary) move Mel in with her. & Matt has to go! Catherine & John,why?




  6. Part 3, or The de-lesbianisation of Kira?


    This is going on in Foxy's room while she & Serena chat in the LR. Nina is giving them commentary. Yes that is Kira sat on Alan's face.


    After the session Serena got a phone call (? from George?) and vanished? Kira & Alan are kissing passionately, Nina is intrigued as to wtf?


    Interesting look from Foxy to Kira......'really?'


    After ages of passionate kissing & dry humping on the LR sofa, Alan & Kira move to the bedroom. Difficult to say if he did or didn't for whatever reason, but they got very close.


    After Nina left,as Foxy slept in the LR, Alan & Kira wake up in Kira's room and carry on. There was a hell of a lot of passion from these two toward each other all evening.

    Kira pointed out that it was a new day and they should really stop. They went to the kitchen where they checked their phones and there was an almost embarrassed, (but not really), 'about last night...feel to it.

  7. They say,'a picture paints a thousand words', and if I tried to write this up I would be here all night!

    Part 1 of 3.


    Kira,Serena & Foxy


    Alan considers how his life got so crap, with Serena,Nina & Foxy.


    Nina & Foxy get to work on Serena. At the end of it Serena could hardly walk.


    Kira shows Nina some attention,she had been busy talking with Alan. Foxy watches.


    Foxy & Serena.





  8. Absolutely agree, however this forum is peppered with posts about the Chatbox, have a look around. It's an issue that never seems to get resolved.
    The rules of the Chat were always flexible and worked on a principle of common courtesy, such as saying Hello when you enter so that folks know that you are there, likewise when you leave.
    Also about the use of language etc. What would be acceptable in a social setting, not would be acceptable with your mates in a bar or sports club or the factory floor.
    The same goes for racism,bigotry,homophobia etc, because someone might find it offensive.
    The Chat always revolved around whatever was an ongoing hot topic,so if you wanted to start chatting about your new car or the weather or whatever, whilst something was ongoing, that was frowned upon,obviously.
    However when things were dead we would chat about anything under the sun,help each other out with stuff,and most importantly have a laugh with our forum mates.
    It was always inclusive,there were no cliques,everyone was welcomed and Newbies were given help & advice.
    The problem I have with the Chat at the moment is that it centers around a few rlc apartments only,that is fine if there is something going on.
    But I do have an issue with folks with an agenda, or in some cases obsession, trying to score points.
    Their pursuit of their theory about something seems to override everyone else,and there is no point in trying to offer a different perspective.
    In their view they have a superior intellect to you, and you are a moron.
    What I am getting at is this, if you have a theory about,for instance, a cuckold relationship that you see at Masha,Sash & Dash,then ok.
    Write it up and post it on their fan page so that a discussion can be had there, where others can read it and maybe learn something, and even comment about it, and get involved.
    Someone once said, "Opinions are like assholes.Everyone has got one." I will defend the right for members to voice their opinion on this forum.
    But for god sake stop taking over the chat about your pet subject,move it to a fan page.
    There are others on this forum that like the communal aspect of the chat, but can't get a word in sideways because three or four people are obsessing about the Barca girls.
    It is up to us members to do something about this issue. Or we could just let it fester like it has done before.


  9. George left,thank f**k, I really don't like that guy! >:(

    Leaving Foxy & Kira to have a party with Nina,Alan & Serena ! And wow was it a party & a half. Ended up with Kira questioning her 'lesbianism' thanks to Alan.

    It's too late/early for me to get into it now. But if I get get chance later I will try & post something. Unless anybody else wants to wade in ?

    Still trying to get my head around what just happened.:blink:

  10. Matt (the artiste formerly known as Curly) has finally got a girl-friend! Yayyy! He seems to be getting plenty at the moment, hopefully this will put an end to his wandering hands with Tara &/or Anastasia.
    And hopefully put an end to his yearning for Bree, mind you I am guilty of that !
    Tara is still at the apartment & sharing the bed with Drew & Bree. Nothing has happened since that great threesome event.

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