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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Seems like it has been a busy day for the folks at VHtv.
    Stella & Stephan's new place is online. Glad that they are out of that barn of a place.
    Whitney has moved in with Patrik & Clair. P & C seem like nice couple who haven't been shy, I just hope Whitney doesn't ruin that.
    New couple Axel & Coco have taken over at Whitney's apartment. Axel, really? That is not going to get confusing is it?::)
    Lexy & Pete's name is on the menu but it is offline. Hopefully they will return sooner rather than later.
    Lisa & Grant have moved into Em's.
    Hector & Maria seem like a nice couple.

  2. You might need to go to Cleo & Axel's page to get the warm up to this evening. Cleo had already had a busy day.

    Hot daaayyyuuum these two are great together, I would love to be the meat in this sandwich!



    Cleo get's to play with the black magic wand & cums.


    And again, watched by Clara.



    Clara's turn.


    She cums watched by Cleo.


    Cleo tried on an outfit.


    oohh yes please!


  3. I tried to post this yesterday, but due to circumstances beyond my control (site update) I couldn't, but better late than never.
    Cindy supervises Ny as they get ready for a photo-shoot.




    This way Cindy please!



    Getting creative.



    Ny & Cindy check the feedback?


    Ny & Ron went out briefly Cindy & Matthew took their opportunity.



    The look on Matthew's face when Ny & Ron returned sooner than he expected.

    The evening continued with the group ending up naked doing Tequila shots off of each others bodies.
    Nice evening for the friends & us.




  4. 22 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    As you stated above and i had mentioned this elsewhere in the forum - we need new moderators to RLCF since StnCld316 is the only one active on a regular basis. Sad to say but someone needs to control the chat and forum. When these previous mods and BTR were around the other voyeur sites didn't exist or just started with a few apartments. Also, RLC had only about 5 to 10 apartments. Well, we now have 4 voyeur sites and about 55 to 60 apartments in total and probably still expanding. In reality, self control generally doesn't work when humans are involved. RLCF has to step up it's game to supervise/moderate it's members to get back to respectability and allow everyone to freely and happily participate in the chat or forum.

     So Plank, i totally agree with you and admit that i am guilty in negative comments in fan pages. Asking others to improve won't work on it's own - RLCF has to realize that moderators are necessary to change the tone here. 

    Personally, my voyeur site of choice is camarads because they offer what i am looking for and i get it.



    So are you saying that we need some Moderators on this forum as our last team seem to have vanished? If so it will have to be kicked upstairs to Admin. I have no idea where our old Moderators are, but I can understand their reluctance to stay involved and spend their time sorting shit out when they never really had any powers to silence or ban anyone who stepped out of line.

    20 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    I am only speaking for myself....even though I was once a fan of Masha Dasha and Sasha until they started this group thing that they are into,  and I myself know that I have been hard on them with my comments and so on.  I respect your comments like any other member here and I can tone things down if it bothers you and others if it means you not leaving the site because of it.   I won't stop watching them, but I well tone things down.  After viewing B1 a few hours ago Masha and her crew made me realize that the grass isn't always green on the other side.8)

    Thank you for having the brass balls to step into this, I've always liked your input to this place, but I agree that you do need to consider turning it down a notch. What I am trying to say is,your stuff doesn't bother me as such, just that you are better than that sort of negative shit.
    I am made of tough stuff,I can get industrial strength like you wouldn't believe.I just choose not to. I am certainly not that precious or part of the pc brigade who are offended by everything. I just try to keep things civil.
    There is no way I would leave this site because of stuff posted by anyone about Mash & Sash & Dash or anything else.I have certainly been subjected to worse treatment on this forum by others,but I'm still here.
    But I have been considering leaving the site because of the way it is going, and because I get very little feedback to anything I post on the VHtv board even though I take time to post stuff & try to keep it ticking over for the benefit of our membership.I don't post this stuff to massage my own ego.I don't have the time.


    17 hours ago, iloner said:

    I stopped viewing RLC and posting on RLCF a while back because I stopped enjoying it, and the main reason was bullying (not of me, or if there was I didn't notice).

    And in those days the Mods were still operating, though it seemed sometimes not always properly objectively.

    We should be able to make negative comments, and sometimes repeating those comments in inventive ways seems a way to be amusing.   Most of us have been guilty of going too far for too long at some time.   I know I have.

    But there is a line at which repeated abuse becomes too much.   The tone sours the site for us all.

    Its hard to see where that line is at the time though.    It needs a courageous post like Plank's above to  draw attention to it.

    Worth saying though, that it is posters with energy and commitment who keep RLCF vibrant.

    RLCF is a great site.   Perhaps because of the benign neglect by Admin, and because StnCld is overstretched so doesn't interfere, it does feel like it is OUR site.            





    I know exactly what you are referring to about the Mods objectivity and I agree.

    And your post above is exactly why we missed you when you left. Spot on comments again that reinforce what I was getting at.

    Surely we can be negative about an apartment without going in hard and resorting to some of the stuff we have seen?


  5. Thanks for the response Dougs,not necessary.
    I'm not looking for apologies,atonement,forgiveness or absolution etc.
    I did not ask for any of that, and after all it's not my place,who am I to ask for any of that, nobody,just a member of this forum like you.
    But I am concerned that this sort of behaviour we have seen on the MashSashDash page & on the Chatbox seems to be acceptable on this forum now and that depresses me.
    It was never this way,we were a friendly forum,there was always a certain amount of common courtesy among all the members.
    I remember having a stand up row with Toolmaker about his request for 'positive comments only'.
    I argued that that wasn't possible as we may have negative viewpoints on certain tenants.
    For instance to some Leora is a goddess, to others she is fake.
    But generally we tried to keep the place positive both on the forums & in the chatbox.
    All of that seems to have gone out of the window now, and we seem to be spiraling down a rabbit hole where members feel reluctant to post or get involved in the Chat.
    That is not right.

    There are certain participants on VHtv that I don't like.Either as people or because of their behaviours.
    So I don't visit their apartments,I don't even have a sideways glance to see what they are up to.
    I don't give them the traffic & thereby it will not show up in their activity log.
    If I can possibly help it, I will not post about them. (not that anyone is reading my stuff anyways, with a few exceptions)
    But I will ask this again, if you don't like a certain apartment or certain tenants, why are watching that apartment?
    It seems like you have some sort of sadomasochistic tendency to deliberately put yourselves through the pain & suffering of viewing these people.
    I respect everyone's opinion & their right to it, but some of this stuff is just downright nasty & vengeful  shit, again why?
    OK there will be those who will say, 'well if you don't like it,you don't have to read it,or you can leave!',and believe me it has crossed my mind quite a few times. Seriously!
    But as I said in a different post on a different topic,I feel some sort of loyalty to this place,I am not about to jump-ship as numerous others have.
    I want this forum to continue and to improve and attract new members who will feel welcomed not intimidated.
    And posts like we have seen recently will not help that one bit.


  6. I wasn't going to go there on this topic for various reasons.
    In the past I was supportive of Masha & Sasha following the TK incidents, & the bile filled & fanciful comments that were aimed at them at that time.
    To be honest I don't really have an opinion of the situation there now, or anything else to do with RLC as I turned my back on it after the DMCA shit storm.
    However, I have seen the videos of Mash,Sash & Dash.8)
    But my main gripe is about the 'treatment' being metered out to that threesome at the moment on their Fan page..
    It seems as though you are trying to out do each other with the level of putrid shite you can throw at them.
    Simply switching to another apartment or ignoring their apartment, is obviously too hard a concept for some.
    Yet going out of your way to search for a repugnant image to highlight what you feel best describes them & their situation, it's not too much of a chore.
    A self-perpetuating,self congratulatory exercise in shit slinging, in some vain attempt to keep in with the in-crowd.
    I personally feel that some of you are bang out of order, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.>:(
    This forum would never have stooped to this base level.
    The old guard of BTR & Toolmaker,Texl & Rob would have slapped you silly for this & you know it.
    If this pisses anyone off, or others I considered 'friends' on this forum have been upset by my words...tough shit!
    This has been long over due & you only have yourselves to blame.
    Go and give your heads a wobble and climb down from whatever platform you think you are on.
    You might think that you are being clever &/or humorous but you're not.You are being grossly unfair.
    Real life cam FAN remember !?


  7. Drew has had a shave & a haircut (.....two bits!)
    Bree & Drew had a nice evening having some drinks & playing cards.
    Drew won the first game so Bree had to change into something sexy.


    The game continued, they chatted & even had some laughs.


    It was great to see Bree smiling again, there have been too many tears recently.
    They ended up sharing the bed,nothing happened,but at least this is a step forward.
    Is this a thawing of the ice between them,or what? I suppose we will have to wait & see.


  8. Bad news Lexy & Pete have left the building,Good news is they will be back.

    As I understand it,Lisa & Grant will move in with Em & Sid.Looks like Lisa will have the whip hand. Em is on very thin ice & Sid has already fallen through it & been rescued by Em.
    Lexy & Pete will return and maybe go to the current Lisa apartment, or share with Anastasia until they get their own place.
    Lexy went to say goodbye to Em & Sid, but where were they as Lexy & Pete were about to go out of the door?





  9. Ok so there was other stuff going on that I could have written about, but I feel it's only right to carry on with the story of Zoi,Tim & Rachel.
    This almost threesome has been going on for a while now, and for me it's the fascination of how far will it go, or will it all fizzle out as it has previously.
    Last night started with some cheeky underwear selfies and moved up some gears pretty quickly.



    Zoi gets to work on Rachel as Tim sits on a chair out of the way.

    Looked like Zoi has learnt a lot from her sessions with Clara, they paid off, as Rachel cum's.

    Rachel's turn to get into Zoi.


    Tim couldn't stand it on the sidelines anymore & got involved.



    He didn't last long,as he went to clean up,Z & R carried on.


    Tim returned & got straight into it again.

    The threesome draws to a close.

    And did everyone settle down for the night....hell no.
    Z & T have another session in the bedroom, while Rachel pleasures herself in the LR.

    PS. Clara visited Zoi later that afternoon.


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